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Original Article | Open Access | | doi: 10.34104/ejmhs.021.01030110

Exploring Socio-Economic Impact of Chikungunya Fever in Dhaka: A Statistical Modeling Approach

Mohammad Ahsan Uddin   


The study mainly focused on the socio-economic impact rather than the biological significance of Chikungunya fever in Dhaka city. The socio-economic impact had been measured mainly upon family cost and absence in the working place. It had been investigated whether a percentage of monthly family income spend on monthly expenditure changes due to Chikungunya incidence. Also, another inquiry was made about the productivity of the respondents, which had been measured by the number of absences in working place. The study considered primary data of 272 affected and 272 unaffected respondents from Dhaka city and found no significant association of family cost with Chikungunya incidence but the loss of productivity turned out as statistically significant. Another important objective was to explore potential determinants of Chikungunya. It is found that some patients use no preventive approach, while the majority use mosquito nets as a preventive approach. The respondents suggest themselves mostly to keep the drain free from blockage, regular changing water from plant containers, and use mosquito repellent and net. They seek from the government mostly to provide regular mosquito spray, develop drainage systems, and remove blocked water sources. Chikungunya has no direct economic impact on a family. But, as it affects productivity, it affects the national economy to a great extent. 

Keywords: Socio-economic impact, Productivity, Potential determinants, Risk factors, Multiple responses.

Citation: Uddin MA. (2021). Exploring socio-economic impact of Chikungunya fever in Dhaka: a statistical modeling approach. Eur. J. Med. Health Sci., 3(5), 103-110. https://doi.org/10.34104/ejmhs.021.01030110


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October 1, 2021

Article DOI: 10.34104/ejmhs.021.01030110

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