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Article Submission

The Universe Publishing Group (UniversePG) is published and devoted to the publications of original research covering the fields of Biological SciencesMedical and Health SciencesAgriculture and Veterinary Sciences;  Engineering and Innovative TechnologyMaterial and Mathematical SciencesArts and HumanitiesSocial Sciences and Legal StudiesAccounting and Management; and Business and Information studies.

The UniversePG has a strict article submission procedure. Articles should be submitted online or by email in Word format only. The authors must provide an email address as all correspondence, and comments concerning the manuscript will be submitted through email. The following should be used as a guide in preparing papers for publication.

All articles of all areas submitted to the UniversePG must comply with the instructions. Manuscripts should also be submitted directly as Word files through the below email at:

     Email: editor@universepg.comeditorupg@gmail.com

Article Submission Form