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Original Article | Open Access | Int. J. Manag. Account.2023; 5(1), 9-18 | doi: 10.34104/ijma.023.0090018

Exploring Mechanisms for Sustainable Resource Management: An Empirical Study on Human, Social, Economic & Environmental Resources in Bangladesh

Md. Azmir Hossain* Mail Img


Sustainable resource management aims to concurrently produce favorable effects for the environment, society, and the economy. The SDGs provide strategies, goals, activities, and management practices that resource management practitioners can apply in the fields of development outcomes in Bangladesh. Advancing the societal aspect of sustainability is challenging in developing countries like Bangladesh because large portions of the population live below the International Poverty Line. This study is done from secondary sources rely on observations to investigate past preparing frameworks examination with certain recommendations of new contemplations, strategies, procedures, and applications Ensuring air and water quality, reducing food and water consumption, decreasing waste, enhancing energy efficiency, sharing of renewable energy and conserving ecologically valuable lands are the challenges of SDG globally. The interrelationship between different factors and their influence on Human, Social, Economic, and Environmental Resources in Bangladesh is highly sensitive and volatile for the accuracy of monitoring. This study aims to Explore Mechanisms for Sustainable Resource Management in Bangladesh in the areas of human, social, economic, and environmental Resources sustainable quality, systems, analysis, and policy. The findings of this study can be used for policy intervention for future sustainable development of the SRM from the perspective of resource Mechanism analysis, renewable resources, and following the three Rs: reduce, reuse, and recycle. 


Sustainable asset the board implies overseeing assets such that their sources are not exhausted; so, the people in the future can likewise profit from it. An inexhaustible asset can be utilized over and over, so is more sustainable, energy, water, wind, wood, sun and wave energy. A non-inexhaustible asset will ultimately run out, so it isnt economical over the long haul, pet-roleum derivatives like gas, oil, and coal. There is just a limited inventory of non-inexhaustible assets. Prac-tical administration takes the ideas from maintain-ability and blends them with the ideas of the board. Manageability has three branches: the climate, the re-quirements of present and people in the future, and the economy. Utilizing these branches, it makes the capa-city of a framework to flourish by keeping up with monetary practicality and furthermore feeding the necessities of the present and people in the future by restricting asset consumption. 

From this definition, sustainable administration has been made to be characterized as the use of reasonable practices in the classes of organizations, farming, soci-ety, climate, and individual life by overseeing them such that will help current ages and people in the future.

Rationale of the Study

Feasible improvement guarantees the legal adminis-tration of normal and valuable assets. Sustainable RM seeks to achieve economic, social, human and environ-mental positive outcomes which will help in ideal use of elective assets and sustainable assets. In this way this study can helps in diminishing the steadily exp-anding interest for petroleum derivatives and non-sustainable assets.

Scope of the Study

This study attempts to characterize the component of maintainable improvement as a bunch of components of the hierarchical, social and public framework that will add to the working, advancement and improve-ment of an item in Bangladesh affected by both inside and outer variables. The review will assist with driving the arrangement of quantitative and exact exploration in the fields of practical Human, Social, Economic and Environmental Resources in Bangladesh as well as in the developing countries context.

Objectives of the Study

To analyze the importance of Sustainable Resource Management and to achieve economic, social, human and environmental positive outcomes in developing countries like Bangladesh.

Specific Objectives

The specific objectives are:

1) To characterize the component of improvement of the social and public framework that will add to the working, advancement and development of resource management mechanisms in Bang-ladesh.

2) To helps in diminishing the steadily expanding interest for petroleum derivatives and non-sus-tainable assets in Bangladesh.

3) To evaluate the execution of previous related literature on this area to find out necessary Main-tainable improvement ideas in nature that coor-dinates the social, financial and ecological tar-gets for a maintainable less wastage of resources healthy society.

4) To provide suggestions with a view to improve the management mechanisms of Human, Social, Economic & Environmental Resources in Bangla- desh.


This study is led depend on secondary information. The secondary wellsprings of data have gathered from different distributions of Bangladesh Bank, diaries, books, papers, magazines and sites about mechanisms for sustainable resource management and various exa-minations on human, social, economic and environ-mental resources in Bangladesh and abroad. In any case, the data of Exploring Mechanisms for overseeing sustainable human, social, economic and environ-mental resources in Bangladesh is extremely restricted and the majority of the people, firms and partnerships less rehearsing it, consequently, the scientist has attem-pted to keep up with classification in the information examination area.

