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Original Article | Open Access | Br. J. Arts Humanit., 5(4), 209-227 | doi: 10.34104/bjah.02302090227

The Especial Causes of Weakness behind Learning English language in the Secondary Schools: A Case Study of Rangpur District

Md. Mainul Islam* Mail Img Orcid Img


The remarkable aim of this research paper is to investigate the difficulties of learning the English language among the secondary-level learners of Cantonment Public School & College, Rangpur under Rangpur Division, a northern part of Bangladesh. It is a real statement that many of our learners hardly receive standard education of English due to skilled teachers, financial limitations, lack of multimedia project teaching & learning systems, lack of English Language clubs, lack of passion of learners, lack of social attitude, lack of high ambition, poor salary system, lack of government policy & international policy & lack of English learning short films. This case study aims to look at inspiring young learners so that they can be able to build up their basic knowledge of four skills despite depriving them of innovative facilities. For this intention, the recent research collected all data through a questionnaire and interview process. 20 sets of questions were provided among 20 students to find out their fundamental ideas of the English language. In the field survey, 20 sets of questions were provided among 20 students to find out their fundamental ideas about the English language. In the field survey, 72 participants were selected for interview. They were as follows 20 learners, 12 guardians, and 40 teachers where they were 50 male & 22 female participants in Rangpur District. These questionnaires were used to calculate the major reasons for learners weaknesses in reading, writing, and & speaking skills. They all expressed their different observations about English language learning obscurities. Many of them responded that students were weak in English Grammar, Vocabulary, listening, reading, writing & speaking skills. After understanding their English learning complexities the researcher came to conclusions and recommendations. Finally this case study would like to show a new dimension of English language learning for the secondary level students at Rangpur District in the northern part of Bangladesh. 


The real or great problems of teaching & learning English at the secondary level are lack of teachers training courses, suitable teaching aids & materials, authentic infrastructures, lack of competent teachers, teachers inspirations or stimulations, lack of genuine or understanding of teaching methods or techniques and lack of ELT research. In our education system at present time, much emphasis is given to get better students English communication skills. Speaking, listening, reading, and writing are the four common means of communication, education planners of Primary, Secondary and Higher Secondary levels. It gives more emphasis on these skills. The institutions and the syllabuses do not provide students much scope to improve these skills and for all (Rahim and Jarin, 2017). According Khan, (2003) teachers help learners to be proficient writers by building up their self - confidence and providing effective strategies to improve writing skills through teachers; guide. The texts provided by the board contain chapters and exercises for practicing those skills; however, the teachers and the students remain reluctant to work on them. The teachers do not want to waste their time working on them. Students do not want to study the chapters. In that case, both students and teachers tend to give priority to complete the syllabus; instead of improving skills. Furthermore, students do not have the opportunity to communicate in English because Bangla speaking parents, family and friends surround them. As a result, after completing secon-dary and higher secondary education, students have to suffer when they reach the tertiary level. The study identifies the reasons behind students reluc-tance and the subsequent difficulties they face. Statistics show about three hundred and fifty million people speak English as a first language and another three hundred million use it as a second language. 

From this we can say that we need to learn English to join the advanced and developed world. Then we can say that English is a passport to a successful future. But we are unlucky due to proper nursing for learning English. We know that a book, a pen, a child and a teacher can change the world. Here many people learn English and it is the only way to move in the society due to its importance in many fields (Crystal, 2002). According to Cook, (2005) everyone is well aware of this facts that the only rapidly progressing language for global dealings Crystal started (1997) & English is regarded like a mother that is the first teacher and it is regarded like a father that is the soul of energy & learning English gives creativity, creativity leads to thinking, thinking pro-vides knowledge and knowledge makes you great or successful. Education is the most powerful weapons which can change the world. Learning English is a must to lead a sound and healthy life. Learning English is a power of education; English is an icon and idol in the power of the present world. In my eyes learning English is mother of education, it is a token of beauty and it is a goddess of education dues to necessity. I think it makes our life cordial, cheer-ful, jolly, straightforward and dynamic. English is a global language. English is also a mind blowing and eye touching language.  For various reasons English has got the status of international Language. Benson and Lor, (1999) are in the opinions since English language that has become on the highest ranks globally. Today about 300 million people speak Eng-lish as the first language and Cook, G. (2005). App-lied Linguistics. Oxford: Oxford University Press according to another 350 million uses it as a second language. It is the official or semiofficial language in more than 60 countries and of many international organizations. International organizations held their meeting in English. English is widely spoken all over the world. When people of two different lan-guage meet or need to communicate, they resort to a third language for better mutual communication and understanding. English, for its widespread use and acceptance, plays the role of the common language well.  English is an interactional language. It is the vermicular language in most developing countries. It is used as mother tongue in England, Australia and the USA. It is the second language in almost all the countries through-out the world. English is essential for higher studies in any subject. Books for higher studies are available only in English. A good com-mand of English is very necessary in modern time to keep pace with the ever-hanging world. Besides, if we have sufficient know-ledge of English, we can get a bright future with good job. If someone wants to be a self-equipped person then he or she must have a good knowledge of English. So there is no scope to step ahead without knowledge of English. English is useful and helpful. But students in our country start learning English from class one to twelve class as a compulsory subject but they cant command over English well. Yet, learning English plays a very significant, central, key, crucial, impor-tant and vital role to lead a happy life. So, the case study of Bangladeshi schools and evaluate the causes of students weak-ness and it will be very positive helpful to all who like to improve in English. We need to learn English to communicate with them. In favour of a comprehensive development of students communication skills, reading, writing, listening and speaking are equally important to be emphasized. At the learning process, assessment is the final step where the learners get feedback of what they have been taught and how much they have learned. 

If we want to earn vast knowledge and higher edu-cation in any branch, we are to take the help from those books. All that is the best European and American consideration is available through English. If this source is dried up, we shall go backward. Again modem science which is advancing by leaps and bounds is a gift of the science. Today more than eighty percent of all the information in the worlds computers is in English. So if we dont know Eng-lish, we will fail to keep pace with the progressive force of the world. English is a must in order to get a good job. Today organizations need employers who speak and write a standard form of English. So it helps a man to get a good job and to earn more money. It is the official or semi- official language in more than many countries and of many international organizations. So to maintain daily official corres-pondence English is essential. Again ours is an age of globalization. Many foreign guests and delegates come to our country. They dont know our mother tongue. The study aims to show the current approach of assessing students English speaking shill at tire Secondary and Higher Secondary levels and how 1ar this approach helps students develop language skills. 

