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Review Article | Open Access | Int. J. Mat. Math. Sci., 2022; 4(3), 45-60 | doi: 10.34104/ijmms.022.045060

Home-Based Learning (HBL) Practice Theory and Support: An Approach to Curriculum Development Program

Leovigildo Lito D. Mallillin* Mail Img


The study aims to examine the contribution of curriculum development programs on home-based learning practice theory support among educational institutions in the area of modular set-up, task accomplishment, learning process, and attitude toward home-based learning. Mixed methods are employed in the study as the application of qualitative and quantitative research design which also includes the Focus Group Discussion (FGD). Purposive sampling is utilized in gathering the samples and data. Thirty (30) respondents are utilized in the study. Results show that modular set-up in the home-based learning modular structure provides an opportunity to practice, apply, analyze, or synthesize new information exercises among students, accomplishment of tasks show that students are provided to work, solve the real challenges, and issues on the task provided such as information, ideas, and thoughts for better outcome, learning process shows to provide specific and clear instructions in the learning process which engage a complete activity outline in the modular lesson on home-based learning and analyzes the implementation and needs of an active learning strategy to provide evidence in a particular active learning techniques for home-based learning teaching of student improvement, and attitude of students toward their home-based learning shows that students explore their home based-learning modular lesson activities and the ability to control the technology expectation and experiences in managing the learning spaces on students role and engagement. This includes students who have a negative attitude toward their home based-learning especially when there is an inadequacy of personal interaction among them. Findings show that there is a significant correlation between the curriculum development program on home-based learning practice theory and support among the educational institutions in modular set-up, an accomplishment of the task, learning process, and attitude toward home-based learning as observed by the respondents. 


The home-based learning practice theory and support to the educational system especially in the program of curriculum and development on the blended learning as to the modular set-up for students despite covid out-break and pandemic. They can accomplish the task as part of the academic achievement through blended learning either online or modular. This improves the learning process of students through the guidance of the module tutor and guardian as well. The home-based learning is a collaborative effort between the module tutor and the guardian due to the mandated covid protocol on blended learning. The attitude to-wards home-based learning depends on the study habits of students since home-based learning is the trend in the educational pedagogy at present. The various educational institutions designed for the academic competency of students that enhance col-laboratively in the digital technology of learning due to pandemic outbreak. It identifies the various imple-mentations of home-based learning and readiness for both students and teachers as to the adequacy of modular learning, adequacy of technology, and plat-form. The theory and support of the home-based learning fits the modular set-up in the various learning tools and pedagogy, course materials, resources that transform students in learning experiences, responsi-bility process, and opportunity (Mallillin et al., 2020). 

The home-based learning practice theory and support identifies the gaps in the modular set-up in its weak-nesses, strengths, and implementation, especially for the tasks to be accomplished by students. This allows students to explore the learning process since they are being guided by the module tutors through the help of their guardians as a full force in assisting students in the learning enhancement brought by the pandemic. This has to do with their attitude in dealing toward the module or home-based learning. They need to be moti-vated in their study habits. The home-based learning practice integration and knowledge supports learning theory that influences the module tutors and parents in the professional knowledge of the student learning process. It identifies the gaps in the home-based lear-ning and integration of knowledge in the modular clas-ses of the learners. The gaps in the home-based learn-ing through modular classes are the lack of technology for the possibility of searching and learning classes of learners to enhance knowledge on modular lesson acti-vities. This can affect students to explore the learn-ing process. Students struggle in the adaptation of home-based learning since they enjoy traditional teach-ing and learning. Students manage the learning process independently on modular activities (Mallillin et al., 2020). 

Furthermore, the benefits of the home-based learning practice support and theory among students in the modular set-up since proper instruction is given em-phasis and proper guidance especially to the student guardians or parents. The process of learning is given to students as priority in the modular set-up. Proper assistance is given due to the situation in the new normal of learning. Students are given a framework in the home-based learning to develop a better attitude and positive outlook in the modular set-up. Students at present need to be motivated in study habits especially that teachers cannot monitor the attitude of students and behavior towards the modular assignment. Moti-vation and guidance must be given emphasis in the home-based learning practices to support the learning theory. The process of learning is effective despite the pandemic outbreak. The pinnacle and vision of attitude and life in every individual explores the framework of process in home-based learning and practice for stu-dents during the pandemic outbreak. It explores the working progress of home-based learning practice in the learning process and support of the theory. The benefits of home-based learning practice identify the various framework of learning through teaching imple-mentation, teaching mode of delivery especially on the academic performance and module task of students, support the educational system during the mandated protocols, and guidelines of the pandemic outbreak. The benefits of home-based learning established the development of the proper techniques in handling the modular classes of students through the initiatives of the module tutors and student parents as well. This also undertakes the limited resources and materials needed in the modular classes especially for the delivery of the module and accomplishment of the task. This supports the modality instruction in the ability to boost the pot-ential and attitude towards modules to ensure better learning process (Mallillin et al., 2020). 

