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Editorial Policy

UniversePG is dedicated to advancing technological innovation and excellence for the assistance of humanity and its members inspire a global community through its publications, conferences, and professional and educational activities. UniversePG publishes high-quality reviews, research articles, and clinical studies in all areas of Sciences, Engineering, Arts and Humanities; Business Studies, and its allied disciplines.

Articles submitted for publication in UniversePG should strictly adhere to the following instructions:

   1) Researchers and Authors are expected to adhere to the highest moral and ethical standards. Any cases of ethical misconduct are treated very seriously.

   2) The acceptance criteria for all of the papers are the quality and originality of the research work and its significance to our readership for humanity. 

   3) Articles and Manuscripts should be written so that it is understandable to the professional reader and they should be clear and concise findings.

   4) Articles are reviewed by experts in the specific research area. Reviewers, associate editors, and editors evaluate manuscripts for the innovations in           

        significant contributions to and noteworthy advances in the theoretical or conceptual basis of the scientific area.

   5) The editorial body reserves the right to modify typescripts to eliminate errors and repetitions and improve communication between author and reader. If

        extensive alterations are required, and the manuscript will be returned to the author for any major and minor revision.

   6) The authors must provide an email address as all of the correspondence, notifications, and comments regarding the manuscript will be through email

   7) The final acceptance of a manuscript is contingent upon compliance with UniversePG requirements. Manuscripts other than special invited papers are

        generally published in order of receipt of the final, accepted version or of the corrected galley proof. Final acceptance or rejection rests with the editorial

        board, which reserves the right to refuse any material for the publication of articles.

Manuscripts should be submitted by the online system or directly through email at:

             editor@universepg.com, editorupg@gmail.com

All articles of all areas submitted to the Universe Publishing Group (UniversePG) must comply with these instructions. Failure to do so will result in the return of the manuscript and possible delay in its publication.