We can see considerable growth in the field of science and technology over the past few decades. This growth has also brought an enormous threat to the data used by users. Encryption and decryption of data play an important role in safeguarding the data. Many authors have contributed much outstanding research on unauthorized access to user data. In this journal, I have proposed an algorithm for data encryption using images. My main aim is to provide a new and highly customizable approach to protecting data using images and eliminating the use of plaintext. In my research, I will use images to encrypt and decrypt data rather than using plaintext.
Keywords: Cryptography, Data, Encryption, Decryption, Image, Image Pixel, and RGB.
Citation: Parag MR., and Setu TA. (2022). Data encryption using image processing: a brief study. Aust. J. Eng. Innov. Technol., 4(3), 45-51. https://doi.org/10.34104/ajeit.022.045051