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Original Article | Open Access | Int. J. Manag. Account. 2022; 4(6), 104-116 | doi: 10.34104/ijma.022.0010400116

Purchase Intention of Smartphones from China of Young Consumers in Bangladesh Based on Theory of Planned Behavior

Ajoy Dhar* Mail Img ,
Bablu Kumar Dhar Mail Img


The research intended to find out the purchase intention of smartphones from China of the young customer in Bangladesh. The research is the first attempt to find out the purchase intention of smartphones from China of young consumers in Bangladesh. The study focused on the young generation of Bangladesh basically. Hence, the study will concentrate on more than 200 university and college students in Bangladesh. The focus of the study is on behavioral intention to purchase smartphones and factors influencing purchasing intention. The development of the framework emerged from the discussion in the literature about the concepts of behavioral intention to purchase smartphones. The research follows the Theory of Planned Behavior (TPB). The data and information collected are transferred into the entry template using statistical packages for social science. The study found that perceived usefulness or attitude, subjective norms, perceived behavioral control, trust of quality, and brand goodwill of consumers significantly influence the purchase intention and behavior of purchasing smartphones from China of young consumers in Bangladesh. Moreover, purchase intention has a direct effect and mediating effect on perceived usefulness or attitude, subjective norms, perceived behavioral control, trust, and behavior of purchasing smartphones from China of young consumers in Bangladesh. 


Purchasing any kind of product from any country there has different intentions. Purchasing a product depends on a persons attitude, behavior, and other factors. The theory of planned behavior basically links beliefs to behavior. The theory states that In general, there are three major components, namely, attitude, subjective norm, and perceived behavioral control, which together shape an individuals behavioral intentions. Human social behavior is therefore most proximal to behavioral intention. This study will contribute to the existing literature which already worked on TPB. A number of factors influence young peoples decision to purchase smartphones from a particular retailer today. This study will research on those factors which directly and indi-rectly influence purchase intentions of smartphones from China of young consumers of Bangladesh.

In the field of individual behavior, the Theory of Plan-ned Behavior (TPB) suggested by Ajzen, (1985) is a classic theory widely used. The TPB highlights the psychology of relevant behaviors is commonly utilized as a model for understanding sustainable behavior, including sustainable transportation usage (Cai et al., 2019; Donald et al., 2014), energy savings and PM2.5 reduction (Ru et al., 2019). In accordance with the TPB (Ajzen, 1991), peoples intent to act is primarily influenced by behavioral attitude (BA), subjective norms (SN), and perceived behavioral control (PBC). In spite of its widespread use, the TPB has been criti-cized and questioned for neglecting the moral dimension (Manstead, 2000). Faith in applying a particular beha-vior is mainly determined by ones sense of moral obli-gation. Additionally, a persons belief in moral integrity is related to their perception of moral responsibility when performing a particular behavior. By adding other variables to the theory, many studies have attem-pted to improve its interpretability. Moral obligation (MO) significantly improves moral behavior predi-ction, as Beck and Ajzen, (1991) demonstrated. It has been suggested in several studies that when exam-ining a persons willingness to administer a certain be-havior, we need to consider the persons awareness of consequences (AC) of refusing (Pomazal and Jaccard, 1976). 

In light of the above-mentioned research problems and the background of the study, currently, research is being conducted on the purchase intention of smart-phones form China of the young customer in Bangla-desh. The detailed objectives of the research are

The detailed objectives of the research are –

1) To determine the relationship between perceived usefulness of consumers and purchase inten-tions and behaviors of young Bangladeshi con-sumers purchasing smartphones from China.

2) To find out the impact of perceived behavioral factors on purchase intentions and behaviors of purchasing smartphone from China of young consumer of Bangladesh.

3) To find out how brand goodwill and trust of quality affect purchase intentions and behavior of purchasing smartphone from China of young consumer of Bangladesh 

4) To find out having a relationship with direct effect and mediating effect of Purchase inten-tion among Perceived usefulness or Perceived behavioral control, attitude, subjective norms, Trust and Behavior of purchasing smartphone from China of young consumer of Bangladesh.

