Milk is a significant benefactor in improving food supplements and safety, especially in developing nations. The quiets of milk in mammalian populations vary greatly with a cite to physiological, genetic, and nutritional parameters. Knowing the diverse value added in the milk food level as a nutrient helps, not only to estimate the nutritional ratio of milk but also helps in defining market strategies for different categories of consumers; expanding children, nursing mothers, youths, or old age people engaged in hard work. The consumption of goat, camel, cow, and buffalo milk has gained global acceptance and significance throughout the globe, while the consumption of horse milk is admired only by global people. Goats milk is an option suggested by many prescribers for babies, those who are intolerant to cows milk, and those who are hypersensitive to cows milk. Goats milk is more beneficial for that suffering from acidity, asthma, eczema, migraines, colitis, stomach ulcers, digestive disorders, hepatic and gallbladder disorders, and stress-involved symptoms like insomnia, hard stools, and nervous indigestion. In a few people with digestive disorders, goat milk can be early ingested. Milk of camel is an emerging origin of casein for people living in the drylands of the world and is believed to have anti-cancer, non-toxic, and anti-diabetic features. The milk from Buffalo is a universal food that can be ingested like other types of milk and it is a major component from a rational viewpoint and is featured by high lipids, total solids, protein, Ca, and lactose and ash content than a cow, goat, buffalo, camel, and mammalian milk. The main components of buffalo milk are denser than the cow, & goat milk. Whats more to its benefits as a major fount of nutrition, the latest study has focused that people with cows milk hypersensitive are able to sanction buffalo milk. Consequently, this review aims to explore the quiets of milk and create awareness about the accessibility of numerous origins of milk.
The milk is a necessary subsidizer to improving nut-rition & dietary safety, especially in developing coun-tries. The advancement in livestock sciences and milk standard hold the greatest promise for reducing world malnutrition & poverty. Biochemically, milk can be described as an aqueous preparation of sugar that mimics mine salts with fat & protein in colloidal sus-pension. In terms of nutrition, when various milk goods are not ingested in adult years, it can cause bone loss in the women body to pick up the required amount; this significant nutrient must be ingested in milk & their products (Gamal, 1999). Milk contents of mammal strains vary greatly with genetic, physio-logical, environmental parameters and nutritional factors. The utilization of milk casein to impart desi-rable organoleptic or textural assets to foods is stro-ngly affected by their functioning assets. Ease of use is clarified as any features of a food or food ingre-dient, other than its nutritional value, that affects its use. Whey protein makes up about 19.9% of milk protein casein by weight. The quiets of milk fat vary greatly between different strains due to hereditary, lactational & nutritional differences (Harold & Mc-Gee, 2004).
The casein content of sheep & buffalo milk is higher than that of women, goat, cow, & camel milk and it has been found that sheep milk has larger fat content than the other four types of milk, while horse milk has larger fat content cows milk. The lactose content of women milk is higher than that of goat & sheep milk, but the lactose content of cow and camel milk is 4.6% & 4.8% respectively & women milk has lower ash content than cow & camel milk, but camel & cow milk have similar ash content. Whereas, the ash ratios of goat & sheep milk is 0.56% & 0.88% res-pectively.
Sheeps milk has lower moisture content than women, goats, cows & camels milk. At-present, there is substantial interest in using horse milk for people consumption in Europe and it has been instructed that milk of mares can be a healing agent for allergic and metabolic disorders and as a result, the price level for mares milk has gradually increased severely. This instructs a new potential for income generation from horse farms. It also instructed that study is entailed to assess the ratio of horse milk as a baby food.
Major objectives of the research study
o Evaluation of physical & chemical differences between milk of women, goats, cows, camels, buf-faloes, horses, donkeys and sheep.
o The contents of milk vary between strains and within strains of various animals.
o To convoy users to incur pick out the better milk for their health, nutritional ratio of milk & readi-ness of livestocks for consumption.
Composition of Mineral Ratio in Female Milk
The mature female milk holds 2.9%-4.9% fat, 0.79%-0.89% protein, 6.8%-7.1% lactose calculated and 0.22% mineral content focused as ash. Protein intake does not change recurrently during lactation time, but focusing vast diurnal diversity & increases during each nursing period. The race, parity, age, or diets do not largely affect milk contents and no difference between two breast milks except if one is overdone.
Proteins contents
The main proteins in female milk are casein & whey protein. Female milk found low casein like protein, which is good for digestion, immunity and allergies; with type-1 diabetics, and higher whey casein than cows milk which makes female milk better for babies. The essential amino acid structure of female milk nearly resembles that thought to be nifty for the female infant. Female milk holds more lactose and less casein than cows milk because the volume of casein in milk is same to how long it takes for those particular strains of animal to grow to size. Hence, growing calves need large casein to entitle them to grow rapidly, but female need low casein and fatter, especially poly-unsaturated fats, for the reason that their power is primarily spent on spinal cord, brain, and nerve development (Islam et al., 2020).
