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Original Article | Open Access | | doi: 10.34104/ajeit.023.01410153

Comparative Analysis of Different Biometric Techniques for Security Systems

Nasrullah    Badam Niazi    Zargay Habibi    Nijad Ahmad    Mohammad Saber Niazy   


Biometrics is the automated process of identifying a person based on biological and behavioral characteristics. It can be used to determine your identity and strengthen your ability to use accurate, secure, reliable, and less expensive authentication for a large number of applications. Biometry has been successfully implemented in numerous disciplines, including criminology, medicine, security, identity, and authorization. This article is all about Comparison Analysis of five biometric identification technologies i.e., iris recognition, fingerprint, voice recognition, face recognition, and signature recognition. It also discusses the mode of operation and advantages. And disadvantages. of each above technology, application, limitation, acceptance, uniqueness, security, and performance. The author has concluded that the fingerprint technique is the fastest and most accurate biometric technique for a more dependable and secure system based on performance and fast communication. Due to the unique characteristics of the iris (the iris approach delivers the most secure performance, accuracy, uniqueness, and acceptability of all biometric procedures). It can be also used forever as a password. Finally, Iris is the only part of a human that cannot be changed and provides the finest answer overall. 

Keywords: Biometrics, Applications, Physiological, Behavioral, Identification, and Techniques.

Citation: Niazy MS, Ahmad N, Habibi Z, Niazi B, and Nasrullah, (2023). Comparative analysis of different biometric techniques for security systems. Aust. J. Eng. Innov. Technol., 5(3), 141-153. https://doi.org/10.34104/ajeit.023.01410153


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June 9, 2023

Article DOI: 10.34104/ajeit.023.01410153

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