Literature Review

Ismail & Razak, (2011) aims to explore and identify behavioral intention of mobile marketing that influence mobile marketing acceptances of Malaysian youths. The behavioral intention of mobilize marketing accep-tances are assumed new in the context Malaysian youths and this research seeks to identify these behavioral intention of mobile marketing acceptances and their impact on ICT marketing decisions in general and in mobile marketing decisions in particular. According to this study, questionnaires were distributed to gather primary data from respondents. In total, 602 full-time university students from selective public universities in three different states in Peninsular Malaysia have con-tributed in this study. Data for all the study variables have been collected through self-administered survey questionnaires. Structural Equation Modelling (SEM-PLS) is the main statistical technique used in this study. Based on study results, with the exception of personalization; attitude, perceived usefulness, trust, and permission increase the intention of young custo-mers to use mobile marketing services. Awareness of brand is measured by a buyers ability to recognize that a brand belongs to a specific product category, accor-ding to Aaker, (2007). The ability to buy or to recog-nize (remember) a brand that is detailed enough to enable one to make a purchase is called brand aware-ness. For a consumer, brand awareness is the first step in learning about a new brand or product. A major product of Samsung Electronics today is its mobile phones, which drive the brands value globally. To meet Indonesians demand for smartphones, more pro-ducts and brands are appearing on the market. There-fore, the company must be able to innovate in the face of increasingly fierce business competition. Online shops, online transportation, and many human acti-vities and jobs now rely on smartphones. With the growing number of smartphone users in Indonesia, the number of active smartphone users reaches more than 100 million in 2019. After China, India, and the United States, Indonesia will have the fourth largest number of active smartphone users in the world.

According to Rather et al. (2019), an integrated model explores how customer behavior intention of loyalty (CBIL) in the hospitality sector is influenced by custo-mer identity, affective commitment, customer satis-faction, and brand trust. In the study, CBI was found to have a direct impact on CBIL, as well as indirect effects through affective commitment, customer satis-faction, and brand trust. It contributes to the literature on customer behavior and social identification in mar-keting, particularly in hospitality. As Si et al. (2020) uncovered the factors driving sustainable usage be-havior; this study selected 705 users who had never engaged in unsustainable usage behavior for empirical analysis in order to ensure appropriate sample repre-sentativeness and legitimacy. To uncover the key dri-vers of sustainable behavior and intention among Chinese dock less bike sharing (DBS) users, TPBs moral obligation and consequences awareness were incorporated into this study. In light of a sharing eco-nomy, the sustainable usage of DBS is consistent with the clarification of the TPB regarding individual beha-vior as a type of sustainable consumption. A smart-phone is clearly a result of the need for these devices, accor-ding to Bringula et al. (2018). In general, smart-phones are bought because of their connectivity, portability, computing capabilities, and location detection capabi-lities. Further, when buying smartphones, we consider the properties of the phone (quality, design aesthetics, ease of use, additional features, etc.), the services (cus-tomer service, coverage of the service network, war-anty), the brand (strong and dependable image), and the price (inexpensive price, alternative payment met-hods). In contrast, online purchase intention also cal-led purchase intention is the likelihood of a customer buying a product online after inspecting it. Peoples abilities can play a significant role in influencing their purchase intentions. Prior purchase experience and gender influenced purchase intention of products and services (e.g., clothing, travel services, automobiles, insurance services, sporting equipment, and entertain-ment tickets). In order to satisfy haptic perception, shopping websites must overcome the most difficult hurdle. Women from South Africa prefer to touch, try, and see the textiles before buying them online, which poses one of the biggest obstacles to buying textiles online. Due to the fact that customers cannot see, touch, or feel the products, they feel uncertain about them. 