Moreover, the setting of the study explores the home-based learning practice and theory support in modular set-up which is mandated protocols of pandemic out-break that rages in the educational system to prevent the spread of the virus among people in the comm.-unity. This is true also with the accomplishment of tasks in the modules given to students. Learning is a continuous process in various educational institutions to provide curriculum and programs to address the gaps and situation of the covid outbreak. This brings competency in the educational system to include the module tutors of students. The modular set-up and its competency will be measured in the academic output and performance of students. The effectiveness of the module tutor is based on the guidelines to be set-up for students to accomplish the task in a timely manner and submit the task on set deadlines. This improves stud-ents process of learning where they can boost the morale in the home-based process of learning. Re-member students are much attached with social media and technology where they are observed. Indeed, when students are motivated properly, the attention is enhan-ced in the process of learning. Students at present need tender loving guidance so that performance will be measured on the techniques and strategies of the mo-dule tutors in the levels of the competency skills to guide students. The tasks of the lecturers are important since their profession is unique in molding and shaping the future generation of learners as the noblest pro-fession. Module tutors are involved in many challenges especially in the innovation and technical strategies in teaching on the delivery of the modular set-up and lesson. This measures the competency in dealing with the modular lesson and activities. This also involves proper planning, proper communication, self-mana-gement, strategic action, and teamwork for them to be competent module tutors (Mallillin & Mallillin, 2019). 

Lastly, the home-based learning practice theory and support is a challenge on the part of the experiences of the researcher. This is true because proper monitoring is difficult since the integrity of students and honesty in answering the module is not that credible. Even during the face to face examination students are being guarded to avoid cheating. Integrity is something to be given emphasis among students in the modular set-up. The vitality of the process of learning is to prepare students for better potential. Knowledge and skills are not being measured on quantity and scores in the exa-minations but quantified in the learning process. This equips learners in the skills and general performance in the module of home-based learning practice. It helps them to ensure effective learners and develop the skills in the modules. It assesses the module performance and guided process earning outcome (Mallillin, 2018).

Statement of the problem

1) What are the contributions of curriculum deve-lopment program on home-based learning prac-tice theory and support among the educational institutions in the area of -

a) Modular set-up, 

b) Accomplishment of the task, 

c) Learning process, and 

d) Attitude toward home-based learning?

2) How does the home-based learning practice theory and support improve the curriculum development program among the respondents?

3) Is there a significant correlation on the curriculum development program on home-based learning practice theory and support among the educa-tional institutions in modular set-up, accom-plishment of the task, learning process, and atti-tude toward home-based learning as observed by the respondents?


There is a significant correlation on the curriculum development program on home-based learning practice theory and support among the educational institutions in modular set-up, accomplishment of the task, learn-ing process, and attitude toward home-based learning as observed by the respondents.

Theoretical framework

Home-based learning practice theory and support refers to curriculum development programs for any cir-cumstances that may arise in the setting of classroom and traditional learning. It is the learning process where the module is being taught at school where tutors and parents teach students at home instead that formal education is done in the school setting. 

This is permitted by the various educational insti-tutions due to some inevitable circumstances like covid outbreak pandemic to have a smooth flow of the edu-cational system process.

Cycle and process of home-based learning practice theory and support

The cycle and process of home-based learning practice theory and support is a supplement for the education of students. The framework provides correspondence to be approved in the curriculum, blended learning, dist-ance learning, or even online learning. It provides lear-ning and flexibility on the modular set-up, task accom-plishment, process of learning, and attitude toward home-based learning. The cycle of home-based-lear-ning practice theory and support is illustrated below:

Fig. 1: Home-Based Learning Practice Theory and Support.

Modular set-up 

It is the process of home-based learning practice theory and support to the modular distance and implem-entation of learning as mandated by the various edu-cational institutions to address the continuation of education brought by the protocols on covid outbreak and other disasters. This provides a smooth flow and process of innovation in school. The system and mana-gement learning offers set and predefined flexible lear-ning and function for the improvement and change of the educational system brought by any calamities. This requires tools in teaching curriculum relevant to the modular set-up. It incorporates technology and inno-vation for the learning process and platform of the task and design (Dmitriyev et al., 2021). It stresses on the following platforms:

1) Modular set-up provides a system to organize the educational learning process of students outside the school setting.

2) It designs for home-based learning with proper instructions and guidelines for students to accom-plish with the guidance of the module tutor and assistance of student parents or guardians. 