In todays world of information technology and hi-tech communication, learning English is a must. The present age is an age of globalization. Anything produced or invented in any part of the world gets global character or recognition very rapidly. To keep pace with the process of globalization, we need to learn English. Conversely, the globalizing process requires single language for international contri-bution. For various reasons English has achieved the prestige of global language. That is why English is called Lingua Franca or common language. English is used widely by international business community to communicate across national borders and to main-tain correspondence with overseas business parties or professionals. English is essential. English is important for higher education and specialized train-ing. Most of the books on any subjects are written in English or quickly, translated in English. English is the medium of instruction in education in most universities and higher educational institute of the world. English is essential for getting a good job and better salaries. International business organizations and many international corporations ask for people who have a good working knowledge of English. Even job advertisements in local market also require English knowing people. English is important for maintaining international relations and communi-cation. It is the language of diplomacy international politics and meetings and conferences. In todays world of information is a super high.  English is essential for getting easy access to any information. Almost any information is available in English. English is the language of information technology and internet. English is important for access to world media and Entertainment. Satellite channels around the world telecast news and views in English. Games and sports are telecast live and their commentaries are also broadcasted in English. Cinemas, cartoons, and other media productions are available in English. Knowing English gives an easy access to the vast resource of the English literature. Worlds famous novels, histories, stories, poems are available in English. Besides, English helps to know cultures of- other people, discoveries, inventions and life styles of other nations. The importance of English cannot be denied. Knowing English is like having an inter-national anywhere in the world (Shahzad, 2022).

For this purposes, the recent research collected all data through questionnaire and interviews process. 20 set of questions were provided among 20 students to find out their fundamental or basic ideas of English language. In the field survey, 20 set of questions were provided among 20 students to find out their fundamental or basic ideas of English language. In the field survey, 72 participants were selected for interview. They were as follows 20 learners, 12 guardians and 40 teachers where they were 50 male & 22 female participants   in Rangpur District.  These questionnaires were used to calculate the major reasons of learners weakness in reading, writing and & speaking skills. They all expressed their different observations about English language learning obscurities. Many of them responded   that students were weak in English Grammar, Vocabu-lary, listening, reading, writing & speaking skills. After understanding their English learning comp-lexities the researcher came to conclusion and re-commendations 7 some fruitful steps. In this way, it would like to show a new dimension of English language learning for the secondary level students in the 21st century Bangladesh Education System Con-text (Mohammad et al., 2023).

Background of the study

Before analyzing teaching methods, it would help young learners with learning difficulties in English as a foreign language and it is the real attention should be depicted to the process of learning English language in general. Really very amusing outcomes were revealed by Joan Tough who has a lifetimes experience in language teaching as a primary school teacher.  Her research and practice show that there is a connection between learning ones mother tongue and foreign language. The fact that  young kids learn their first tongue with such speed and competence must mean that if the process may be better under-stood  it should be possible to design experiences through which kids learn a second language in such the same way as they learn their first language (1984, page 213)

Learning Strategies

The real or great problems of teaching & learning English at the secondary level are lack of teachers training courses, suitable teaching aids & materials, authentic infrastructures, lack of competent teachers, teachers inspirations or stimulations, lack of genuine or understanding of teaching methods or techniques and lack of ELT research.  In Bangladesh English is regarded as the light of education and it is known as a secondary language. In Bangladesh the structure of education still it is compulsory subject for all students of schools from class one to twelve class. Instead of learning language in primary and secon-dary schools the aptitude of English is very near to the ground. Their students are bearing a lot of problems mainly in scripting aptitude. Works which already done on written projects of EFL students have shown us, their scripts are full of many issues. In keeping with the comprehension of researchers, students of Bangladeshi schools formulate errors when they have limited knowledge for writing passage. The purpose of these investigate works were to emphasize the errors done by the students and get better their writing and reading capabilities. In this research the aim or object is to find out the speaking and writing problems in English language among the Bangladeshi n schools. The intention of this study should be carry on if the authorities take notification and put some efforts on teachers and lecturers to make them better so these topics could be determined by making claim confident issues. 

There are seven letters in the word of a STUDENT. Every letter has its significant meaning. The word STUDENT symbolically means - S=Study, T=Truth- fulness, U=Unity, D=Discipline, E=Energetic, N= Necessity & T=Training. 

There are ten letters in the word of an Education. Every letter has its significant meaning.  

EDUCATION symbolically means - E=Enlighten-ment/ Energetic, D=Dutiful/Dynamic, U=Understan-ding, C=Careful, A=Active, T=Truthfulness, I=Intel-ligent, O=Ornament & N=Noble. According to these above points an inborn teacher works in his field of teaching.

Objectives of the study

This study is intended to find out the reasons of students at the S.S.C and the J.S.C levels  reluctance in improving their English speaking skill and how the secondary and higher secondary curriculums contribute to such reluctance. The study is also in-tended to evaluate how such reluctance makes them suffer at the tertiary level.

Specific Objectives

1) To realize the reasons of students lack of enthusiasm in improving English speaking skill in the S.S.C and the HJ.S.C levels

2) To disclose the gap between the curriculum and reason of language learning

3) To demonstrate how this gap makes the students go through at the tertiary level.

Literary review

Nasir, (2008) made a view that more than a decade has passed since beginning of the CLT approach in Bangladesh. Nevertheless, not enough facilities are computer, of photocopier and of audio - visual sup-port in every school, class room size is very large - more than 7/80 learners in one class. Islam, (2003) and Rahman, (2010) argued that the ELT teachers in Bangladesh received inadequate support and training from the authority with a view to coping with the changes in the curriculum. James, (l988) illuminates that mistakes evidence as a solid duplicate, for example, relational words sentences and weak ter-minologies in language that the biggest part of mistakes which are frequently carried out by learners of English language. As the structure of sentience that is estimated as a part of the arrangement, a couple of learners that are habitual for the signify-cance of procedure, they made amount of errors. The students of language typically feel inconveniences during learning of grammar in the Language, like utilization of topic understanding, preposition and the utilization of right sentence. It is analyzed the mistakes of language in Bangladesh, they exposed the most doubtful areas of the students in making out of entry were relational words morphology mistakes, action words, passivation articles and paragraphs.

James, (1988) believes that English language is one of the high-positioning statements of the learners of second language. It is recognized with the appraisal of the errors made by the students of second language by clashing in the levels of learners and the objective of language measures and explaining the professed, mistakes. Crystal, (1999) recognizes that mistake examination is the study of paying attention method created by second language learning students all the way through the learning of second language. James, (2001) said that examination of mistakes talks about to "the study of linguistic ignorance, the inquiry of what people do not know and how they attempt to cope with their ignorance", while Ridha, (2012) describes mistake search as "the procedure to watch, arrange and analyze the deviations of the standards of the second/unknown dialects and after-wards to expose the frameworks worked by student. As we identify about the reality no English is recognized as the medium to exchange a few words in any field it is the need of every society businesses such as legislation, knowledge, fine art, travel, and savings. If anyone want to identify that is happening in all around the world to learn the English language is important. In each language there are certain standards and guidelines correspondingly when they start writing in English and when attempt to speak them some different guidelines of the chief issue learners experience of composing and they didnt have a clue how to place them in their works. This is the cause students of ESL/EFL face many diffi-culties (Harris & Cunningham, 1994).

