Two-dimensional time-independent free convective flow and temperature flow into a right-angled triangle shape cavity charged by Cu-H2O nanofluid has been performed. The horizontal side of the enclosure is warmed uniformly T=Th whilst the standing wall is cooled at low-temperature T=Tc and the hypotenuse of the triangular is insulated. The dimensionless non-linear governing PDEs have been solved numerically by employing the robust PDE solver the Galerkin weighted residual finite element technique. An excellent agreement is founded between the previous, and present studies. The outcomes are displayed through streamlined contours, isotherm contours, and local and average Nusselt numbers for buoyancy-driven parameter Rayleigh number, Hartmann number, and nanoparticles volume fraction. The outcomes show that the temperature flow value significantly changes for the increases of Rayleigh number, Hartmann number, and nanoparticles volume fraction. The average Nusselt number is increased for the composition of nanoparticles whereas diminishes with the increase of the Hartmann number.
Temperature transfer and fluid flow of nanofluids into the triangle shape enclosure have a wide applications in numerous industrial and engineering systems like heat exchangers, fire prevention, solar collectors, home ventilation systems, and refrigeration units etc. -water, -water, and -water are very common nanofluids. These nanofluids are used widely for the augmentation of temperature transfer. Enhancement of warmed-up conductivity into nanofluids was studied by Choi and Eastman (1995). Manca et al. (2010) performed heat transfer in nanofluids. Influence of external magnetic field on natural convective flow into rectangle shape enclosure using warmed up and cooled neighbor walls was investigated by Ece and Buyuk (2006). Convective temperature disposal within a cavity heated partially was performed by Ozotop and Abu-Nada (2008). Free convective temperature flow value into nanofluids within an inclined was performed by Ghasemi and Aminossadati (2009). Impact of inclined angle using copper-water nanofluids within an enclosure was investigated Abu-Nada et al. (2009). Varol et al. (2007) investigated free convectional flow within a triangle shape cavity using isothermal heater. Numerical computations of FEM on convectional temperature flow into nanofluids within a rectangle shape enclosure was performed by Rahman et al. (2009). FEM numerical computations on free convection into nanofluids within a triangle shape cavity in account of both uniform and non-uniform warmed boundary condition was investigated by Basak et al. (2008). A comprehensive review on convectional flow was researched Kamiyo et al. (2010). Aydin and Yesiloz (2011) investigated usual convectional flow into a quadrantal enclosure using warmed and cooled neighbor walls.
Magnetic field which creates an external force on the thermal and energy systems that highly attack the liquid flow and temperature flowing. Sheikholeslami et al. (2014) researched about CuO-water nanofluid effect on convectional flow taking into account Lorentz force in flow domain. Computational study using Al2O3-water nanofluids on natural convectional flow was investigated by Rashmi et al. (2011). Bhardwaj and Dalal (2013) investigated convectional temperature flow as well as entropy generation into a right-angled shape triangle cavity. Natural convectional flow into a nanofluid using horizontal warmed plate was studied by Arani et al. (2011). Combined convectional flow and temperature flow characteristics into lid-driven square enclosure using heated blocks was investigated by Boulahia et al. (2016). Magneto hydro dynamics free convectional temperature transfer into nanofluid within isosceles triangle shape cavity was performed by Rahman et al. (2016). Convectional temperature flow into nanofluid within a triangular shape cavity was performed by Uddin et al. (2018).
From the literature review, the principle intention is to investigate the temperature flow and fluid flow within a right-angled triangle shape cavity charged by copper-water nanofluid. The impact of Rayleigh number, volume fraction of nanoparticles and Hartmann number are performed numerically and discussed them from physical point of view.
We have investigated numerically free convectional flow as well as temperature flow of a right-angled triangle charged by cupper-water nanofluid considering with the help of Galerkin weighted residual finite element analysis. The influence of various parameter are presented using streamline contours, isotherm contours, and Nusselt number and interpreted. The following main findings are listed:
i. Rayleigh number play significant roll on flow field and temperature transfer value.
ii. The fluid flow enhances for rising Rayleigh number whereas diminishes for rising Hartmann number.
iii. Low Hartmann number and higher Rayleigh number conform better temperature transfer value.
iv. Additional nanoparticles significantly improves temperature flow.
v. Average Nusselt number augments for upper Rayleigh number whereas diminishes for rising Hartmann number.
magnitude of magnetic field
specific heat at constant pressure
gravitational acceleration
Hartmann number
thermal conductivity
length of the enclosure
average Nusselt number
dimensional pressure
dimensionless pressure
Prandtl number
Rayleigh number
fluid temperature
velocity component
dimensionless velocity component
Dimension less horizontal coordinate
Greek symbols
thermal diffusivity
thermal expansion coefficient
solid volume fraction
dynamic viscosity
kinematic viscosity
non-dimensional temperature
electric conductivity
stream function
heat surface
cold surface
Base fluid
The authors declare no conflict of interest.
Academic Editor
Dr. Toansakul Tony Santiboon, Professor, Curtin University of Technology, Bentley, Australia.
Department of Mathematics, Bangabandhu Sheikh Mujibur Rahman Science and Technology University, Gopalganj, Bangladesh
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