3) The product and concept have developed for as-sisting calamity or disaster like covid pandemic that affect the educational system. 

4) The modular set-up is designed on the standard learning process in the domain of learning.

5) Modular set-up is designed to augment flexibility of student needs as a centre of learning. 

Accomplishment of the task 

Refers to the process of home-based learning practice theory and support that stresses on the accomplishment of concept in the student task and achievement of the proportion of the study habits of students. It refines the dimension and engagement of learners tasks and acti-vities of the modules. It provides engagement in the positive and fulfilment of student learning process in their module as to the absorption, dedication, and vigor that represent the quality of involvement effort and learning productive activities. It says that learning activities of the accomplishment task indicates student involvement as to the various domains and strategies in the behavior of students (Li, 2021). Task and accomp-lishment involves details below:

1) The task completes the learning purpose on speci-fic activities, goals and targets of home-based learning. 

2) The task is consistent and clear to provide better expectations and guidelines for home-based lear-ning appropriate for the learning outcome.

3) The task is based on the needs and strengths of students to support in the completion of the task of the module activities.

4) The task prioritizes the social connection in the essentiality of the principles in home-based learn-ing. 

5) The task embraces the learning opportunity for students in exploring the lesson on a real situ-ation that engages in the community.

Learning process 

Refers to the process of home-based learning practice theory and support in the transformation of knowledge learning and teaching of students. It provides various elements and combinations of the established develop-ment resources, implementation, and objectives of learning. Students are given the process of home-based learning. It assesses the learning output of students. It provides formative development and positive feedback in the learning process. It helps them to provide pro-motion and self-esteem in the academic performance. It enables to implement that process of learning and expectation of the academic performance of the lear-ners (Munna & Kalam, 2021). Learning process em-phasizes on the following expectations:

1) It provides skills, knowledge, development, exp-eriences, habits, skills and attitude of students towards learning continuous process.

2) It provides change of behaviours and learning that measures the various forms of a positive direction to include the mental process and domains of learning.

3) It provides learning as goal oriented and pur-posive in competency and objectives toward determining goals of learning.

4) It provides a learning development process and progress that occurs in learning direction and learner behavior.

5) It provides learning assistance in the achieve-ment behaviour of learning in teaching such as development of attitude, skills, interest, insight, and knowledge.

Attitude toward home-based learning 

This is the last stage of home-based learning practice theory and support. The attitude of students toward their home-based learning depends on the study habits of students. Motivation is the key to success. The rea-sons why student study habits are not very impressive are because of the influences of the advanced tech-nology where learning is being affected. Motivation must be given emphasis in the home-based learning to realize its implication in the academic performance of students. They can utilize advanced technology or social media however; proper usage will be guided accordingly. Social media can destroy the attitude and study habits of students in the home-based process of learning. It is necessary for the school system to pivot the learning and teaching of home-based learning. This can provide conventional changes in the instructional practices for the transition of home-based learning. It measures the instructional materials in pressing the need and attitude of the learners in their home-based learning as intervention to the strategic planning and support of home-based learning (Mansor et al., 2021). The attitude toward home-based learning emphasizes the details below:

1) It provides a transition in the home-based process of learning related to the perspective and attitude of students.

2) It assists students in the home-based learning knowledge and development to meet the learning needs. 

3) It provides important processes and details of the learning toward the attitude of home based-learn-ing process. 

4) Home-based learning motivates students toward the learning attitude, process and perspectives as the key components of the performance of learn-ing. 

5) It provides students an optimistic attitude toward the home-based process of learning on the skills of students. 

Flow of the study

Fig. 2: The independent variable and dependent variable as to the home-based learning practice theory and support toward approach to curriculum development program.

Research design

The research employs mixed methods where it exp-lores the Focus Group Discussion (FGD) as to des-criptive qualitative and quantitative design. Mixed method emerges methodology in the systematic ad-vanced and integration of data to sustain and invest-tigate the inquiry on the analysis, discussion, and collection of the study. Benuto et al. (2020) discovered the integration and treatment of mixed method factors under study is a sensitive practice. The theme analyzes the concept generated result of the data on the modular set-up, task accomplishment, process of learning, and attitude of students toward home-based learning on the assessment process in the gathered data. Hence, Ed-wards, (2020) provides guidance in the favorable and expected data and value of the study in the quantitative research and concerns to the extent of the home-based learning practice as to modular set-up, accomplishment of the task, learning process, and attitude toward home-based learning. It provides work ethics and inte-gration of opportunity in the study. Lastly & Kyngäs, (2020) defined qualitative research to investigate the educational phenomenon, and interest design of the study. It provides a process of the general qualitative criteria in a comprehensible and accurate explanation of the analysis and content of the application of poten-tial research and approach to curriculum development program on modular set-up, accomplishment of the task, learning process, and attitude toward home-based learning. 