According to Qu et al. (2020), the study explored the behaviors and attitudes of drivers using different WeChat functions while driving in different situations. A study analyzed self-reports from 286 Chinese drivers in order to determine the effects of different WeChat features on driving behavior. Testing for mutual influ-ence and prediction effects between the variables was conducted using hierarchical regression analysis. A hierarchical regression analysis utilized actual beha-vior as the dependent variable because the TPB ex-pects certain behavior patterns based on a variety of forecast factors. A significant difference was found between men and women in terms of perceived behavi-oral control (PBC) and group norms when looking at driver distractions. Huang, Dai & Xu, (2020) integrate the TPB and HBM to examine the relationships under-lying travelers health beliefs, attitudes, and self-effi-cacy to preventative behavior, and travel satisfaction at high altitudes. To reduce the psychological burden of tourists to Tibet and increase their satisfaction while traveling, it attempts to provide useful insights into risk management and tourism development in high-altitude destinations. Path analysis and model analysis were conducted using structural equation modelling (SEM). Several theoretical contributions have been made in the study. In particular, we developed an inte-grated health beliefs and attitudes model that incur-porates both TPBs and HBMs. A Doctor of Pharmacy (PharmD) curriculum containing lecture recordings was evaluated by Skoglund, Fernandez et al. (2020) using the theory of planned behavior (TPB) to deter-mine the influence of attitude, subjective norm, and perceived behavioral control on students intention to attend class lectures. Based on the TPB, a survey instrument was developed by PharmD students through focus groups. An exploratory mixed-methods study was conducted sequentially and exploratorily. The first qualitative phase of the study involved gathering beliefs about attendance among a small sample of candidates for PharmD. A survey was administered to respondents regarding their beliefs and intentions regarding lecture attendance during the upcoming fall semester. Ana-lysis of multiple logistic regressions was used to identify predictors of intention. Students intentions to attend class lectures may be improved by interferences aimed at improving their attitudes and subjective norms. Alam, S. S., & Sayuti, N. M. (2011) aim is to use Theory of Planned Behavior for extending prior research examining halal food purchasing behavior in Malaysia. The authors of this paper used multiple regression analysis to identify the factors that influence Malaysian consumers halal food purchasing behavior and found that all factors had positive and significant influences on the intention to purchase halal food. In addition, only three antecedents of halal food con-sumption among Malaysian consumers were consi-dered in this study. It was widely used in the tourism, leisure, and hospitality management literature because it was feasible, testable, methodologically suitable, and valid to evaluate the implementations of the theory of planned behavior (TPB). Ulker-Demirel and Ciftci, (2020) examine the implementations of this social psychological model. A systematic review of the TPB literature with a holistic perspective contributes to the existing literature by providing current research fin-dings. TPB differs from many social psychology theo-ries in terms of feasibility, according to the studys results; the theory mainly deals with consumer behavior, but few studies have addressed managerial or employee issues and previous studies seem to have been dominated by survey-based methods, which have many limitations. Using an integrative model, Lai et al. (2009) examined the relation-ships among service quality, value, image, satisfaction, & loyalty in China. 118 customers of a Chinese mobile communications company were surveyed, and their perceptions of image and perceived value were both influenced by service quality, satisfaction was influenced by image and value, value was influenced by corporate image, and loyalty was largely deter-mined by both factors. 

Because of their affordability and quality, Chinese mobile phones are trusted and rely upon by Bangla-deshis, according to Uddin & Akhters 2012 study. The Bangladeshi smart-phone market is dominated by Chinese products because of their cheaper prices and attractive designs, according to Rahman, (2019). Chi-nese Smart-phones are low-cost, high-tech, and offer high performance at lower prices, thus capturing a larger share of the Bangladeshi Smart-phone market. Furthermore, the National Board of Revenue reports that in 2015, 96.46 percent of all imported handsets came from China. The Symphony mobile phone, imported from China, dominated the Bangladeshi mar-ket by 53% in 2014, according to Cyber Media Res-earch (CMR).

Critique of Existing Literature and Research Gap

Most of existing research concentrated on developed countries, and the policies a framework are derived from these countries, which might only be suitable in developed countries. And existing research based on another sector which is related to purchasing different kind of products. According to Alam, S. S., & Sayuti, N. M, 2011, only three antecedents were considered for halal food purchases in Malaysia. Therefore, the reviewed literatures did not address the scenario of Bangladesh smartphone and electronics Industries. The essence of the literature was to find out the effect influence purchase intention of smartphone based on Theory of planned of behavior. Moreover, the study will find out the consumer purchase intention factors, elements which influence to purchase smartphone, dif-ferent intention of purchasing smartphone from local phone and China. And how TPB factors are influ-encing purchasing smartphone from China. Existing research has not made on this sector.