Lactose contents
The main sugar in women milk is disaccharide such as lactose and the mass lactose is put in place in women milk. Either may act to regulate the intestinal flora due to their capability to enhance the growth of several strains of lactobacilli (Zicarelli, 2004b).
Fat contents
The ratio and class of fat exist in milk likewise re-flect the prerequisites of the strains of animal pro-ducing that milk. Cows milk holds high saturated fats while women milk holds more un-saturated fats, which are paramount for babies brain development and female milk in particular has a high level of pal-mitic and oleic acids (Jenness, 1986; Islam et al., 2020).
Mineral contents
The major minerals in women milk are K, Na, Mg, Ca, & Cl, etc. The Ca content of cows milk (121 mg per 100 ml) is 4 times that of women milk (35 mg per 100 ml). In view of the fact that calves enlarge much faster and shows a big frame than women babies and inasmuch as require large range Ca than womens and cows milk contains very little Fe.
Vitamin contents
All vitamins; Except for vita K, women milk contains nutritionally significant concentrations, but cows milk contains less vita C, vita D & less vita A than women milk (Emmett & Rogers, 1997; Zicarelli, 2004b).
Characteristics and Contentment of Goats Milk
Goats milk is prescribed by many doctors for infants who are sensitive to cows milk & is an alternative for those who are allergic to cows milk (Saini & Gill, 1991). About 40% of patients sensitive to cows milk casein tolerate goats milk casein. Goat milk is very beneficial for those suffering from acidity, eczema, asthma, migraines, colitis, stomach ulcers, digestive dis- orders, liver & gallbladder disorders & stress related symptoms like insomnia, constipation & nervous indigestion. These patients can turn to goat milk & its products to solve their problems in future. Goats milk is easy to digest because of its natural homogeni-zation, which is superior to mechanical homogenization of cows milk. This is because goat milk takes about 21 percent less time to digest because its fat globule size varies from 0.2 to 11 microns, with the larger proportion being less than 1.9 microns, while the same is true for cows milk.
Fat contents
The higher proportion of butterfat gives goats milk more energy per unit volume than cows milk. Fat is a concentrated source of energy & in general, one unit of fat contains 2.5 Many times more energy than a unit of lactose (Zicarelli, 2004b).
Lactose contents
The lactose content of goat milk is slightly lower than that of cow milk. Lactose is milk sugar & the car-bohydrate nutrient in milk. Since some people have difficulty digesting lactose in milk, goats milk is less likely to cause this problem than cows milk. For ma-king yogurt, goats milks low lactose yields a less acidic & more palatable product than cows milk, which does not require fruiting or flavoring (Yousif, 2006).
Protein contents
There is no significant difference between cows milk & goats milk casein. However, the physical pro-perties of renin (the main enzyme secreted from the newborns stomach) in the curds that these casein produce are significant. Generally, the softer the curd, the easier it is to digest. Cows milk curd is firmer than goats milk curd. Size also has something to do with its digestibility, & cows milk curds are larger & dissolve more slowly (Elliott et al., 1999). Goats milk fine curd dissolves more quickly. This means that for some people with digestive problems, goats milk can be easily digested (Islam et al., 2020).
Minerals contents
Goats milk generally contains more calcium, phos-phorus, chlorine, magnesium & potassium than cows milk or women milk. The phosphorus content of goats milk helps womens survive on a diet of root crops, fruits & green vegetables. It also contributes to the superior buffering capacity of goats milk, which makes it valuable in the treatment of stomach ulcers. High chloride content may have some effect on laxative properties (Aliaga et al., 2000).
Vitamins contents
For adult milk drinkers, goats milk provides almost twice the vita A of cows milk. Vita B is related to nerve regulation & women needs for this vitamin are thought to increase with intake of sugar & other lactose; there is some evidence that it plays a role in casein digestion & metabolism. Goat milk contains 50.5% more vita B than cows milk & four times more than women milk. Goats milk is very high in vita B2, which affects growth. Cows milk or goats milk do not contain sufficient amounts of vita C, & D, & any infant who is bottle-fed will need sup-plementation (Elliott et al, 1999; Zicarelli, 2004b).
Differences in Breed
The contents of goat milk vary both within & bet-ween breeds, as it does for cows. Milk of the Sanen & Toggenberg breeds is similar to Holstein cow milk in water, lactose, fat, casein & ash percentages, although it is subject to greater variation with lactation prog-ress than Holstein or Jersey cow milk. Toggenbergs are often known as the Guernsey of the goat family because they produce large amounts of milk. Nubians generally produce less daily milk than other breeds, but their milk contains more butterflies. Still, like cows milk, goats milk is a healthy & nutritious food (Elliott et al., 1999).