Sampling techniques

Purposive sampling technique is utilized in the res-earch process. It is convenient sampling called subject-tive sampling, selective sampling, and judgmental sampling that rely on choosing the population to parti-cipate in the entire process of research. The non-pro-bability method and sampling that occurs in the sele-cted elements and sample size. The purposive sam-pling highlights the utilization of the samples involved in the implementation and determination. It identifies the approach sample of non-probability of the research process and credibility. It explains the factors and key considerations of the principles that have been outlined in the sampling techniques. It identifies the predefined criteria to consider the generation of the essential task and knowledge comparison in the iterative approach needed (Denieffe, 2020).

Respondents of the study

The respondents of the study are the professional tea-chers and lecturers who are involved in the home-based learning brought by the pandemic. They are exp-erts in the modular set-up of learning and teaching, checking the task accomplishment in home-based lear-ning, and observing the attitude of students toward their home-based learning. Thirty (30) respondents are included in the study.

Instruments used

Table 1: Home-based learning on modular set-up.

Table 2: Home-based learning on accomplishment of task.

Table 3: Home-based learning on their learning process.

Table 4: Attitude toward home-based learning.


On the contribution of curriculum development pro-gram on home-based learning practices among the educational institutions in modular set-up, task accomplishment, process of learning, and attitude toward HBL.

 Table 5: Contribution of the program development curriculum home-based learning on modular set-up.

Table 5 presents the weighted mean and the corre-sponding interpretation on the contribution of the program on development curriculum home-based lear-ning on modular set-up. As gleaned in the table, rank 1 is shared by the two indicators which are “Home-Based Learning modular structure learning environ-ment provides an aid in the application of teaching and learning process” and “Modular set-up lessons provide opportunities to practice, apply, analyze, or synthesize new information that may include work or practice exercises among students, with a weighted mean of 4.23 or Highly Observed which means modular set-up is very satisfied. Rank 2 is “It allows for better evalu-ation and more focused revision and improvement for students learning process in HBL practices”, with a weighted mean of 4.00 or Observed which means modular set-up is satisfied. Rank 3 is “It provides to reflect and articulate students acquired knowledge to include a formal or informal assessment of modules and objectives”, with a weighted mean of 3.58 or Observed which means modular set-up is satisfied. The least in rank is “Modular set-up lessons are formatted and are ultimately more flexible and easier to convert for delivery learning practice among students”, with a weighted mean of 3.35 of Moderately Observed which means modular set-up is moderately satisfied. The overall average weighted mean is 3.88 or Observed which means contribution of the development curri-culum program of home-based learning on modular set-up is satisfied in this area.

Table 6: Contribution of curriculum development program of home-based learning on accomplishment of task.

Table 6 presents the weighted mean and the corre-sponding interpretation on the contribution of the pro-gram in the development curriculum home-based lear-ning on accomplishment of task. As revealed in the table, rank 1 is “Accomplishment of the task provides to work and solve the real challenges and issues on the task provided for them to include information, ideas, and thoughts to ensure better outcome”, with a weigh-ted mean of 4.10 or Observed which means task accomplishment is satisfied. Rank 2 is “It provides an opportunity to develop positive ways and establish-ment to think, collaborate, interact, and communicate”, with a weighted mean of 4.00 or Observed which means task accomplishment is satisfied. Rank 3 is shared by the two indicators which are “Task accom-plishment performed and demonstrated the under-standing knowledge, and proficiency of the students”, and “It provides students to design solutions and assists to real challenges to set appropriate norms of advanced technology in the home-based learning”, with a weighted mean of 3.83 or Observed which means task accomplishment is satisfied. The least is rank is “Task accomplishment provides yield and tan-gible performance of students in the learning evidence of the module task”, with a weighted mean of 3.37 or Moderately Observe which means accomplishment of the task is moderately satisfied. 

The overall weighted mean is 3.83 or Observed which means program and contribution of development curriculum home-based learning on accomplishment of task is satisfied in this area. 

Table 7: Contribution of development curriculum program of home-based learning on learning process.

