In this article, we have explained the RSA public-key cryptosystem initiated by Rivest and Hill Chiper cryptosystem initiated by Lester. Hill for coding and decoding the text. To explain these we apply the Euler-phi function, congruence, and simple Matrix Application in cryptography to decode and encode the message. In our analyses, we have collaborated on two cryptosystems which is more assured than standard cryptographic processes such as Ceaser cipher. We apply both secret-key cryptography and public-key cryptography which differ from standard cryptography. In our presentation, we use two keys for coding and two for decoding.
Keywords: Cryptography, Congruence, Euler’s phi function, Hill Chiper, RSA cryptosystem, and Matrix.
Citation: Ahmed M, and Iqbal MA. (2020). An execution of a mathematical example using Euler’s Phi-function in Hill Chiper cryptosystem, Int. J. Mat. Math. Sci., 2(6), 99-103.