According to Serajul Islam, former Professor of DU, (2015) learners are weak owing to inappropriate linguistic training approaches and inappropriate linguistic education atmosphere. Similarly, some other scholars were in the point of view that Bangla-deshi students are weak in learning this language is on account of syllabus problem and unnatural met-hod of delivering lectures and they have not appro-priate environment with all these issues they have lack of confidence. Some of them were in point of view that performance and keenness are the key point which lends a hand them to play a victorious well-known rule in learning English. According to Dr. Suddoruddin and Dr. Aminul Islam, both former Professors of  RU, (2010) articulated that Bangla-deshi learners are the many of them  who stand in front of more difficulties in English language be-cause both languages English and Bengali both have totally opposite structure according to tense, sen-tence, suffix and prefix, articles, prepositions and culture. The most important factor is that when in the beginning of their life and they come to know about the word linguistic the focus shifted toward the local instructions and information, most importantly to-ward the pronunciation in classrooms also. Speaking is the main language ability from all the four "wri-ting, reading listening and speaking". The best path through which everyone could tell the other about his thoughts and feelings or even can also express their illusions is speaking. Moreover, if anyone is aware of any linguistic he is known as the speaker of that language. Similarly if we are endlessly looking toward the same side, we approach to identify about that the problems encounter by students are the same and it is also significant to maintain the level tea-ching by the instructors. Furthermore Rababa, (2005) articulates us the view of countless issues which basis of problems in speaking English language bet-ween learners and some issues also directly connected to the students education methods, pro-gram and the setting. 

Oxford, (1990) speaks out that the highest key characteristic which influences the course of action of learning is improve the category of teachers and the way how they provide the lecture by means of this kind of instruction they help them to keep away from breakdown and the issue encounter in learning language which is very essential and become the need of the general public. The successful factors need to take by the managements that overcome dissimilar major issues integrated self-conscious-ness, anxiety, shortage of self-confidences, gracious density, cherished families, support, keenness and anxiety.

Review and Forgetting Curve

The key process that bridges that gap between learning and acquisitions are reviews. Review is a process of practicing what has been drawn or pre-sented to matter the knowledge of English.  Young learners with difficulties would be given enough chances and even time to repeat through a lot of experiences and activities. Surely teaching methods can be applied to support review. Rangpur is a district of northern part of Bangladesh.  Really this area is kept apart from the capital city, Dhaka.  The standard of education is not highly enriched or developed especially in the secondary and higher level of Rangpur District. Here, in this study, I have tried painstakings hardship to emphasize & highlight on some complexities of learning English the help of the participated teachers from all upazill as in Rangpur District. The key process that bridges the gap between learning and acquisition is review. Re-view is a process of practicing what has been pre-sented to master the knowledge of English. Young learners with learning difficulties would be given enough opportunities and even time to repeat through a variety of exercises and activities. Certain teaching methods can be applied to support review. 

One example of the from learning to acquisition process can be seen on the forgetting curve that shows the process from first learning to acquisition. There is a timeline that illustrates the time of mas-tering (acquiring) a certain amount of knowledge. The first forgetting curve expresses how much learners would remember during the period if they did not review anything.

Difficulties of Learning English Language at the Rangpur District

Rangpur is a district of middle North Bengal in Bangladesh. This district is kept apart from the capital city, Dhaka. The standard of education is not highly developed, especially in the Secondary and Higher Secondary Level of Rangpur district. The name of the Education Board is Dinajpur Education Board, which is very small in comparison with other boards of the country. Though there are many school & colleges in this district, most of the students dont get proper education at all. The economic condition of the students beggars description. Their parents fully rely upon the mercy of agriculture. There is no alternative means without agriculture. The expense of education totally comes from the income source of agriculture. Most of the people of this district are poor and uneducated. They cannot afford to educate their children in the proper way. Students have to face difficulties in learning English language; they are deprived of expert English teachers; they have no proper basic knowledge of grammar, vocabulary, and speaking skill. For this purpose, the aim of this study aims to look at the difficulties of learning Eng-lish language among the Secondary Level earners of Rangpur District. So, the researcher has emphasized upon some major complexities why the learners are deprived of knowledge of English language. Also some effective steps were investigated how to solve English learning difficulties in order that the secon-dary level learners can be motivated to develop their knowledge of English Language. Here, in this study, I have tried to emphasize on some complexities of learning English along with their probable steps. They are as follows:

Lack of English Teacher

There is a lack of a good English teacher Rangpur still now. Many teachers are politically recruited at school. Some are appointed in taking donation by the local politicians, the Chairman and the Managing Committee of the institution. Written test & inter-view are show system at Rangpur. If teachers are not conversant with English language, how a nation can expect that students receive standard education from them. Teachers have no proper sense of English Grammar, Vocabulary and above all, four skills of English language. Even many teachers dont know how to speak English at all while they teach English in the class. If this situation is continued, Secondary Level learners fail to learn English properly.


The Government should take proper steps while any teachers are recruited, especially for English, Math, and Science. The local leaders and Managing Com-mittee should come forward not to take bribe while teachers are recruited. Rather they should have sensibility of recruiting expert English teachers at school so that the young learners can be able to acquire the basic knowledge of English Language and also they can compete with the age.

Lack of English Language Club

There is no English Language Club throughout the district. Generally, we know that there is no alter-native way without English Language Club if any student dreams to speak, write, or read. He must go to the English Club; his academic learning is not enough since teacher are not well-trained and expert. To develop the knowledge of English, it plays an important role for the students performance on four skills of English language.


Since the role of English Language Club is no less important in learning English, the concerned autho-rity must take pragmatic steps to found such club across the district so that students can increase their knowledge of English. Students must be motivated to join in the club, for this task the concerned authority should take steps to establish English Language Club.

Economic Constraints

Since ours is a very poor country, so we have to face economic constraints throughout the country. People living at Rangpur district have to maintain their livelihood, depending on the mercy of agriculture. Their income source comes from agriculture; based on the agriculture, they educate their children. The majority of the people are farmers; they are very poor and illiterate. In a word, it can be written that they dont know how to or what to read and write. Du to poverty, many of them drop out from the long cherished dreams despite merit. They never think of higher education let alone secondary education. Thus economic constraints hinder their dream and ex-pectation when they want to proceed further.


The Government as well as the conscious people of the country should raise their helping hands to assist the large population living at Rangpur so that the parents can afford to educate their children. To accomplish this difficult task, they must be inspired to increase their knowledge of science and tech-nology besides agriculture. The Government should create employment opportunities for the poorer com-munities of Rangpur district so that their children can be able to receive proper knowledge of English.