Table 7 presents the weighted mean and the corres-ponding interpretation on the program and contribution of development curriculum home-based learning pro-cess. As noted in the table, rank 1 is “It provides spe-cific and clear instructions among students in the learn-ing process which engages a complete activity outline in a modular lesson on home-based learning”, with a weighted mean of 4.25 or Highly Observed which means the learning process is very satisfied. Rank 2 is shared by the indicators which are “Learning process in HBL analyses the implementation of an active lear-ning strategy of students”, and “Learning process pro-vides evidence in a particular active learning strategy that will enhance the HBL teaching and learning or improve learning of students”, with a weighted mean of 4.16 or Observed which means learning process is satisfied. Rank 3 is “Learning process of home-based is planned and designed for the identified objectives and learning outcome of students”, with a weighted mean of 3.72 or Observed which means the process of learning is satisfied. The least in rank is “Home-based learning process is very challenging among students to personalize attention in applying the skills and know-ledge that can guide the learning development”, with a weighted mean of 3.15 or Moderately Observed which means the process of learning is moderately satisfied. The overall average weighted mean is 3.89 or Obser-ved which means contribution program of develop-ment curriculum of home-based learning process is satisfied in this area.

 Table 8: Contribution of curriculum development program on the attitude of students towards home-based learning.

Table 8 presents the weighted mean and the corres-ponding interpretation on the contribution and program of the development curriculum on the attitude of stu-dents towards home-based learning. As gleaned in the table, rank 1 is “Students explore home based-learning modular lesson and ability to control the technology expectation and experiences in managing the learning spaces on students role & engagement”, with a weigh- ted mean of 4.00 or Observed which means attitude toward home based-learning is satisfied. Rank 2 is “Students have a negative attitude towards home based-learning inadequacy of personal interaction among them”, with a weighted mean of 3.82 or Obser-ved which means attitude toward home based-learning is satisfied. Rank 3 is “It explores attitude towards home based-learning module that drives them in self-discipline to learning”, with a weighted mean of 3.70 or Observed which means attitude toward home based-learning is satisfied. The least in rank is shared by the two indicators which are “Students who have inade-quacy of motivation may find hard on the completion of the task in home based-learning”, and “The uti-lization of asynchronous communication tools, such as discussion boards, also points dissimilarities in student preferences on the needs towards home based-lear-ning”, with a weighted mean of 3.30 or Moderately Observed which means attitude toward home based-learning is moderately satisfied. The overall average weighted mean is 3.62 or Observed which means contribution of curriculum development program on the attitude of students towards home-based learning is satisfied in this area.

On the thematic analysis on home-based learning practice in the improved curriculum development program among the respondents

Presented in this area is the thematic analysis on home-based learning practices in the improved curriculum development program among the respondents on the Focus Group Discussion (FGD) results. The thematic analysis has been identified such as the core ideas from the interviews gathered. In consequences, the cate-gories of the interviews and reaction in the recurrence are classified into General when the response and similarities are 50% and above, Typical when the res-ponse of similarities is 25 to 49%, and Variance when the response and similarities is 24 and below. Ver-batim is also included in the presentation for further discussion

Table 9: Thematic analysis on the home-based learning practices.

Modular set-up

Modular set-up is a kind of distance blended learning in the various institutions for the process of edu-cational teaching due to covid mandated outbreak. This is also known as blended learning for students where they can answer and analyze the module. The initiative of the educational institutions for modular set-up asse-sses and guides students competency and desires where teachers monitor the progress of the learners through the output of the modules individual homes of students. The participants generally say that:

“Modular set-up lessons are formatted and are ultimately more flexible and easier to convert for delivery learning practice among students” (P8 & P1-T1)

“It allows for better evaluation and focuses re-vision and improvement for students learning process in HBL practice” (P10 & P2-T1)

“It provides to reflect and articulate students acquired knowledge to include a formal or in-formal assessment of modules and objectives” (P8 & P3 -T1)

Accomplishment of the task

The task accomplishment in the home-based learning is vital for the learners to provide feedback in the aca-demic performance. The guidelines and directions are given to learners with the necessary guidelines and deadlines. Task assignments of students must be auth-entic and answer their own knowledge through the guidance of the guardians to guide them. Teachers provide guidelines to be performed in the based-task learning. It is true that the task is very challenging especially when the task is complicated where students have limited knowledge. The task is focused in prac-ticing and analyzing the lesson of the modular lesson and activity. Performing the task provides students to be independent in the learning process where they can utilize the resources in answering the task. Generally, the participants say that:  

 “Task accomplishment provides yield and tan-gible performance of students learning evidence in the module task” (P7 & P4-T2)

“It provides students to design solutions and assists with real challenges to set the appropriate norms of advanced technology in HBL”. (P12 & P4-T2)

“Task accomplishment is performed and demon-strates understanding, knowledge, and profici-ency of students” (P12 & P 2-T2)

Learning process

The learning process of students in the home-based process depends on the motives and study habits dur-ing the modular learning which is called home-based learning. Students are supported on the challenges they faced during the covid outbreak. The gaps in the lear-ning process would be the resources and supports needed in home-based learning like families to guide them through module teachers. Students need to be equipped equally in home learning dispositions, and skills. Though some parents are not prepared due to limited knowledge and support among their children. The process of learning is an adjustment for students, parents, and teachers. This is true with those parents who have no experiences and skills to support the home-based learning of their children. Generally, the participants say that: 

 “The HBL learning process is very challenging among students to persalize attention in   applying the skills and knowledge for learning develop-ment” (P10 & P3-T3).