Research Framework

The focus of the study is on behavioral intention to purchasing smartphone and factor influencing the pur-chasing intention. Framework development emerged from the literature on behavioral intentions to purchase smartphones. Research is based on the Theory of Plan-ned Behavior (TPB). According to TPB, beliefs influ-ence behavior. According to this theory, the three main components that determine behavioral intentions are attitude, subjective norm, and perceived behavioral control. The framework is developed from a number of research variables. The variables selected for this study are perceived usefulness/attitude, subjective norms, perceived behavioral control, and trust. The framework enables the present research to identify the social and mental issues that influence the behavioral intention of young consumers to purchase smartphone.

Research Hypotheses

Reviewing the literature and conceptual research frame-work, this section tries to establish the studys hypo-theses. Planned behavior theory has been modified and extended by this study.

H1: Perceived usefulness or attitude of consumer significantly influence behavior of purchasing smartphone from China of young consumer of Bangladesh.

H2: Subjective norms significantly influence beha-vior of purchasing smartphone from China of young consumer of Bangladesh.

H3: Perceived behavioral control significantly in-fluence behavior of purchasing smartphone from China of young consumer of Bangladesh.

H4: Trust of quality and brand goodwill signifi-cantly influences behavior of purchasing smart-phone from China of young consumer of Bang- ladesh.

H5: Perceived usefulness or attitude of consumer have a significant impact on purchase intention from China of young consumer of Bangladesh.

H6: Subjective norms have a significant impact on purchase intention from China of young con-sumer of Bangladesh.

H7: Perceived behavioral control significantly influ-ences purchase intention from China of young consumer of Bangladesh.

H8: Trust of quality and brand goodwill signifi-cantly influence purchase intention from China of young consumer of Bangladesh.

H9: Purchase intentions significantly influence beha-vior of purchasing smartphone from China of young consumer of Bangladesh.

H10: Purchase intention has a mediated role bet-ween Perceived usefulness or attitude of con-sumer and behavior of purchasing smartphone from China of young consumer of Bangladesh.

H11: Purchase intention has a mediated role bet-ween Subjective norms or attitude of consumer and behavior of purchasing smartphone from China of young consumer of Bangladesh.

H12: Purchase intention has a mediated role bet-ween Perceived behavioral control and behavior of purchasing smartphone from China of young consumer of Bangladesh.

H13: Purchase intention has a mediated role bet-ween Trust of quality and brand goodwill or attitude of consumer and behavior of purcha-sing smartphone from China of young con-sumer of Bangladesh.


METHODOLOGYIn this study, questionnaires distributed to gather pri-mary data from respondents. This section explains the data collection procedures of the research design of the study and the details of the instrument used to conduct the survey of this study. The background of the variables approached to conduct operationalization and measurement of constructs. To conduct operationali-zation and measurement of constructs, survey question-naire was designed after an extensive review of the relevant literature. Scales from previous studies will be used to measure the constructs of the study. After data collection through a prescribed questionnaire, the data analyzed through SPSS based on the research hypo-theses to find out the research objectives. This study used quantitative research methods and descriptive res-earch to identify, analyses, and describe the Purchase intention of smartphones from China of young consu-mers in Bangladesh, based on Planned Theory of Be-havior. The study collected sample from the students of public and private universities of Bangladesh. The students at the public universities like Chittagong Uni-versity, Dhaka University, Rajshahi University. And private universities like Southern university, University of Science and technology, Chittagong (USTC), BRAC University, Premier University. In this study, question-naires distributed to gather primary data from respon-dents. It explains the data collection procedures of the studys research design and the details of the survey instrument that was used. The background of the variables approached to conduct operationalization and measurement of constructs. To conduct operationali-zation and measurement of constructs, survey ques-tionnaire was designed after an extensive review of the relevant literature. To measure the studys constructs, previous studies scales were used. A prescribed ques-tionnaire was used to collect data, which was then ana-lyzed with SPSS to determine the research objectives.


Data Analysis

Descriptive statistics are discussed first to provide a profile of the respondents; followed by data screening, which describes the missing data, outliers, normality, and multicollinearity. The data and information col-lected are transferred into the entry template using statistical packages for the social science (SPSS 24.0). The SPSS used exploratory factor analysis (EFA) to test all the pairwise relationships between individual variables (items on a scale) and seeks to extract latent factors from the measured variable (Osborne and Cos-tello, 2009) and for examining and assessing the theo-retical framework and research hypotheses.