Lack of Multimedia Projector

At Rangpur district, there is hardly use of multi-media project at all while teachers teach their students in the class. Even they have no common knowledge how to use multimedia. In the 21st cen-tury age, if we look at the secondary level insti-tutions of the economically developed countries of the globe, we will see that no teacher can be allowed to take classes without multimedia projectors. But the scenario is totally opposite in our country. There is no multimedia project teaching system in the class-room. As a result, a large number of students are fully deprived of multimedia project learning system.


Since students dont receive multimedia project learning in the field of education system, the concerned authority should ensure the very fact so that multimedia projector can be established in all classes to develop education policy. Teachers should receive training course on the usage of multimedia project in the classroom.

Lack of Street Communication

Rangpur is a large and underdeveloped district in comparison with other parts of the country. Here the road communication system is not properly deve-loped; many students live in the remote villages, which are deprived of the light of education. The poor of the poorest people reside and keep body and soul together under the scorching sun. Many female students dont dare to go to school due to a long dis-tance. Sometimes the innocent girls fall victim of eve-teaching, rape, kidnapping and so on. Such occurrences are found almost all the year round. If these incidences occur due to poor road communi-cation system, how the young learners will be able to study.


The local authorities must come forward in this regard to developing the road communication sys-tem. They should remember that their own children are studying at school and college. They should inform the matter of the local government so that road communication system can be developed. Insti-tutions should be established near the hightech communication in order that students can easily be able to keep communication with teachers and insti-tutions. To develop the road communication system, alls participation is a must. Above the graph shows the working experience of participants from the total 40 teachers and all were from Rangpur District. There were 10 participants below from Rangpur Sadar and 4 from Konia Upazilla and not more 5 from Gangachora and only 5 were from Taragong and 6 were from Badorgonj and they were 4 trainees from Pirgacha and 5 were from Pirgacha and 3 were from Mithapukur. Here the main findings of the sadar upazilla they emphasize & highlight on 20 types of lacking or complexities of learning English. 

They are -

1) Lacking in Text books & multimedia projects & lacking of teaching aids and materials

2) Deficient of soft and sound environment and the poor assessment systems

3) Missing of proper trained teachers and is needed a good teacher

4) Unplanned process 

5) Panic of English 

6) High Ambition 

7) Deficient of English Teaching 

8) Lacking of method /steps

9) Religious concept/ thought

10) Superstations

11) Lacking of media 

12) Insulting situations

13) Teaching -learning concept

14) Passion for learning English

15) Unskilled teachers

16) Callousness of teachers

17) Callousness of students

18) Callousness of guardians

19) Callousness of including officers

20) Callousness of including local authority

Here the main findings of Konia Upazilla 4 teachers emphasize & highlight on 10 20 types of lacking or complexities of learning English. They are 

1) Callousness of including higher authority

2) Callousness of including Government

3) Lacking of English teaching aids and materials

4) Lacking of English teaching consistency

5) Lacking of English learning consistency

6) Lacking of real life situation

7) Angry teachers

8) Insufficient English Books 

9) Huge cost for English learning

10) Insufficient budget for English teaching

Here the main findings of Gangachora Upazilla 5 teachers emphasize & highlight on 10 types of lakcing or complexities of learning English. They are

1) Insufficient job faculty

2) Cheating and artificial policy 

3) Lacking of curiosity for English learning

4) Villages and towns barriers

5) Short plan

6) Long and healthy plan

7) Lacking of English daily, weekly, monthly papers

8) Sound and healthy situations for English learning

9) Insufficient mass media

10) Insufficient drama, novels, folk song, movies, written and spoken books.

Here the main findings of Badorgonj Upazilla 6 teachers emphasize and highlight on 20 types of lacking or complexities of learning English. They are

1) Insufficient advertisement on English

2) Huge Bangli sound and always Bangla spoken

3) Insufficient cartoons, banners, festoons, hand leave and public gathering 

4)  English spoken day, week, month or years

5) English debate 

6) Insufficient English language club or movies

7) Insufficient English organizations

8) Phoning English language 

9) English gathering zone

10) Broadcasting and announcing system

11) Shyness on English speaking 

12) Talk show language 

13) Political leader talk show language

14) Transport / Moving language 

15) Religious leaders talk show language

16) Public talking 

17) Students talking

18) Teachers talking

19) Guardians talking

20) Class room language

Here the main findings of 5 Pirgacha Upazilla 6 tea-chers emphasize & highlight on 20 types of lacking or complexities of learning English. They are 

1) Family talking time

2) Public gathering talking 

3) Mind set for talking

4) English bulleting 

5) Family round table on English speaking

6) Childrens passion or slogan on English speaking

7) Greeting on English speaking

8) Village politics

9) Foreign policy

10) Government policy

11) Hard labour for on English speaking

12) English to Bangali or Bangli to English

13) Student gossiping

14) Teacher & student talking periods

15) Role Model on English speaking

16) Smart learning methods

17) Foreign financial projects

18) Lacking of leading institutions

19) Helping hands

20) Society attitude

Here the main findings of 5 Pirgonj & Mithapukur Upazilla 8 teachers emphasize & highlight on 20 complexities or  20 types of lacking of learning Eng-lish. They are- 

1) Mind mapping

2) Foreign tours

3) Foreign policy

4) National policy

5) Army method applying 

6) Loving, healthy and sound environment 

7) Salary systems

8) Brilliant, genius teachers

9) Target making periods

10) National researching on English speaking

11) Child language

12) English Medium Schools

13) Focusing, high lighting on English speaking

14) Official time on English speaking

15) Smart e-learning

16) Smart class teaching 

17) Creating on English speaking

18) English movies class period observing by tea-chers

19) Negative Society attitude

20) Negative or poor feeling or happiness to be com-petence in English.


The above talked about analysis is partly pictured on the hypothesis that the teaching course of action and methods that would be accomplished teaching students with learning difficulties can be accepted to help the young learners with learning complexities so that learners can master English as a worldwide language from the starting of their beginning life. For this target, this study was carried out to the focus upon the varied methods so that the research would be capable of finding out the means of solving English learning complexities.


The research paper is based upon qualities, quan-titative method and questionnaire process. The main purpose of this study is to assess the main courses of students weakness & chink in somebodys armor in writing and speaking skills in the English language, a case study of Bangladeshi schools. This research study is based on the adopted questionnaire which includes quantitative research design to achieve objectives. In this research study the population contains the teachers of the private and government schools of Rangpur city and they were present at "The Millennium Stars School and College at Rangpur city for CA Program on the 14th June to 20th June in 2023. 