“Learning process of HBL is planned and de-signed for the identified objectives and learning outcome of students” (P18 & P5-T3).

Attitude of students towards home-based learning

The attitude of students towards home-based learning is based on the performance output. The accomplish-ment of home-based learning activities is based on the interest and habits of students. Motivation must be given emphasis by the module tutors. This examines the home-based learning of students and attitude that predicts the factors in the attitude toward the modules. The support from teachers and guardians of students to comply with the requirements is emphasized. The teachers will provide the module with complete instructions and deadlines. It is now the duty of the guardians to follow-up the status of the modules. Education is important to emphasize for students. Home-based learning is a critical factor in the atmos-phere of learning. The behavior and attitude of stud-ents toward the module relates to what they feel and think about the lesson. Generally, the participants say that:

 “The utilization of asynchronous communication tools, such as discussion boards, also points to dissimilarities in student preferences that may be based on the needs towards HBL” (P20 & P1-T4.

“Students who have inadequacy of motivation may find it hard on the completion of the task in HBL” (P18 & P4-T4).

“It explores their attitude towards the HBL mo-dule that will drive them to self-learning and self-discipline” (P10 & P3-T4).

On the significant correlation program and de-velopment curriculum on home-based learning practice among educational institutions in modular set-up, task accomplishment, process of learning, and attitude toward HBL as observed by the res-pondents

Table 10: Test of significant correlation program and development curriculum on home-based learning practice among educational institutions in modular set-up, task accomplishment, process of learning, and attitude toward HBL as observed by the respondents.

Table 10 presents the test of significant correlation on the program development curriculum on home-based learning practice among educational institutions in modular set-up, task accomplishment, process of learn-ing, and attitude toward home-based learning as obser-ved by the respondents. It reveals that z-test computed value of modular set-up is 33.73, task accomplishment is 39.64, learning process is 31.38, and attitude toward home-based learning is 35.38 respectively which means that all the z-test results are greater than the z-critical value of ± 1.96, two-tailed test, with 0.05 signi-ficant level which resulted to the decision of rejection in the hypothesis. Therefore, it is evident in the com-putation that there is a significant correlation of the curriculum development program on home-based lear-ning practice among educational institutions in mod-ular set-up, task accomplishment, learning process, and attitude toward home-based learning as observed by the respondents.


On the contribution of the home-based learning prac-tice theory and support on modular set-up and curri-culum development program shows that home-based learning modular structure learning environment provides presentation and application of the learning process in teaching which is needed since modular set-up of the lessons are provided for the opportunities of stu-dents to practice, apply, analyze, or synthesize new information that may include work or practice exer-cises. This will allow for better evaluation on the revision and improvement of students process of learning in HBL practice. The module set-up provides a chance to reflect and articulate students acquired knowledge to include a formal or informal assessment of modules and objectives. Hence, modular set-up lessons are for-matted and are ultimately more flexible and easier to convert for delivery learning practice among students. The new system provides the edu-cational setting and challenges to push through with the attempted pandemic. The educational schools implemented and adopted the blended and flexible model in the process of learning. This is utilized by the modular teachers based on the learning vitality and competency, (Anzaldo, 2021). 