Response Rate

Out of 330 questionnaires distributed, 311 were retur-ned; 15 observations were found missing values and have outlier with errors coding, therefore were omitted from the analysis. Therefore, 296 of the responses could be used for further analysis, yielding an 89 per-cent response rate. The profile of respondents is pro-vided in this section. The majority (84.5 percent) of the respondents were male, compared to just 15.5 percent for female respondents. In terms of age, the “25 to 27 years old” age cohort represented the largest respon-ding age group with 47.6 percent of total respondents, followed by the “20 to 24 years old” age group with 31.4 percent according to the total number of respon-dents. 21.1 percent of total respondents belonged to the 15 to 19 years old age group. In terms of type of institutions, most respondents (83.2 percent) are from university and 16.8 percent of respondents are from colleges. 

Structural Equation Modeling

SEM is a family of multivariate statistical techniques used to examine direct and indirect relationships bet-ween one or more independent latent variables and one or more dependent variables (Gefen et al., 2000). SEM allows researchers analyze the overall fit of a model as well as test the structural model together (Gefen et al., 2000; Hair et al., 2010). A convergent validity assess-ment was carried out by examining factor loadings and t-values of constructs and their respective AVEs. Factor loadings of all the remaining items of all con-structs are larger than 0.50 and were statistically signi-ficant (C.R. > 1.96). The AVEs values of all constructs were above 0.05 as suggested by (Fornell and Larcker, 1981). Thus, it can be concluded that convergent vali-dity was supported.

Table 1: Factor Loadings of all Constructs.

Discriminant validity was assessed by comparing the square root of the AVEs with correlation between that construct and the other constructs. As shown in Table 1, the square root of the AVEs exceeds the highest correlation between each construct with itself and the other constructs, in support of discriminant validity (Hu and Bentler, 1999). Thus, the constructs are discri-minately valid

Table 2: Correlations and Discriminant Validity Assessment of All Constructs.

Assessment of the Structural Model and Hypotheses Testing

The structural model was examined. Analysis showed the entire construct in the model remained in the model. The outcomes showed an acceptable fit empiri-cally and theoretically provided by the fit indices. According to hypothesis H1, which predicted Per-ceived usefulness or attitude of consumer signify-cantly influence behaviour of purchasing smartphone from China of young consumer of Bangladesh? Table 3 shows that there is a negative and significant rela-tionship between Perceived usefulness or attitude of consumer and behaviour of purchasing smartphone from China of young consumer of Bangladesh. The negative relationship has been shown by the value of standardised estimate at -0.227*** while the results of p = 0.000 with standardised error of .050 and critical -3.705 which presents a significant model at p = 0.001 showing that there is a significant relationship between these variables. Therefore, H1 is supported. Next is H2, Subjective norms significantly influence behavior of purchasing smartphone from China of young con-sumer of Bangladesh. The coefficient value resulted from the estimate as 0.291***, with a critical ratio of 4.647 which is greater than 2.0, standardised error of 0.054 and at a significant p < 0.001. Consequently, H2 is supported. In confirming H3; Perceived behavioural control significantly influence behaviour of purchasing smartphone from China of young consumer of Bangla-desh., the result stated that the coefficient value is 0.216*** with the standardised error .064 and critical ratio 3.500, which presents a significant model at p < 0.001. Perceived behavioural control and intention to control are significantly correlated, according to the coefficient value. Thus, the hypotheses outcome shows that H3 is supported.

Hypothesis 4 proposed that Trust of quality and brand goodwill significantly influence behaviour of purcha-sing smartphone from China of young consumer of Bangladesh. The results showed that organisational goals estimated as 0.239, critical ratio (C.R) = 3.500, with the standardised error 0.075, P = 0.001) signifi-cantly influences managers intentions to retain older employees. Thus, H4 is supported. Hypothesis 5 which predicted the stereotyping beliefs significantly influ-ence attitudes toward older employees. The results showed that stereotypical beliefs value standardised estimate at 0.227**, while the results of p < 0.001 standardised error of 0.040 and value of critical ratio more than 2.0 (in this case; 3.561). Therefore, H5 is supported.