Firstly, the study was carried out to highlight the background of English Language Learning with particular accent on methods which was applied for teaching the young learners with learning comp-lexities. This background part was divided into some subcategories: the first one concern the process of learning from the young learners point of view, and the other one was centered on the teaching and learning approaches.

Secondly, the work presented practical conclusions about the issue as well as useful and applicable materials for the teachers who teach the young learners along with learning complexities in the classroom. So, the study unveils findings and recom-mendations with a view to improving the techniques of learning a foreign Language, like English for the students of secondary level at Cantonment Public School and College, Rangpur District. In this qualitative method, data on teaching English as a foreign language to students with learning comp-lexities were collected from different types of male and female learners of secondary level. In this field survey, 20 students did take an active part at Cantonment Public School and College, Rangpur District. 20 worksheets of multiple choices were provided to the hands of the participants. They were given 30 minutes to tick the appropriate answers from the alternatives. The sample for the parents was a convenience sample as some of them were willing to express their attitudes towards English language learning complexities face to face while the inter-view was being taken. The participants were asked to answer the multiple choice questions. Through the field survey form, the reasons for English language learning difficulties were connected to the task done among the secondary  level students at Cantonment Public School and College, their assigned teachers, and other important information about English language learning complexities were investigated. Further clarifications were done through the inter-view with other students, teachers, and guidance. 

Finally, The students were aske to fill the survey form relating to the reasons for English language learning complexities, how teachers helps the stu-dents of the secondary level understand English grammatical knowledge, reading comprehension, corn position, application, paragraph, letter, story writing and script evaluation. The researcher had to spend 7-15 days to collect data so that he could enable to show a faithful picture of English language learning complexities among the secondary level students. Also, the researcher proposed the topics for discussion during the interview process, but asked few specific questions. According to Rubin & Rubin, (1995) during each of the interviews, the researcher recorded the interview and prompted the participants to express what they thought were the reasons of English language learning complexities. The format of the different types of interviewing process was open, some participants responded with more details, while others simply agreed with what had been said. Students and parents interviews lasted for approxi-mately 3 hours and 2 hours respectively. After the interviews were completed, the researcher went through the hand sheets, and transcribed the two interviews by noting complete thoughts and helpful information. Basically 20 set of questions were provided among 20 students to find out their fun-damental or basic ideas of English language. In the field survey, 20 set of questions were provided among 20 students to find out their fundamental or basic ideas of English language. In the field survey, 72 participants were selected for interview. They were as follows 20 learners, 12 guardians and 40 teachers where they were 50 male & 22 female participants in Rangpur District. 

Data Analysis

Participants of secondary level and their parents group did express different views about the causes of English learning complexities. Really responses from the participants were compiled and problems & reasons for learning language from the data.

Questions No a b c d

1 5 7 6 2

2 6 6 5 3

3 5 5 6 4

4 7 7 4 2

5 8 6 3 3

6 7 7 3 3

7 6 6 4 4

8 8 4 3 3

9 5 5 5 5

10 4 4 6 6

11 6 6 4 4

12 3 3 7 7

13 7 7 3 3

14 5 5 4 6

15 5 4 5 5

16 5 5 3 7

17 7 7 4 2

18 7 7 3 4

19 8 8 3 1

20 6 6 4 4

Total 123 105 76 68

Secondary students survey questionnaire

From the chart it is seen that there were 20 students in the test.  20 Question sets were provided to the learners in the classroom activities at Cantonment Public School and College. There were four options in the question pattern. 20 sets of questions were given to each learner in the class. It took 40 minutes to reply the question. Then the questions were taken from them. While the researcher examined their questions very carefully, it was found that most of the learners gave the trick marks on option a whose total number was 123. Then they chose b option which was 105 and c was 76 and last number was  d was 68. ; d was the lowest choice which was only 68. Data were collected from participants carefully from the teachers of schools in the northern district of Rangpur. The frequency and percentages were found to show the weight of each factor which causes of students weakness.

In the graph, it is cleared that there were 72 parti-cipants were selected for interview where 20 lear-ners, 12 guardians and 40 teachers and they were 50 male & 22 female. They were as follows in Rang-pur District. Teachers and guardians did their remarks regarding English language learning obscurities in many ways. Many of them responded that learners were weak in English Grammar, Vocabulary, lis-tening, reading, writing & speaking skills. They have failed to develop grammatical knowledge due to expert English teachers. While they were taking the interview, it was found that some students did not realize the meaning of the questions and a, b, c, d option very clearly since the question set was English version. They told that they had vocabulary & grammatical problems in English learning Lan-guage. The survey showed that teachers were not expert vocabulary & grammar as well. They practi-sed traditional methods in lieu of CELT in the classroom activities.


Data were collected from participants carefully from the teachers of schools in the northern district of Rangpur. The frequency and percentages were found to show the weight of each factor which causes of students weakness in writing and speaking skills in English language.

Participants for English Language Learning obs-curties

Fig. 1: Participants for English Language Learning obscurities.

In the Fig. 1, it is cleared that there were 72 parti-cipants were selected for interview where 20 lear-ners, 12 guardians and 40 teachers and they were 50 male & 22 female. They were as follows in Rangpur District.  Teachers and guardians did their remarks regarding English language learning obscurities in many ways. Many of them responded that learners were weak in English Grammar, Vocabulary, lis-tening, reading, writing & speaking skills. They have failed to develop grammatical knowledge due to expert English teachers. While they were taking the interview, it was found that some students did not realize the meaning of the questions and a, b, c, d option very clearly since the question set was English version. They told that they had vocabulary and grammatical problems in English learning Lan-guage. The survey showed that teachers were not expert vocabulary & grammar as well. They prac-ticed traditional methods in lieu of CELT in the classroom activities.

Gender of the Participants

Fig. 2: Gender of the Participants.

Above Fig. 2 shows the demographic There 72 total number of Participants in which 50 were males and 22 were females from total sample of this study.

Age level of the Participants

Fig. 3: Age level of the Participants.

The above the Fig. 3 shows the age of teachers. There 72 total numbers of teachers in which 40 were having age 12 to 30 years while there were 20 respondents having age 31 to 40 and there were 10 respondents having age 41 to 50 and finally   there were 2 respondents having age 50+ ages.

Education qualifications level of the Teachers

Fig. 4: Education qualifications level of the Teachers.

The above the Fig. 4 shows the qualifications of participants. There were 40 teachers in which 15 participants were simple graduations holders, 24 participants were with post graduations and only 01 participant were with M Phil and say to truth there were no any PhD holders.

Year of Job experiences of teachers

Fig. 5: Year of Job experiences of teachers.

Above the Fig. 5 shows the working experience of teachers from the total 40 teachers. There were 5 teachers below 5 years of experience and there 20 participants below 6 to 10 years of experience. While there were 10 teachers below 11 to 15 years of experience and finally, there were 7 teachers below 16 to 25 years of experience.