The contribution of the curriculum development program of home-based learning on accomplishment of task is provided to work the real challenges and issues on the task provided for them to include infor-mation, ideas, and thoughts outcome in the task exp-eriences for the opportunity to develop positive ways and establishment for students to think, collaborate, interact, and communicate. The modular task provides accomplishment of the task and demonstrates under-standing, knowledge, and proficiency of the learners and provides students to design solutions and assists the real challenges to set the appropriate norms of advanced technology in the home-based learning. Moreover, task accomplishment provides yield and tangible performance of students learning evidence in the module task. The task is being marked according to the measurement of the scholastic performance of learners. It investigates and explores the influences and potential factors in the academic performance of students in the platform of the home-based learning where the models in the blended learning platform for the academic improvement and achievement of the learners are being emphasized. The background of students shows in the home-based learning and experiences collaborates the positive and autonomy interaction of the learners who excel in the modular learning. This provides the effect of the home-based learning application in analyzing, understanding, and remembering the positive alignment of the academic achievement of the learners in the home-based lear-ning. It supports strong integration of home-based theory learning in the blended platform for academic achievement and improvement of students. The ac-complishment task evaluates, plans, and implements the home-based learning platform of the learners, (Abuhassna et al., 2020). Moreover, the program of development curriculum and contribution of home-based learning process shows to provide specific and clear instructions among students which engage a complete activity outline in the modular lesson on home-based learning. The HBL process of learning analyses the implementation of an active learning strategy of students. The function of home-based learning provides an active learning strategy that will enhance the HBL to improve learning of students. Moreover, home-based learning is designed and plan-ned for the identified objectives and learning outcome of modular set-up for students as a center of learning. The home-based learning process is very challenging among students to personalize attention in applying the skills and knowledge in the development of learning. The modular set-up and process of learning introduce the potentials of the educational environment in the various flexibility of learning in curriculum and deve-lopment programs of the educational institutions in the new normal setting individual needs. This has provided various strategies and styles in teaching. It engages on the modular setting that leads to potential interfaces and provision for students to allow the resources and creativity in the access of the modular independent learning. It calibrates and interfaces the features that evaluate the home-based learning process of the stu-dents. It supports the quality of learning in the modular setting of the learners. It designs and establishes the home-based learning structure. It designs the process of learning to explain implementation of modules and evaluation. It engages the inquiry of learners in the self-directed modules. It illustrates and presents the enrich modules for the paradigm and instructional design of home-based learning and support (Mamun et al., 2020). 

Furthermore, the curriculum development program on the learners attitude towards home-based learning explores modular lessons and the ability to control the technology expectation and experiences in managing the learning spaces on students role and engagement. This is the itinerary during the module accom-plishment. The negative attitude of students toward home based-learning is observed on inadequacy of personal interaction among them. Students have a difficult adjustment in the process of learning during the new normal setting. Hence, students explore an attitude toward home based-learning modules that will drive self-discipline learning. This pushes the stu-dents to learn independently to pursue education. Simi-larly, students who have inadequate motivation may find it hard on the completion of the task in their home based-learning. The utilization of asynchronous communi-cation tools, such as discussion boards, also points to the dissimilarities in student preferences on students towards home based-learning. This is true since there are instructions in the modules that are vague to understand in the lesson through the internet. The educational system provides curriculum programs and designs to accomplish the modules based on the needs considering the lifestyle and study habits of the learners. Module tutors are being challenged on how students react in the task accomplishment to emphasize proper motivation. This is the attitude toward home-based learning (Shang & Xing, 2021). 

In addition, the analysis of thematic on the modular set-up assesses and guides students for the competency of learning process and desire. It shows that modular set-up les-sons are formatted and are ultimately more flexible and easier to convert for delivery learning practices among learners to develop strict aims of the modules and concerns among home-based learning. It also demonstrates the system of home-based learning and functions to facilitate better learning and output (Kenneally et al., 2020). Hence, it allows for better evaluation and more focused revision and impro-vement for students process of learning in their home-based learning. The practice for the inclusive inno-vation in the modular set-up of students teaching pedagogy synthesized the module and designed for better learning and output of students. It proves to be effecttive in the modular set-up for home-based learning. It transforms the learning perspective that aims to cultivate students as the center of learning in the educational setting (Fox & Wu, 2021). In addition, it provides a chance to reflect and articulate students acquired knowledge to include a formal or informal assessment of modules and objectives where it inte-grates the constant utilization of advanced teaching technology for the learners in the adaptive learning process. It reflects the assessment of formative in the modular set-up for the home-based process of learning activities to be accomplished by students in carrying and analyzing the module activities (Marchisio et al., 2020). Similarly, to accomplish the task in the home-based learning which is vital for the learners to be given feedback in the academic performance. Task assignment of students is authentic where students answer through the guidance of their guardians to guide them. It shows that task accomplishment pro-vides yield and tangible performance of students that serve as the learning evidence in the module task as introduced in the theory and famous framework of home-based learning of the module. The task is evolved in the module development particularly on the needed method and concept clarity of the module context. It focuses on the theory achievement and goal on the module intervention in home-based learning (Urdan & Kaplan, 2020). Hence, it shows goal accom-plishment provides students to design solutions and to assist the real challenges to set the appropriate norms of advanced technology on home-based learning. It sustains the practices and changes of the modules equitable engagement in the process of learning. This motivates learners in the modules and framework toward home-based learning. It provides design and principles in the accomplishment of the modules and task. It supports students in the modules necessary for home-based learning, (Miller et al., 2021). Yet, task accomplishment performed demonstrates the profi-ciency, knowledge, and understanding of the learners in its structures of the objectives set in the module. It supports the task of accomplishing the best knowledge of the learners in the academic performance and framework set plans of the home-based learning ac-complishment (Dutta & Sahney, 2021). 