Hypothesis 6 proposed that Subjective norms have a significant impact on purchase intentions from China of young consumer of Bangladesh. The results showed that subjective norms standardised estimate = 0.245 ***, critical ratio (CR) 3.561, standard error (S.E.) .040, and P < 0.001. Therefore, H6 is supported. Hy-pothesis 7 which predicted that Perceived behavioral control significantly influences purchase intention from China of young consumer of Bangladesh. As a result of the results, perceived behavioural control was estimated as 0.226***, with critical ratio of (CR = 3.485 more than 2.0 and P < 0.001) has a positive and significant effect on attitudes towards older employees. Then, H7 is supported. Hypothesis 8 According to this study, young Bangladeshi consumers purchase inten-tions from China are influenced significantly by the quality of products and the brand goodwill of Chinese brands. The results showed organisational goals co-efficient value resulted from the estimate as 0.248***, with a critical ratio of 3.504 which is greater than 2.0, standardised error of .059 and at significant effect p = .002. Therefore, H8 is supported. 

Hypothesis 9 predicted that Purchase intention signify-cantly influence behavior of purchasing smartphone from China of young consumer of Bangladesh. As a result, attitudes coefficient value resulted from the estimate as 0.299***, with critical ratio of 3.716 which is greater than 2.0, standardised error of .105 and at significant effect p < .001. Therefore, H9 is supported. 

Table 3: Standardized Causal Effects of the Structural Model and Hypotheses Assessment.

Objective 1 

To find out the relationship between Perceived use-fulness of consumer on purchase intention and behavior of purchasing smartphone from China of young con-sumer of Bangladesh.

For finding out the objective, hypothesis H1 and H5 have been developed, which predicted Perceived use-fulness or attitude of consumer significantly influence behavior of purchasing smartphone from China of young consumer of Bangladesh. Table 4 shows that there is a negative and significant relationship between Perceived usefulness or attitude of consumer and beha-vior of purchasing smartphone from China of young consumer of Bangladesh. The negative relationship has been shown by the value of standardized estimate at -0.227*** while the results of p = 0.000 with standar-dized error of .050 and critical -3.705 which presents a significant model at p = 0.001 showing that there is a significant relationship between these variables. There-fore, H1 is supported. Hypothesis 5 which predicted the stereotyping beliefs significantly influence attitudes toward older employees. The results showed that ster-eotypical beliefs value standardized estimate at 0.227**, while the results of p < 0.001 standardized error of 0.040 and value of critical ratio more than 2.0 (in this case; 3.561). Therefore, H5 is supported.

Objective 2

 To find out the relationship between Subjective norms on purchase intention and behavior of purchasing smartphone from China of young consumer of Bangla-desh.

For finding out the objective, hypothesis H2 and H6 have been developed. H2, Subjective norms signifi-cantly influence behavior of purchasing smartphone from China of young consumer of Bangladesh. The co-efficient value resulted from the estimate as 0.291***, with a critical ratio of 4.647 which is greater than 2.0, standardized error of 0.054 and at a significant p < 0.001. Consequently, H2 is supported. Hypothesis 6 proposed that Subjective norms have a significant impact on purchase intentions from China of young consumer of Bangladesh. The results showed that sub-jective norms standardized estimate = 0.245***, critical ratio (CR) 3.561, standard error (S.E.) .040, and P < 0.001. Therefore, H6 is supported.

Objective 3

To find out the relationship between Perceived beha-vioral on purchase intention and behavior of pur-chasing smartphone from China of young consumer of Bangladesh.

For finding out the objective, hypothesis H3 and H7 have been developed. In confirming H3, Perceived behavioral control significantly influence behavior of purchasing smartphone from China of young consumer of Bangladesh., the result stated that the coefficient value is 0.216*** with the standardized error .064 and critical ratio 3.500, which presents a significant model at p < 0.001. Based on the coefficient value, there is a significant relationship between perceived behavioral control and intention to. Thus, the hypotheses outcome shows that H3 is supported. Based on hypothesis 7, young Bangladeshi consumers perception of behave-oral control significantly affects their purchase inten-tion from China. According to the results, perceived behavioral control estimate 0.226***, with critical ratio of (CR = 3.485 more than 2.0 and P < 0.001) has a positive and significant effect on attitudes towards older employees. Then, H7 is supported.

Objective 4

To find out the relationship between Trust of quality and brand goodwill and behavior of purchasing smart-phone from China of young consumer of Bangladesh. 