Review of Literature 

It is generally perceived that the accomplishment of maintainable advancements financial, social and eco-logical require a successful social request (for example government) with facilitated activities at a few levels; to be specific the individual, local area, hierarchical, territorial, public, and transnational levels (Bachev 2009; Veleva & Ellenbecker, 2001). Notwithstanding, it is settled upon those compelling types of maintain-able improvement administration are only from time to time all-inclusive and on second thought, there is extraordinary variety among the various areas, dis-tricts, and nations as predictable with their particular legislative designs (Jayal et al., 2010). Most creators characterize maintainability and supportable improve-ment as a bunch of attributes that incorporates finan-cial security and development, natural quality and trus-tworthiness, social union and personal satisfaction (Åhman 2013; Dale & Newman, 2009; Scerri & Hol-den, 2014; Tukker et al., 2005; Veleva & Ellen-becker,  2001) addressed different perspectives than simply environmental, monetary and social ones.

Different creators recognize significance of establish-ments (Chaudhary 2020; Obeidat et al., 2022; Yang et al., 2021; Zaid et al., 2018) metropolitan occupants, organizations and different associations which guaran-tee cooperation in navigation (Patwary et al., 2022; Roca-Puig 2019; Safdar et al., 2022) and (Chams & García-Blandón, 2019) thinks about that maintainable improvement ought to be viewed as a "complete hu-man and regular improvement of the framework". Hadjri et al. (2019) has contended that Development of assets comprises of six fundamental components: self-improvement, social framework, government, founda-tion, financial framework, assets and climate ought to be viewed as a feature of environmental and social maintainability. In numerous nations, financial impro-vement arrangements have not yielded benefits for poor people. All things being equal, they have brought about quick short-run financial increase for a couple, to the detriment of more extensive civil rights and long-haul ecological security. The 1980s anxiety for the climate and civil rights delivered another idea being developed reasoning - individuals focused imp-rovement (Matta & Alavalapati, 2006). Incorporating a guarantee to maintainable improvement requires a significant progress not simply to a more extensive comprehension and more aggressive arrangement of targets, yet additionally to additional intelligently bet-ween related institutional designs and cycles of arran-ging, organization, markets, custom, and decision at each scale (Das & Singh, 2016). Obviously, this pro-gress cant be accomplished rapidly or without any problem. The test is to demonstrate the way that such a progress can be achieved and to foster a center arran-gement of instruments that would make administration for maintainability reasonable (Ehnert & Harry, 2012). 

Malik et al. (2020) additionally tended to the possi-bility that essential arranging instruments are the suitable reason for creating public maintainable impro-vement methodologies. These are: change the exe-cutives instruments, including pilot exercises; prioriti-zation; arranging and dynamic components; co-operation instruments; discussion and peace promo-tion; data frameworks; observing and responsibility systems; correspondence and mindfulness raising ins-truments; monetary asset preparation and distribution; vital arranging instruments; public improvement plans and other public arranging processes; and interde-partmental organizing processes. Zameer et al. (2020) contend that these instruments ordinarily need to com-prise of the public planning process, public impro-vement plans and other public arranging processes, and interdepartmental organizing processes, with connec-tions to sub-public and neighborhood methodology processes Jabbour & Santos, (2008) investigated the maintainable improvement components from their social perspective to be specific government managed retirement instruments and the supply of social capital. Government managed retirement instruments incor-porate benefits plans, while joblessness protection and health care coverage improve financial efficiency by making social dependability. This dependability can be delighted in by everybody without their own commit-ments as long as another person gives a government managed retirement arrangement of some sort or another  ( Saha et al., 2020; Malik et al., 2020)