The area/Upazilla of teachers in the CA program

Fig. 6: The area/Upazilla of teachers in the CA program.

Above the graph shows the working experience of participants from the total 40 teachers and all were from Rangpur District. . There were 12 participants below from Rangpur Sadar and 4 from Konia Upazilla and not more 5 from Gangachora and only 6 were from Taragong and 9 were from Badorgonj and they were 4 trainees from Pirgacha.

Major Findings 

20 set of questions were provided among 20 students to find out their fundamental or basic ideas of English language. In the field survey, basically 20 set of questions were provided among 20 students to find out their fundamental or basic ideas of English language. In the field survey, 72 participants were selected for interview. They were as follows 20 learners, 12 guardians and 40 teachers where they were 50 male and 22 female learnersin Rangpur District. These above results were connected to the weight of percentages. The greater parts of teachers said that the school and family members did not hearten not suitable follow up and instruct students for the consequence of English language in our society. From the this research paper, the current researcher has collected some pragmatic experiences regarding the difficulties of learning language among the secondary levels at Cantonment public School & College under Rangpur district. Many of the students are very weak in English Grammar, Vocabulary, understanding, writing & Speaking Skills. It is really disheartened that most of the students dont know how read or how speak English with others. Their spoken level or fluently is low or poor but one kind of the O or A level can be mentioned; even some teachers of English have no fluency in speaking skill. While they were questioned about difficulties of learning English language, like they hardly comprehend acutely about questionnaire pattern. From the learners opinions, it was seen that teachers always use Bengali language in the English class. The real features of the society many of them come of an extremely poor family; they have no ability to learn English from private tutoring systems on due to their financial crisis; they have to depend upon the class-lecture. It is true that meritorious and brilliant female learners fall a victim of early marriage, eve-teasing, abduction and rape. Again some boys drop out from education due to limited income source of their gamily. It is the reality that they have to leave home on quest of common jobs; they send money to the family after some months what they earn from his painstaking hard work. Believe it or not some boys & girls fall victim to untimely death due to the failure of English, Physics, and Chemistry & Mathe-matics. It is real pen picture that some commit suicide by drinking poison, by burning fire, by throwing themselves on the railway lines, by leaving home without family concerns. Such types of news are published of the Daily News Papers in Bang-ladesh. And then they cut a sorry figure in the public examinations are tortured to fail in the examination. Finding no other ways they find their choice in committing suicide. 

Above the graph shows the working experience of teachers from the total 40 teachers. There were 5 teachers below 5 years of experience and there 20 participants below 6 to 10 years of experience. While there were 10 teachers below 11 to 15 years of experience and finally, there were 7 teachers below 16 to 25 years of experience. All of the teachers work hard and they try to find out the solutions or remedies of weakness behind English.  However, difficulties are many but they are the some remedies of according to the sadar upazilla and thay emp-hasize & highlight on 20 solutions or complexities of learning English. They are -

1) Provide sufficient Text books to remove their weakness in speaking and written English:-

2) Adequate of soft and sound environment and improve evaluation systems

3) Allotting of proper trained teachers and a good teacher is needed 

4) Planned process 

5) Apply fairness and superior system of English 

6) Apply Leading High Ambition 

7) Apply Perfect of English Teaching 

8) Apply Perfect of method /steps

9) Apply Positive Religious concept/ thought

10) Removing Superstations

11) Enhancing of media 

12) Removing insulting situations

13) Positive Teaching -learning concept

14) Passion for learning English

15) Skilled teachers

16) Positive Sensitivity of teachers

17 Positive Sensitivity of students

18) Positive Sensitivity of guardians

19) Positive Sensitivity of including officers

20) Positive Sensitivity of including local authority

However, difficulties are many but they are the some remedies of according to the Kaonia upazilla and thay emphasize and highlight on 20 solutions or complexities of learning English. They are -

1) Positive Sensitivity of including higher authority

2) Positive Sensitivity of including Government

3) Positive Sensitivity of English teaching aids and materials

4) Positive Sensitivity of English teaching consis-tency

5) Positive Sensitivity of English learning consis-tency

6) Positive Sensitivity of real life situation

7) Loving & positive attitude of the teachers

8) Write sound & sufficient English Books 

9) Cheap rate for English learning

10) Approve sufficient budget for English teaching

However, difficulties are many but they are the some remedies of according to Taragong upazilla and 5 teachers emphasize & highlight on 20 solutions or complexities of learning English. They are -

1) Create sufficient or adequate job faculty

2) Create real English learning policy 

3) Create Sufficient of curiosity for learning English

4) Remove villages and towns barriers

5) Smart short plan for learning English

6) Intellectual long and healthy plan for learning English

7) Adequate English daily, weekly, monthly papers

8) Sound and healthy situations for English learning

9) Sufficient mass media

10) Sufficient drama, novels, folk song, movies, written and spoken books.

However, difficulties are many but they are the some remedies of according to Badorgonj upazilla and 6 teachers emphasize & highlight on 20 solutions or complexities of learning English. They are 

1) Sufficient advertisement on English

2) Sufficient Bangli sound & always Bangla spoken

3) Sufficient cartoons, banners, festoons, hand leave and public gathering 

4) To be celebrated English spoken day, week, month or years

5) Ample English debate 

6) Sufficient English language club or movies

7) Sufficient English organizations

8) Smart Phoning English learning

9) Creative English learning & gathering zone

10) Creative Broadcasting and announcing system

11) Removing the shyness on English speaking 

12) Sound and healthy creative talk show language 

13) Political leader talk show for English learning

14) Transport/Moving language for English learning

15) Religious leaders talk show for English learning 

16) Public talking for English learning

17) Students talking for English learning

18) Teachers talking for English learning

19) Guardians talking for English learning

20) Class room language for English learning

However, difficulties are many but they are the some remedies of according to Pirgacha upazilla and 4 teachers emphasize and highlight on 20 solutions or complexities of learning English. They are 

1) Family talking time for English learning

2) Public gathering talking for English learning

3) Mind set for English learning

4) English bulleting for English learning

5) Family round table for English learning

6) Childrens passion or slogan for English learning

7) Greeting for English learning

8) Village politics for English learning

9) Foreign policy for English learning

10) Government policy for English learning

11) Hard labour for for English learning

12) English to Bangali or Bangli to English for Eng-lish learning

13) Student gossiping for English learning

14) Teacher & student talking periods for English learning

15) Role Model teacher or institution for English learning

16) Smart learning methods for English learning

17) Foreign financial projects for English learning

18) Set up leading institutions

19) Create more Helping hands for learning English

20) Society attitude for learning English

However, difficulties are many but they are the some remedies of according to the Pirgach & upazilla Mithapuku and 8 teachers emphasize & highlight on 20 solutions or complexities of learning English. They are -

1) Mind mapping for learning English

2) Foreign tours for learning English

3) Foreign policy for learning English

4) National policy for learning English

5) Army method applying for learning English

6) Loving, healthy and sound environment for lear-ning English

7) Provide huge salary systems for learning English

8) Appoint brilliant, genius teachers

9) Target making periods for learning English

10) National researching on English speaking

11) Child language for learning English

12) Set up English Medium Schools

13) Focusing, high lighting for learning English

14) Create official time for learning English

15) Smart e-learning for learning English

16) Smart class teaching for learning English

17) Creating atmosphere for learning in English 

18) English movies class period observing by tea-chers for learning in English

19) Sciatic positive attitude for learning in English

20) Positive feeling for learning in English

From these are practical experiences, the current research project was carried out with a view to ex-posing the real pen-picture of English language lear-ning difficulties of his home district like Rangpur.


