Mongla City in the southern part of Bangladesh is facing problems with the scarcity of suitable drinking water. The present study is to identify the suitability of the geochemical property of groundwater for drinking purposes. The water samples from 24 Tub-wells, Tab water, and other drinking water sources have been collected. The main purpose is to assess the groundwater arsenic and salinity hazard in Mongla City and its surrounding area. The pH value of drinking water in the study area ranges from 6.7 to 7.38 with an average value of 7.09, which is within the permissible limit for drinking uses. The TDS values range from 95.96-to 1365.60 mg/l. The EC and TDS values fall within the drinking water quality standard. According to WHO, the Arsenic contamination ranges between 0 ppb – 335 ppb which is within the permissible range of the Bangladesh Arsenic Standard (<50ppb). All the Cations and Anions are within the permissible limit of the drinking uses except the Na+ concentration is slightly higher with an average value being 203.36 mg/l. The people in the Rampal area get safe drinking water within 50m far away from their house and some are very near to their houses. Mongla city is located very near to the coaster hence few deep tubes are well found and high salinity intrusion is unsuitable for drinking purposes, Most of the time, they had to buy safe drinking water from NGOs or GO controlled companies. Very few people use Tap water and pond water for drinking purposes. The Groundwater of the study area is slight to moderate and suitable for drinking purposes in terms of salinity hazards and arsenic concentration is within the acceptable range. Hence, it can be concluded that groundwater o Mongla city and the surrounding area are good for health.
Keywords: Drinking water; Health status, Water quality, Surroundings, Assessment, and Mongla city.
Citation: Biswas RK, Ghosh S, Islam AS, Roshni FA, and Roshnai. (2022). Assessment of drinking water quality and its effects on health from Mongla city with surrounding area of Bangladesh, Am. J. Pure Appl. Sci., 4(3), 47-54. https://doi.org/10.34104/ajpab.022.047054