Ehnert & Ehnert, (2009) tended to the main financial instruments of supportable turn of events, which are cost based, amount based, and enlightening based instruments. Cost based instruments fall into three fun-damental classifications: those contribution negative motivating forces; positive motivators; or blended imp-etuses. The spotless advancement instrument is one more significant component for accomplishing the tar-gets of the UN Millennium Development Goals (Naomi & Akbar, 2021). This component gives market motivating forces to diminishing ozone depleting substance discharges while putting resources into clean energy advancements (Schroeder, 2009) to push to-ward maintainable turn of events. At long last, Khan-dekar & Sharma, (2005) focused on environmental expense change (ETR) as a strategy intended to duty such bad as asset consumption and contamination and to diminish charge inconveniences on such mer-chandise as work and pay. A versatile administration approach is suggested as an organized, iterative course of ideal dynamic notwithstanding vulnerability, deter-mined to decrease vulnerability over the long run by means of framework observing (Safdar et al., 2022). It centers on the improvement of new establishments and institutional methodologies in offset with logical spec-ulation and exploratory structures. By applying a ver-satile administration way to deal with institutional turn of events, a bunch of measures performs to give a social setting adaptable and open establishments and staggered administration frame-works that take into consideration learning and expanded versatile limit without dispossessing future improvement choices (Veleva & Ellenbecker, 2001)

Sustainable resource the leaders has transformed into a compelling issue lately. The reasons are obvious: costs for crude substance items, first and foremost, have been taking off on world business areas since the year 2000. Besides, permission to crude parts has become fundamentally more essential since suppliers have obtained more market power, and acquired countries and collected undertakings need to pursue arrange-ments. Thirdly, progressing courses of action have started to address the environmental part of using customary resources, which can be destitute down to the extent that how much resources used, every now and again got by material streams assessments (Hadjri et al., 2019; Patwary et al., 2022) and Land use adjustments comparing to extraction and transportation underpinning of crude substances (MMSD, 2002; Schutz and Moll, 2004). Nowadays the environmental part of using customary resources has regular impacts achieved by the organization of resources along regard chains (Bag et al., 2021). Open guesses exhibit a creating dependence on a couple of non-modern coun-tries: Brazil, Chile, Democratic Republic of Congo, Peru, Zambia and South Africa. These six resources rich countries hold the greatest stores of most minerals generally speaking and ought to be associated with resource the leaders philosophies. It is of irreplaceable importance whether these countries can manage advan-cement from resource flood towards prospering or whether they experience the evil impacts of conta-mination and screw up (Scerri & Holden, 2014). Close by following concerns on how the permission to these regions will be facilitated; the creating multiplication of corporate social commitment prompts a greater monetary view on materials. Manufacturing associ-ations at absolutely no point in the future describe resource the leaders to the extent that materials ente-ring their premises. Social and environmental impacts of resource extraction in non-modern countries become their commitment as well as the usage of things and organizations in emerging economies and in the cau-sing situation (Åhman, 2013; Khandekar & Sharma, 2005;Veleva & Ellenbecker, 2001) require a European Mineral Resources and Metal Strategy. Coming from Euro geo outlines, they battle that in a setting of creating overall competition for mineral and other customary resources, and despite their principal importance to the EU economy and to the causing situation, mineral resources issues get lacking compre-hensive thought in the EU-level methodology conver-sation and technique making as of now. The Thematic Strategy on the Sustainable Use of Natural Resources could be a construction for such an EU Mineral Resou-rces Strategy. The examination of Blum and Stutz Riemer assessments the non-particular (for instance friendly, institutional, setting focused) issues of Con-struction and Demolition waste reusing in the field of metropolitan road improvement and metropolitan esta-blishment in Germany. Considering speculative models for the improvement region laid out, in actuality, speculation, speculation of progression and speculation of systematization and emotional expert meetings with accomplices from the advancement business, building materials industry and metropolitan public works divisions, the survey recognized impediments laid out in the institutional setting, weaknesses of players and the utilization of authoritative openings.

