Isolation and identification of Salmonella spp
Eggs and egg products are nutritious foods and they form an important part of the human diet. In this present study 50 poultry eggs were examined for the isolation and identification of Salmonella spp. Inoculation was done from both shell and internal content of each egg sample. Among them 50 (100%) samples from eggshell were found positive for Salmonella spp and only 10 (20%) samples from internal content were found positive for Salmonella spp (Table 2).
Selenite cysteine broth
Selenite broth is used as a selective medium for the isolation of Salmonella species. Selenite Broth is used as a selective enrichment for the cultivation of Salmonella spp. Selenite broth gives pale or colorless colonies. The growth of Salmonella Spp in Selenite crystal broth was characterized by diffused turbidity of the broth (Fig 4).
Salmonella-Shigella agar: Salmonella-Shigella agar is a differential, selective medium for the isolation of Shigella and Salmonella species from pathological specimens, suspected foodstuffs, etc. Salmonella spp to grow sodium Thiosulfate and Ferric Citrate permit detection of hydrogen sulfide by the production of colonies with black centers and Shigella produced colorless smooth colony in SS agar.
XLD agar
XLD agar is a selective growth medium used in the isolation of Salmonella and Shigella species from clinical samples and from food. Two agar media Salmonella-Shigella agar, Xylose Lysine Deoxycholate agars were used for the identification and isolation of Salmonella species from egg samples.
Result of Gram Staining
In grams staining under microscope, the organisms revealed gram negative, pink color; small rod shaped appearance, arranged in single, paired or chain form. (Fig 3)
Biochemical characterization of organisms
The biochemical identification of the organism was done by performing the biochemical tests. The biochemical tests were done as stated on Berges Manual of Determinative Bacteriology.
Result of different biochemical tests are given below
TSI test: A bacterium that is non-lactose fermenter and ferments glucose, initially causes a yellow slant/yellow bottom (acid/acid reaction) after 8 hours but then converts to a red slant/yellow bottom after 24 hours. The whole sample tubes covered with black color due to excess production of H2S. Citrate Test: Bacteria are inoculated on a medium containing sodium citrate and a pH indicator such as bromothymol blue. Use of citrate involves the enzyme citrase, which breaks down citrate to oxaloacetate and acetate. The isolated bacteria Salmonella will be citrate positive. All of the isolated Salmonella utilize citrate and change the color of the media green to blue (Alkaline).
Methyl Red test
The MR test, the "M" portion of the four IMViC tests, is used to identify enteric bacteria based on their pattern of glucose metabolism. All enterics initially produce pyruvic acid from glucose metabolism. The isolated bacteria Salmonella were MR positive.
Voges-Proskauer test
Voges-Proskauer is a test used to detect acetoin in a bacterial broth culture. A cherry red color indicates a positive result, while a yellow-brown color indicates a negative result. The isolated bacteria Salmonella were VP negative.
Indole test
The indole test is a biochemical test performed on bacterial species. A positive result is shown by the presence of a red or red-violet color in the surface alcohol layer of the broth. A negative result appears yellow. The isolated bacteria Salmonella were indole negative.
Motility test
Non-motile bacteria generally give growths that are confined to the stab-line, have sharply defined margins. Motile bacteria move about with structures called flagella. The isolated bacteria Salmonella were motility positive.
Oxidase test
This test depends on the presence of cytochrome oxidase in bacteria that will catalyze the transport of electrons between electron donors and redox dye. The isolated bacteria Salmonella were oxidase negative.
Catalase test
The catalase test is one of the three main tests used by microbiologists to identify species of bacteria. If the mixture produces bubbles or froth, the organism is said to be catalase-positive. If not, the organism is catalase-negative. The isolated bacteria Salmonella were catalase positive.
Antibiotic sensitivity test result
In this study, the size of zone of inhibition of every antibiotic disc was measured in millimeter and while those zones of inhibition compared with zone diameter interpretive standards from C LSI (2000) (Table 5). The highest resistance rates were recorded against ampicillin (80%), chloramphenicol (60%) and tetracycline (46.66%), while the highest sensitivity rates (100%) were recorded against co-trimoxazole and ciprofloxacin.
The resistance rate against tetracycline (46.66%) was similar to the result of Mahammad et al., who reported approximately 52% of resistance. However, higher resistance rate was reported by Samah who recorded resistance rate of 92.9%. The resistance rate against chloramphenicol (60%) was in accordance with the result of Manie et al., who reported a rate of approximately 62% resistance against antimicrobial drugs. In the present study ciprofloxacin & co-trimoxazole works much better than other antibiotics used.
6: Percentages of resistances patterns of Salmonella.
Name of Antibiotics
of Sensitivity (%)
of Intermediate resistance
of Resistance (%)