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Original Article | Open Access | | doi: 10.34104/ajpab.020.01770182

Jute Fibre: A Suitable Alternative to Wood Fibre for Paper and Pulp Production

Md. Zobaidul Hossen ,
Selina Akhter ,
Tahmina ,
Sharmin Akter ,
Md. Anisur Rahman Dayan



Cellulose is the most common of all naturally occurring organic compounds belonging to the carbohydrate group. It makes up at least one-third of all the vegetable matters in the world. Virgin soft and hardwoods used as the main source of cellulose for raw materials of paper production. These can be replaced by jute plant to a great extend as it is considered as one of the most promising alternatives. Pulp and paper production on a huge amount from jute can increase jute usage and thus a vast quantity of jute will be consumed by a single product which will eventually help revitalize the jute sector of Bangladesh. So the study was conducted to use jute, an alternative to non-wood fibre to get the paper pulp and pulp products like cellulose derivatives through an easily adaptable process. The experimental processes are outlined. The physicomechanical properties of handmade papers are estimated by standard procedure. Maximum whiteness of the paper sheet is 76.70%, which is almost similar to offset paper. Basic weight of papers was estimated that ranges from 180 to 340 gsm. The study indicates that these hand-made papers can be used for making eco-friendly paper bags, packaging material which will be a suitable alternative to the non-biodegradable plastic, a cause of ecological and environmental pollution. 

Keywords: Cellulose, Jute fibre, Jute caddies, Cuttings, Non-wood fibre, Pulp production, and Handmade paper.

Citation: Hossen MZ, Akhter S, Tahmina, Akter S, and Dayan MAR. (2020). Jute fibre: a suitable alternative to wood fibre for paper and pulp production. Am. J. Pure Appl. Sci., 2(6), 177-182. 



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November 10, 2020

Article DOI: 10.34104/ajpab.020.01770182

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