An Empirical Study

Many sorts of examinations can upgrade the plan of modern, energy, and water frameworks that offer maintainability enhancements over business as usual. As one essential model, AI can be utilized to accelerate the plan of new materials that can be utilized in quite a few significant maintainability applications from plan-ning films that show less fouling in water treatment applications in this way diminishing energy and syn-thetics utilized in wastewater treatment to investi-gating cutting edge lithium-particle battery sciences. Moreover, as the Industrial Internet of Things keeps on growing, examiners will apply information science methods to distinguish amazing chances to work on the energy, water, and material productivity of modern cycles. At long last, assessing the advancement of shoppers reception of innovation that will be more energy or water proficient, for instance, is one more significant kind of supportability investigation. This kind of examination could be founded on earth per-ception information on account of reception of huge framework or in view of virtual entertainment posts that show shifts in innovation use in the home, out and about, or in the work environment. Two pillars of manageable frameworks examination are life cycle appraisal (LCA) and materials stream investigation (MFA). Though LCA assesses the natural impacts of an item or cycle - from powers to hardware to food varieties - MFA tracks the progressions of products inside a framework limit, which could be a city, a district, or a country. LCA and MFA are at the earliest reference point of applying information science strate-gies, overall, on the grounds that datasets are much of the time inadequately huge to permit information science ways to deal with offer worth. As the inform-ation upheaval proceeds, these two examination types have numerous chances to use information science procedures. At last, assessments of social prosperity are one more significant mainstay of maintainability examinations since manageability is frequently portra-yed as having three points of support - financial, social, and natural. One growing empowering influ-ence of utilizing information science approaches in friendly prosperity assessments is satellite symbolism, which gives a 10,000-foot perspective of everyday environments for Earths occupants. While this inform-ation can show us these circumstances, they cant reco-gnize what has caused them. This second and basic step will require the linkage of picture translation and causal examination. Notwithstanding examination type, information accessibility is a foundation of these in-vestigations. In certain occasions that remain infor-mation scanty, the utilization of information science strategies here is expectant as opposed to broad. Besides, the models we give here are not widely inclu-sive and the rundown of kinds of manageability exam-inations that advantage from information science moves toward today and into the future will develop and develop.


Significance of SRM

Manageability is significant for some reasons inclu-ding: Environmental Quality - In request to have sound networks, we want clean air, regular assets, and a non-toxic climate. UNTHSCs enlistment keeps on deve-loping that require more assets like energy, water, and space. It is essential to comprehend what manage-ability is first. Then, at that point, that idea is to be stretched out in the situation of asset the executives or asset use. Maintainability implies any cycle or move-ment that addresses the issues of the present without compromising the capacity of people in the future to address their own issues. Presently, when usage of assets are completed in a reasonable way, for example the cycles or methodologies embraced will actually want to address the issues of the present without comp-romising the capacity of people in the future to address their own issues, is called practical asset usage or the executives. As a rule, supportability has least three support points for example Natural, Economic and Social. This can be expanded and redone in light of the arrangement of your review. A few examinations have taken four points of support where functional has been taken as the fourth point of support notwithstanding the current ones. 

Sustainable asset the board implies overseeing assets in a very way that their sources dont appear to be exhausted; all together that the more extended term ages likewise can enjoy it. A characteristic asset will be utilized over and over, so is more sustainable, water, wind, wood, sun and wave energy. Sustainable asset implies the utilization of assets so that our future or in future there are no impacts on the asset, that is the significance of feasible administration of assets for the following valuable areas of the society; Environment, Needs of future and present age and Economy

Manageable Assets Explanation, Examples, Models and Standard Practices

Asset manageability alludes to the drawn-out accessi-bility of a staple that is either sustainable (it can normally recharge itself) or non-inexhaustible (it will ultimately run out). Natural administration is the piece of Sustainable asset the board. Ecological asset the executives is the administration of the cooperation and effect of human social orders on the climate. Sustain-able energy sources like sunlight based, wind, biomass, geothermal, and hydropower are cleaner and preferable for general wellbeing over non-sustainable power sources like petroleum derivatives. Specialists antici-pate that we will run out of juice and oil inside the following 30 to 50 years. There are a few support-abi-lity models that outline business manageability inside the U.S., they include

a. Green Space.

b. Crop Rotation.

c. Feasible Design and Construction.

d. Water Efficient Fixtures.

e. Sustainable Clean Energy.

f. Waste to Energy Recycling.

g. Water Treatment.

The five standards of manageable improvement are as per the following

a. Preservation of the biological system or the climate.

b. Preservation of biodiversity of the world.

c. Manageable improvement of the general public.

d. Preservation of HR.

e. Populace control and the board.

Instances of these sorts of ventures include: miniature watershed the board, water system water the execu-tives, soil and water preservation, local area ranger service, local area-based seaside zone fisheries the board, and protection of biodiversity. There are a few supportability models that outline business main-tainability incorporates

a. Green Space.

b. Crop Rotation.

c. Feasible Design and Construction.

d. Water Efficient Fixtures.

e. Sustainable Clean Energy.

f. Waste to Energy Recycling.

g. Water Treatment.