Subsequently, the process of learning in the home-based learning depends on the motives and study habits during the modular learning which shows that home-based learning process is very challenging among students to personalize attention in applying the skills and knowledge learning development. The stu-dents equip equally in the home learning dispositions, and skills. It is challenging since learners have difficulties in the process of learning adjustment from the traditional teaching to blended learning where they are learning independently. They can only manage their studies through the limited resources. They depend on the technology of education which is lacking in the capacity and process of the module lessons. The design of learning is limited in their capacity. It enhances the understanding exploratory and reflection of the home-based learning through limited skills and challenges. It indicates that students major challenges is their limitation of knowledge in the module task. The skills and knowledge development is based on the internet resources. This is evident in the transformation of learning beyond the module classes (Lynch et al., 2021). 

Besides, the process of learning is designed for home-based learning and planned for the identified object-ives and learning outcome of students. It provides immersive and adaption of the pedagogy methods in learning for students especially in the module acti-vities. This constitutes the concept and challenges atmosphere learning in home-based learning. It ex-plores and allows complex module activities for the learners to manage the home-based learning needs. The process of learning that stressed on the charac-teristics, intervention, assessment, and learning out-come measures the scholastic performance of the learners. It explores the process of learning in a systematic manner and standard policies of the educa-tional institutions. It evaluates the outcome of the lear-ning process for home-based learning (Hamilton et al., 2021).

Lastly, home-based learning is based on the attitude of students in their performance output. The students study habits help in accomplishing the home-based learning. It shows that utilization of asynchronous communication tools as discussion boards. It also emp-hasizes dissimilarities of the learners preferences bas-ed on individual differences and needs towards home-based learning. It brought various methods and teach-ing practices of learning in the modules. This includes the utilization of the learning in advanced technology to adapt the home-based learning to the fullest. The educational process of home-based learning broadens the knowledge of learners implication and acquisition of knowledge among students to include the moti-vation in the study habits toward home-based learning. This provides students in the creativity learning peda-gogy achievement of the learning ideas toward home-based learning. This expresses the platform and ana-lysis of the modules in the blended learning and innovation (Medic & Dolic, 2021). Furthermore, it shows that learners who have inadequate motivation may find it hard and difficult to complete the activities and tasks in home-based learning. Hence, the module is designed according to the student level and needs to improve learners academic performance. It deter-mines the productivity of students in their modules. They are motivated properly to accomplish the task in the module as part of home-based learning in terms of productivity (Kabigting et al., 2021). Hence, it ex-plores the attitude towards home-based learning modules that will drive to self-discipline of learning. This helps students interest in modular activities as part of the process in home-based learning. This is in collaboration with both the teachers and parents to materialize the home-based learning and modular activities in the new normal setting of learning and teaching, (Suzanna et al., 2020). 


Modular set-up shows that home-based learning mod-ular structure provides an aid in the application and presentation of teaching process of learning and les-sons provided for the opportunities to practice, apply, analyze, or synthesize new information that may include work or practice exercises among students. On the other hand, accomplishment of tasks shows that learners are provided to work and to solve the real challenges and issues on the task provided for them to include information, ideas, and thoughts for better out-come in the task. Learning process shows that it pro-vides specific and clear instructions among learners in the process of learning to complete activity outlined in the modular lesson on home-based learning and ana-lyses implementation and needs of active learning stra-tegy techniques that will enhance the home-based learning teaching of students improvement. The lear-ners attitude towards home-based learning shows that learners explore home-based-learning modular lesson activities and ability to control the technology expect-ation and experiences in managing the learning spaces on students role and engagement. This includes lear-ners who have a negative attitude toward home based-learning especially when there is inadequacy of per-sonal interaction among them. It shows that there is a significant correlation of the curriculum development program on home-based learning practices among the educational institutions in modular set-up, accomplish-ment of the task, learning process, and attitude toward home-based learning as observed by the respondents.


The research would like to acknowledge the people behind the success of this research. Especially those respondents and validators who contributed much in the process of research. Most especially to his family who is very supportive in the success of this research.


The author declares no conflicts of interests. 

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Article Info:

Academic Editor

Dr. Toansakul Tony Santiboon, Professor, Curtin University of Technology, Bentley, Australia.


March 15, 2022


April 21, 2022


April 30, 2022

Article DOI: 10.34104/ijmms.022.045060

Corresponding author

Leovigildo Lito D. Mallillin*

Graduate School Program, Philippine Christian University, Northern Luzon Extension, Manila, Philippines

Cite this article

Mallillin LLD. (2022). Home-based learning (HBL) practice theory and support: an approach to curriculum development program, Int. J. Mat. Math. Sci., 4(3), 45-60. https://doi.org/10.34104/ijmms.022.045060 

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