Considering the each factor, the result shows the most significant factor  on first which needs impro-vement  the cause of school and family do not give confidence, follow up  and educate the learners of the importance  of English were considered as the main cause of students weakness in reading, writing, and speaking skills of the English language the above results in findings, suggested the teachers to take appropriate actions on the key causes which give optimistic, hopeful, cheerful, sanguine and con-fident to the achievement of students in English reading, speaking and writing. Basically 20 set of questions were provided among 20 students to find out their fundamental or basic ideas of English language. In the field survey, 20 set of questions were provided among 20 students to find out their fundamental or basic ideas of English language. In the field survey, 72 participants were selected for interview. They were as follows - 20 learners, 12 guardians and 40 teachers where they were 50 male & 22 female participants in Rangpur District. This happens through proper specialist of English langu-age, proper follow-up, and inspiration of society and government departments like educational ministries. Advance teaching rules and strategies should be educated and taught that can improve & advance students communicative and writing capabilities. To say the truth, there are many reasons of weakness behind English. It is the time to remove the weak-ness in English and it is the demand of the society to learn English without any delay. The textbooks of English in secondary schools are really based on communicative skills and knowledge. Now-a-days English is the power of education in the field of reading; speaking & writing are very much low and poor. To speak the truth they are not able to interact with their mass people. The weakness of under-standing, reading, writing and speaking in English language remains many reasons. This study of investigations behind is many causes of these low or poor impacts on the learners of Bangladeshi secon-dary schools in the northern part of Bangladesh. The schools, family, society, environment, the govern-ment and so on do not provide the real atmosphere to be skilled on English. But the importance of English cant be described in words. Its an international language. We need to learn English for our higher education. Its the storehouse of all knowledge of all books. All the books on higher education of every branch of knowledge are written in English. Finally, the study intends to find out the reason of students unwillingness in civilizing English speaking skill and evaluate their sufferings at the tertiary level. The educational perform of the students in secondary and a higher secondary level was described with the benefit of hindsight and the obstacles they were facing at the tertiary level were investigated along with the objective of the study. This is also a finding which shows a rift between the purpose of intro-ducing Communicative Language Teaching (CLT) and the assessment technique followed by National Curriculum and Text Books Board. There are four main objectives in the new curriculum in 2021 & these are- (1) knowledge, (2) morals, (3) skills & (4) attitude. Now a learner has to receive fundamental four competences and all competences will be received by the learners through a real life situation. The main slogans in the new curriculum is that learning & teaching will be accomplished, concluded & finished  through proper experience and assess-ment and judgment will be estimated, calculated, appraised, assessed, evaluated through competence & capability. In the current curriculum students evaluation systems has been totally changed. Now PI and BI are the main scales to evaluate the learners competency. Students will not sit for in the traditional ways and their evaluation systems have been changed and their results systems are also changed and now there are three indicators in the result-card and they are - (1) square, (2) circle & (3) triangle. Students will get (1) square, (2) circle & (3) triangle according their PI and BI scales and now there is the top most result that is a triangle, medium result is circle and common result is square. Another viewpoint is that students roles will not be men-tioned and no position will be written in the result card or in the transcripts according to their merits. Another slogan of a new curriculum is that learning environment will be cooperative, helpful and sup-portive and there is no conservative competition to learner to learner. There will remain a healthy and sound environment in the academic institutions. 

There are two students evaluation systems in the new curriculum & there are- (1) continuous learning process or method and (2) summative evaluation process or method. Continuous learning processes or methods are measured or evaluated through Students behaviour indicators (BI).  It is called BI is evaluated through more than ten rubrics and BI always helps the students to improve students personal behaviours or manners. On the other hand, the summative evaluation process or method is called PI.  Students PI will be measured after 6 months and after 12 months in a year. Evaluation systems or exam-inations are being called PS and PS means personal standard. Current evaluation systems are called stu-dents evaluation festivals.  Finally it is believed in our hearts that new curriculum will help learners to remove weakness or fearing in English and com-petency in English will be acquired, obtained, achie-ved and gained through their real life experience undoubtedly. However Bengali and English are different language systems and therefore, the pro-blematic areas that cause the young students of secondary level at Cantonment Public School & College. But they felt difficulties at the starting points of foreign language are mainly grammar, speaking skill and vocabulary because whereas grammar is not practiced properly at school & home. Alternatively English is not as transparent. Keeping in mind the study brings a set of instance smallest amount difficulties. At the same time, these activities reveal the practical practice of above talked about teaching methods in learning English language.

On the root of above results of this schoolwork & study, the following approvals can be supportive, useful, beneficial, advantageous, valuable, coopera-tive & helpful with a view to assisting and making the easiest of learners and tutors. Teachers should cover all the weak areas of above results. Parents should try to inspire, stimulate, encourage and moti-vate their children to participate vigorously in learning English language. Teachers should not teach in their local language in the class of English lan-guage. The conclusion makers like applicable ins-tructive ministries should focus on the causes of weakness in English language. Course designers should manage the course current according to the current need improvement by launching promotional campaigns to hearten the consciousness regarding the significance of spoken language and script Eng-lish language in South -Asian countries.

Future Research

It is clear to all that on the bases of on top of findings future investigate can be on the evaluation of teachers and the other significant factors which donate optimistically in the achievement & accom-plishment to become skilled at English language. Researchers can take students judgment about the causes of weakness in their English language. Fur-ther research can be carried out on the other South -Asian countries. It will be surely helpful to the researchers in near future unquestionably.