Reason of Feasible Resources Requirement

Sustainable administration of regular assets is crucial on the grounds that it assists with utilizing assets admirably without superfluous use and without forfeiting on group of people requirements. Reuse is more grounded than reusing, since it takes both energy and assets to reuse materials. Also, there are not many recyclable materials. Resources be more feasible by

a. Conservation could be extremely successful thanks to assist us with including helpful mate-rials inside whats in store.

b. To preserve, follow the three Rs: lessen, reuse, reuse.

c. Reduce means to only utilize less.

d. Reuse means to utilize something once more, give it to somebody who will, or change it all together that it very well might be used in any case.

Legitimate Supportability Methodology

A maintainability or corporate obligation procedure might be a focused-on set of activities. It gives a con-curred structure to concentrate speculation and drive execution, further as draw in inward and outer part-ners. The beginning line for any technique must be the reason the corporate is good to go. The Ways to Con-serve Natural Resources gathering

a. Use less water.

b. Close up the lights.

c. Use environmentally friendly power.

d. Recycle.

e. Compost.

f. Choose reusable merchandise.

g. Manage your indoor regulator.

h. Thrift shop.

Manageable practices of Resources

The following are five sustainable pursues which will become routines to frame your way of life greener.

a. Reuse Paper and Plastic Bags for Shopping. ...

b. Pick Paperless Documents. ...

c. Keep away from Disposable Kitchen Items. ...

d. Use Eco-accommodating Bathroom and House-hold Cleaning Products. ...

e. Reuse Old Sneakers.

The Social Mechanisms and Methods of Sustainable Resource Management

Social component is the assortments of instruments, rules, and gadgets that foster individual and social limit among networks and individuals to have the option to move towards maintainable turn of events. These are: instruction, support, and federal retirement aide frameworks. A portion of the significant strategies for maintainable improvement are as per the following

a. Technology.

b. Reduce, Reuse, and Recycle Approach.

c. Promoting Environmental Education and Aware-ness.

d. Resource Utilization according to Carrying Capacity.

e. Improving Quality of Life Including Social, Cultural and Economic Dimensions.

The four hints referenced underneath on the best way to oversee assets.

a. Plan to Plan. Arranging is significant with re-gards to being productive.

b. Take a Systematic Approach.

c. Use Technology Where Possible.

d. Use Resource Management Software.

Benefits of SRM

The benefits of sustainable improvement of resources are to fulfill current necessities without forfeiting those of the long run. Utilizing more groundwater than re-newed by downpour would be an instance of abusing this asset. Utilizing an exorbitant measure of an asset infers that itll not be accessible to people in the future. The benefits of manageable Resources by sustainable ways are the following

a. It helps in guaranteeing a higher life for present and people in the future. 

b. It will bring down the effect on the climate by lessening air, water, and soil contamination. SRM helps in accomplishing long haul monetary cycle. 

c. Economical administration of normal assets is vital in light of the fact that it assists with utilizing assets shrewdly without superfluous use.  

d. To accomplish a better connection among soci-ety and its current circumstance, opportune arran-gement ought to be made for the progressions that human exercises and rivalry over utilization of assets might summon to constrict likely conten-tions.

Sustainable RM Practices

Sustainable practices remember establishing new seed-lings for deforested regions and lessening how much trees impede consistently. Particularly on the grounds that the human populace develops, its important that we diminish our exhaustion of woodlands, valuable metals, and other normal assets. SRM practices are the basics of the ways of adding to the Sustainable Deve-lopment Goals (SDGs)

a. Sign the wash.

b. Provide a solid working environment.

c. Review your production network and carry out manageable practices. 

d. Give to projects that help the SDGS.

e. Invest in sustainable power.

f. Encourage lessen, reuse, and reuse.

Sustainable management of natural resources is signi-ficant in light of the fact that it assists with utilizing assets admirably without superfluous use and without forfeiting on group of peoples requirements. Reuse is superior to reusing, since it takes both energy and assets to reuse materials. Additionally, there are not many recyclable materials. SRM Make Assets Reason-able by the accompanying practices in Bangladesh.

a. Deliberate prior to shopping.

b. Confirm your large buys have enormous ecolo-gical advantages.

c. Go Plastic Free.

d. Boycott items that jeopardize untamed life.

e. Listen to marks.

f. Be water wise.

g. Drive less, drive green.

h. Green your home.