For finding out the objective, hypothesis H4 and H8 have been developed. Hypothesis 4 proposed that Trust of quality and brand goodwill significantly influence behaviour of purchasing smartphone from China of young consumer of Bangladesh. The results showed that organisational goals estimated as 0.239, critical ratio (C.R) = 3.500, with the standardised error 0.075, P = 0.001) significantly influences managers inten-tions to retain older employees. Thus, H4 is supported. Hypothesis 8 proposed that Trust of quality and brand goodwill significantly influence purchase intention from China of young consumer of Bangladesh. The results showed organisational goals coefficient value resulted from the estimate as 0.248***, with a critical ratio of 3.504 which is greater than 2.0, standardised error of .059 and at significant effect p = .002. There-fore, H8 is supported.

Objective 5

To find out the relationship between direct effect and mediating effect of Purchase intention among Per-ceived usefulness or attitude, Subjective norms, Per-ceived behavioral control, Trust and Behavior of pur-chasing smartphone from China of young consumer of Bangladesh.

For finding out the objective, hypothesis H9-13 have been developed. Hypothesis 9 predicted that Purchase intention significantly influence behaviour of pur-chasing smartphone from China of young consumer of Bangladesh. As a result, attitudes coefficient value resulted from the estimate as 0.299***, with critical ratio of 3.716 which is greater than 2.0, standardised error of .105 and at significant effect p < .001. There-fore, H9 is supported. 

The estimated indirect effect of independent variable and dependent variable through mediating variable is 0.055. The 95% BC confidence intervals for the indirect effect are between 0.013 and 0.123 with signi-ficant p = 0.016. Therefore, the indirect effect was statistically significant. Thus, H10 was supported. The estimated indirect effect of independent variable and dependent variable through mediating variable is 0.064. The 95 percent BC confidence intervals for the indirect effect are between 0.018 and 0.141 with signi-ficant p = 0.006. Consequently, the indirect effect was statistically significant. Thus, H11 was supported. The estimated indirect effect of independent variable and dependent variable through mediating variable is 0.070. The 95 percent BC confidence intervals for the indirect effect are between 0.017 and 0.172 with signi-ficant p = 0.007. Therefore, the indirect effect was statistically significant. Thus, H12 was supported. The estimated indirect effect of independent variable and dependent variable through mediating variable is 0.081. The 95 percent BC confidence intervals for the indirect effect are between 0.015 and 0.210 with signi-ficant p = 0.008. Consequently, the indirect effect was statistically significant. Thus, H13 was supported.


It is important to understand how consumers attitudes and behavior affect their intention to purchase smart-phones from China in Bangladesh, given the size of the market and increasing purchasing power of the popula-tion, as well as how these factors influence young customers intentions to purchase smartphones from China. Hence, it is essential to know the purchase in-tention of smartphones of Bangladeshi young custo-mer. This research will have significant theoretical and practical contributions. The basic research framework used in this study has well founded. The proposed theory and method have good application background. From a theoretical perspective, the studies will contri-bute to the existing literature. Research on mobile con-sumption still in its infancy stage and most of the studies focused on developed counters. Little attention has been paid to the study of Purchase intention of smartphones from China of young consumers in Bang-ladesh. From practical perspective, the wide-spread intention of purchasing smartphones from China has already been created a huge market in Bangladesh. The current study will provide a thorough understanding of the factors that may enhance the purchase intention of smartphones from the China of young consumers in Bangladesh.


I would like to express my gratitude toward my honor-able supervisor, Prof. Yuwei Liu, Ph.D. of Business School, Yangzhou University, Jiangsu, China.


The authors have no conflicts of interest in publishing this research study.

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Article Info:

Academic Editor

Dr. Doaa Wafik Nada, Associate Professor, School of Business and Economics, Badr University in Cairo (BUC), Cairo, Egypt.


October 14, 2022


November 18, 2022


November 28, 2022

Article DOI: 10.34104/ijma.022.0010400116

Corresponding author

Ajoy Dhar*

Business School, Yangzhou University, Jiangsu, China.

Cite this article

Dhar A., and Dhar BK. (2022). Purchase intention of smartphones from China of young consumers in Bangladesh based on theory of planned behavior, Int. J. Manag. Account. 4(6), 104-116. https://doi.org/10.34104/ijma.022.0010400116 

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