First of all, I would like to thank Allah who has always been my leadership, supervision & guidance and support all the years.  I would like to thank my Professor (in-charge), S.M Abdus Samad Professor for guiding me throughout the research. I am highly grateful to District Educational Officer- Mr. Anyaet Hossain Sir and District Training Co-coordinator - Most. Tultuli Rani & District Head Trainer Mr. Nayon Kumar Sir & two mater trainers - Mamun Ur Rashid & Mr.  Ebnul Tusar Sir I am always thankful to every one of my faculty members in my insti-tution. Basically I am highly grateful to my Principal Sir of CPSCR who encouraged and supported me to carry on this research work. I also would like to admit observers behind the outcome or achievement of the research work most particularly to the study. Likewise to the feel affection for ones and generally above all to the relatives for the entire support in the accomplishment of this research.  


It is completely declared and admitted by the author himself that there is no any conflict of interest in this research. This dedicated work is knowingly for pub-lication with a view to sharing his thoughts and information in the public so that all can be benefitted from his dedicated work.

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Questionnaire -

1. Who taught you at first?

a) Mother

b) Father

c) Tutor

d) Class teacher

2) In which place did you learn English?

a) At home 

b) Coach centre

c) School

d) Society

3) In which class did you start to learn English?

a) One 

b) Two

c) Three

d) Four

4) In which class did you start speaking?

a) Three

b) Five 

c) Ten

d) HSC

5) In which class did you start to write English well?

a) One 

b) Two

c) Three

d) Four

6) In which class did you start to write English free hand writing well?

a) Five 

b) Eight

c) Ten

d) Eleven 

7) In which class did you start to write English free hand writing well?

a) Five 

b) Eight

c) Ten

d) Eleven 

8) Are you good at English?

a) Yes, I am good at English

b) No, I am not good at English

c) Bad 

d) Neither bad nor good 

9) Are you good at Speaking English?

a) Yes, I am good at English

b) No, I am not good at English

c) General 

d) Neither bad nor good 

10) Are you interested in ELT learning?

a)  Yes, I am interested in ELT learning

b)  No, I am not interested in ELT learning

c)  General 

d) Not at all

11) Are you interested in teaching career?

a) Yes, I am interested in teaching career

b) No, I am not interested in teaching career

c) I hardly think so

d) Not at all

12) Do you believe that teachers are in Bangladesh very good at English? 

a) Yes, few teachers are in Bangladesh very good at English

b) No, most of the teachers are not in Bangladesh very good at English

c) I hardly think so

d) Not at all

13) Are you sure that Speaking English is a must for a job?

a) Yes, I am sure of it

b) No, I am not sure of it

c) No idea

d) Speaking English is a must for a job

14) Are you sure that English Grammar is a must for Speaking English?

a) Yes, I am sure of it

b) No, I am not sure of it

c) No idea

d) English Grammar is a must for Speaking English

15) Do you believe ELT course is a must for all? 

a) Yes, I support

b) No, I do not support of it

c) No idea

d) I hardly think so

16) Do you think that mother must learn English?

a) Yes, I support

b) No, I do not support of it

c) No idea

d) I hardly think so

16) Do you think that mother can show you to learn English?

a) Yes, I support

b) No, I do not support of it

c) No idea

d) I hardly think so

17) Do you think that your class teacher can show you to learn English?

a) Yes, I support

b) No, I do not support of it

c) No idea

d) I hardly think so

18) Are you sure that English Grammar is a must to learn English well?

a) Yes, I am sure of it

b) No, I am not sure of it

c) No idea

d) English Grammar is a must for Speaking English

19) Are you sure that classroom environment is a must to learn English well?

a) Yes, I am sure of it

b) No, I am not sure of it

c) No idea

d) English Grammar is a must for Speaking English.

20) Who can help you to learn English well in Bang-ladesh?

a) College teacher 

b) School teacher 

c) Family 

d) Government 


Questionnaire -

1) Interview: Who is your English teacher at CPSCR?

Interview: My English teachers name is Mr. Arif.

2) Interview: What is your name?

Interview: My name is Mr. Rahim

3) Interview: What is the name of your school?

Interview: The name of my school is Cantonment Public School & College. 

4) Interview: What is your favourite subject and why?

Interview: My favourite subject is English because I feel proud of it when I speak English with others.

5) Interview: Do you know how many skills in English?

Interview: There are four skills in English.

6) Interview: Do you know about four skills in English?

Interview: Yes, I know about four skills in English.

7) Interview: What are they?

Interview: There are four skills in English and they are reading, writing, speaking & listening.

8) Interview: Which is a must to communicate in English?

Interview: Speaking is a must to communicate in English.

9) Interview: Which complexities do you suffer to learn English?

Interview: I think that trained teachers are not hugely in our country. We need more trained teachers to learn English well.

10) Interview: Which teacher do you like most?

Interview: My English class teacher named Rahim whom I like and respect most.

11) Interview: Who teaches you English at home?

Interview: Generally my parents teach me English at home.

12) Interview: What is your mothers name?

Interview: My mothers   name is Mrs. Rahim 

13) Interview: What is the name of your home district?

Interview: The name of my home district is Rangpur.

14) Interview: What is your favourite teacher and why?

Interview: My favourite teacher is English because I feel proud of him when I speak English with others.

15) Interview: Do you know how to write any article in English?

Interview: Yes, I like to write any article in English.

16) Interview: What do you do when you meet your English teacher?

Interview: Yes, I generally speak in English my English teacher.

17) Interview: What are you feeling when your friend speaks in English?

Interview: I am feeling happy when my friend speaks in English

18) Interview: Why do you need English for higher education?

Interview: I think, English is essential for higher studies in any subject. Books for higher studies are available only in English. A good command of English is very necessary in modern time to keep pace with the ever-hanging world.

19) Interview: What does someone want to be a self-equipped person?

Interview: If someone wants to be a self-equipped person then he or she must have a good knowledge of English. So there is no scope to step ahead without knowledge of English. English is useful and helpful. But students in our country start learning English from class one to twelve class as a compulsory subject but they cant command over English well. But English is really positive & helpful to all who like to improve in English. We need to learn English to communicate with them. 

20) Interview: What do you think about English language?

Interview: I think, English is widely spoken all over the world. When people of two different language meet or need to communicate, they resort to a third language for better mutual communication and understanding. English, for its widespread use and acceptance, plays the role of the common language well.  English is an interactional language. It is the vermicular language in most developing countries. It is used as mother tongue in England, Australia and the USA. It is the second language in almost all the countries throughout the world

Article Info:

Academic Editor

Dr. Sonjoy Bishwas, Executive, Universe Publishing Group (UniversePG), California, USA.


May 7, 2024


August 3, 2024


August 18, 2023

Article DOI: 10.34104/bjah.02302090227

Coresponding author

Md. Mainul Islam*

Senior Teacher, Dept. of English, Cantonment Public School & College, Rangpur - 5400, Bangladesh.

Cite this article

Islam MM. (2023). The especial causes of weakness behind learning English language in the secondary schools: a case study of Rangpur district, Br. J. Arts Humanit., 5(4), 209-227. https://doi.org/10.34104/bjah.02302090227

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