Challenges in Sustainable Resource Management

Normal obstructions to change toward maintainability include: Competing needs of directors - benefit and development focused on over climate and human resources. Hierarchical frameworks not up to dealing with the errand. Absence of money to put resources into better approaches for plan and overseeing tasks is most discussed challenges in Bangladesh now a days. The significant difficulties are disintegrations and debasement of land, water, and biodiversity as well as most significant parts like nature of air, daylight which figures significant from quality food creation and worth added administrations. The key Sustainable Resource Management challenges are:

a. Zero squander.

b. Regenerative nature.

c. Dematerialization.

d. Resource effectiveness.

e. A fair society.

f. A secure society.

g. Zero-discharges.

h. Adaptation and flexibility

Limitation of the study

Researcher was truly incapable to gather sufficient data because of legitimate direction and pertinent data. To the best of information on the examinations, ana-lyses, explorations and empirical study of the study very little review was led on this particular region, which is the reason there is absence of direction. This study depended on data related to mechanisms for sustainable resource management on human, social, economic and environmental resources in Bangladesh context only, so data was planned based on the parti-cular area of Management of assets as it were.


To speed up the progress of this area, the accom-panying lines of activities are founded and further necessary suggestions are recommended by this study:

1) Social components can be instruments, rules, and gadgets that foster individual and social limit among networks and individuals to be foster trai-ning, investment, and government managed retire-ment frameworks.

2) A portion of the significant measures for man-ageable improvement can be innovation, Recycle Approach, Awareness, Resource Utilization Capa-city and Improving Quality of Life.

3) Economical administration of normal assets is significant in light of the fact that it assists with utilizing assets astutely without pointless use and without forfeiting on group of peoples interest.

4) Reuse is superior to reusing, since it takes both energy and assets to reuse materials. Also, there are not many recyclable materials.

5) The connection among society and climate ought to be made for the progressions that human ex-ercises and rivalry over utilization of assets might achieve to limit possible contentions.

6) The reasonable improvement can give an answer for plans and development without harming the climate & to guarantee a more secure kept up with age, to develop their economies and social orders.

7) Putting resources into individuals through suste-nance, quality medical services, training, social security, occupations, & abilities can foster human resources to finishing outrageous destitution and making more comprehensive social orders.

Viable improvement is a diverse thought in nature that embraces and facilitates the social, monetary and envi-ronmental focuses for achieving a viable society, containing four sub-structures: industry; government; neighborhood; organic frameworks. Given the com-plex idea of the thought, the institutional construction inside which activities are thought of, organized, spon-sored, completed, and supervised is a basic piece of viable development. A last end is that to accomplish a more palatable connection among society and its cur-rent circumstance, opportune arrangement ought to be made for the progressions that human exercises and contest over utilization of assets might achieve to limit likely struggles. Over the long haul, manageable im-provement can give an answer for how the world plans its financial exercises and development without har-ming the climate and to guarantee more secure natural surroundings is kept up with for the succeeding ages, to likewise develop their economies and social orders without dismissing the climate.


The author would like to acknowledge the support of different human resource Managers of different firms and the academics who devoted time to give opinion and provide guidance regarding these issues. Author also grateful to the regulatory bodies for the purpose of this study. Author also thankful to the colleagues who assist us in this research. Finally, I also want to apologize to the people whose names have not been mentioned here, and their contribution is highly appreciated. 


This research declares no competing interests.

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Article Info:

Academic Editor

Dr. Doaa Wafik Nada, Associate Professor, School of Business and Economics, Badr University in Cairo (BUC), Cairo, Egypt.


January 2, 2023


February 3, 2023


February 11, 2023

Article DOI: 10.34104/ijma.023.0090018

Corresponding author

Md. Azmir Hossain*

Associate Professor, Department of Business Administration, Dhaka International University, Dhaka, Bangladesh.

Cite this article

Hossain MA. (2023). Exploring mechanisms for sustainable resource management: an empirical study on human, social, economic & environmental resources in Bangladesh, Int. J. Manag. Account. 5(1), 9-18. https://doi.org/10.34104/ijma.023.0090018 

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