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Original Article | Open Access | | doi: 10.34104/ajpab.021.01250134

Mitigation of Biotic and Abiotic Stresses in Mat Type Seedlings Raised for Mechanical Rice Transplanter

Tangina Aktar Tamanna Mail Img Orcid Img
Md. Anwar Hossen Mail Img Orcid Img
Muhammad Rashed Al Mamun Mail Img Orcid Img
A.B.M. Shahed Mail Img Orcid Img



Cold mitigation mechanism at seedling stage is a primary requirement during Boro season as seedlings are raised during months of November and December. This study was conducted at the Sylhet Agricultural University's Agricultural and Biosystem Engineering lab in Sylhet during the 2018-19 academic year. The focus of this study is to mitigate the biotic and abiotic effect on germination and mat-type seedling growing during the Boro season. A two-factor design with three replications was used in the experiment. As abiotic stress control factors, six treatments were taken under two different thicknesses (0.04 mm and 0.08 mm) of white polythene sheds that covered day time only (12 hours) and day and night time (24 hours). Along with that two fungicides (Atavo and Autostin) and MoP fertilizer were used to control biotic stress on young seedlings raised in a plastic tray. Agronomical characteristics were measured in two intervals (after 15 and 30 days). The combined effect of 0.08 mm thick polythene shed and MoP treatment showed the highest value for seedling height (167.3 mm), a number of leaves (4), leaf length (99.8 mm), stem length (73.5 mm), and seedling density (18/cm2). Fungal infection was found lowest in 0.08 mm polythene covered day and night time. Seedling raised plastic trays are much more effective than the conventional way in terms of germination and quality. So, 0.08 mm thick white polythene was recommended as a covering mechanism and MoP as a treating mechanism for seedlings rising in cold weather of the Sylhet region. 

Keywords: Rice transplanted, Temperature, Germination, Covering mechanism, and Agronomic characteristics.

Citation:  Tamanna TA, Hossen MA, Al Mamun MR, and Shahed ABM. (2021). Mitigation of biotic and abiotic stresses in mat type seedlings raised for mechanical rice transplanter. Am. J. Pure Appl. Sci., 3(6), 125-134. https://doi.org/10.34104/ajpab.021.01250134


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November 1, 2021

Article DOI: 10.34104/ajpab.021.01250134

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