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Original Article | Open Access | | doi: 10.34104/ijavs.024.012026

Identification, Pathogenicity, Public Health and Economic Importance of Tapeworms of Poultry

Daniel Tamirat WeldeMariam Mail Img Orcid Img
Md. Raquibul Islam Mail Img Orcid Img
Mahedi Hassan Mail Img Orcid Img
Saima Akter Bristy Mail Img Orcid Img
Md. Khokon Hossain Mail Img Orcid Img



Tapeworms of poultry are a group of cestodes that parasitize the intestinal tract of chickens and other birds. They cause economic losses due to reduced production, growth retardation, weight loss, and mortality. In Ethiopia, several species of tapeworms have been reported in poultry, especially in free-range systems and low land areas. The most common genera are Davainea, Hymenolepis, Amoebotaenia, Choanotaenia, and Raillietina. These tapeworms have complex life cycles that require arthropod or other invertebrate intermediate hosts, such as snails, beetles, ants, and earthworms. The birds become infected by ingesting these intermediate hosts that contain the infective larval stage of the tapeworms. The larvae then attach to the mucosa of the intestine and change themselves to adult tapeworms that produce eggs or proglottids that are passed in the feces. Tapeworm infections can cause various clinical signs and pathological lesions in poultry, depending on the species, number, and location of the worms. Some of the common signs are diarrhea, anorexia, emaciation, weakness, ruffled feathers, slow movement, and rapid breathing. Some tapeworms can also cause intestinal blockage, hemorrhage, nodular growth, and catarrhal enteritis. Tapeworm infections can also predispose the birds to other diseases by impairing their immunity and nutrition. However, other chicken diseases may have similar symptoms and effects like tapeworm infections, so deferential diagnosis should be done at the laboratory level or post-mortem examination. The treatment and control of tapeworm infections in poultry are challenging because of the presence of intermediate hosts that serve as sources of infection. Prevention of birds from contact with intermediate hosts is the most important step that should be taken in the control of tapeworm infection. This can be achieved by improving the hygiene and sanitation of the poultry houses and yards, providing clean water and feed, preventing access to wild birds and rodents that may carry intermediate hosts, and using insecticides or biological agents to reduce intermediate host populations. Tapeworms of poultry are a significant problem in Ethiopia and other tropical countries where free-range systems and low land areas are common. They cause economic losses and affect the health and welfare of poultry. Therefore, more attention should be given to their identification, pathogenicity, public health, and economic importance. 

Keywords: Pathogenicity, Poultry, Economic importance of tapeworm, Identification, and Public health.

Citation: WeldeMariam DT, Islam MR, Hassan M, Bristy SA, and Hossain MK. (2024). Identification, pathogenicity, public health, and economic importance of tapeworms of poultry. Int. J. Agric. Vet. Sci., 6(1), 12-26. https://doi.org/10.34104/ijavs.024.012026


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February 10, 2024

Article DOI: 10.34104/ijavs.024.012026

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