Characteristics & Contents of Camels Milk
Data in the literature mainly concern cows milk, which represents 86% of the worlds milk, & to a les-ser extent goat & sheep milk. Camel milk has much more variation in ingredients than cows milk. Camels are known to produce thin milk in hot weather when water is scarce. The difference between cow & camel milk lies in the different physiochemical properties of the individual components (casein, lipids & ash, etc). Studies on other dairy animals (buffalo, yak, horse & camel) are scarce despite their nutritional interest. Camel milk needs to be investigated in this context. There are only a few references to camel milk pro-duction (Faye, 2005) or compositional aspects (Farah, 1993). Yet camel milk is an important source of case-in for people living in the worlds arid lands. In addi-tion, camel milk is known for its medicinal proper-ties, which are widely exploited for women health in various countries (Kenzhebulat et al., 2000; Mal et al., 2006).
The milk of camel believed to have anti-cancer (Mag-zid, 2005), hypo-allergic, & anti-diabetic properties (Agrawal et al., 2003). The high value of un-saturated fatty acids contributes to its overall nutritional quality (Konu-Spyeva et al., 2008). Tiny amount of casein & lack of lactoglobulin were associated with hypo-aller-gic action of camel milk and other components, such as lacto-ferrin, immuno-globulin, lysozyme or vita C, are well known to handle a central role in determi-ning these features (El-Agamy et al., 1996).
Casein like Protein contents
Casein protein represents one of the main compo-nents of milk for women nutrition. They execute a variety of functions in living organisms, from for-mation to reproduction. The main components of milk casein are casein & whey. Casein is available in products other than milk. Casein is precipitated when milk is soured or acid or rennin is added. Most of the casein in cheese making is recovered from milk fat. Camel milk has lower value of casein & higher value of whey casein than cows milk (Zicarelli, 2004b).
Fat contents
Milk fats serve as a nutrient as an energy source, serve as a solvent for fat-soluble vitamins & provides essential fatty acids. The fatty acids are divided into saturated & un-saturated fatty acids in accord to the length of the carbon atoms. In the saturated fatty acids, carbon atoms are linked in a chain by a single bond & in un-saturated fatty acids by one or/and more double bonds. A large range of fat in milk exists in the form of globular globules of various sizes. The outer layer of these fat globules is covered by a thin layer known as the fat globule membrane, which acts as an emul-sifying agent for the fats suspended in the milk. Protects membranes and prevents globules from ag-gregating into butter granules & can be broken by mechanical action. The fat quiet of camel milk varies between 2.8 & 5.3 percent, & the average size of fat globules is similar to that of cows milk fat globules (Farah, 1993; Shabo et al., 2005).
Lactose contents
The lactose is the key lactose fraction of milk & is an energy source for young calves and made of two sugars, glucose & lactose, which ferment into lactic acid when the milk turns sour. The lactose content of camel milk is 4.9%-5.9% & slightly larger than that of cows milk. Lactose content appears to be relati-vely constant in camels during lactation (Islam et al., 2020).
Vitamins, Mineral, and Salt
Mineral salts in milk are mainly Cl-, PO43-, & citrate of Na magnesium. Although salts make up <1% of milk, they affect its coagulation rate & other funct-ional properties and there is still very little infor-mation about the mineral quiet of camel milk. Avail-able data, however, indicate that camellia is rich in chloride & phosphorus & low in calcium (Mehaia et al., 1989). Camel milk quiets less vita A, B1, B2, E, folic acid & pantothenic acid compared to cows milk while having almost the same amount of vita B6 & B12. Niacin & vita C quiet is significantly higher than cows milk. In particular, camels high levels of vita C have been confirmed in multiple studies (Farah, 1993).
Characteristics and Quiets of Buffalos Milk
The buffalo milk is a universe good that can be con-sumed like any other milk and one of the richest pro-ducts from a formational point of view & is cha-racterized by higher fat, total solids, casein, casein & lactose & ash content than cow, goat, camel & wo-men milk. Differences in quiet of buffalo milk in different areas reflect differences in breed, man-agement, feeding & environmental conditions (Shee-han et al., 2009). The main components of buffalo milk are denser than women, cow, goat & camel milk in terms of nutritional quality. Along with to its bene-fits as a good source of nutrients, a nearest study by (Sheehan et al., 2009) focused that individuals with cows milk allergy are enable to resist buffalo milk. Buffalo milk can contain almost all the prominent compounds exist in other milks, such as casein, pep-tides, fatty acids, vitamins & other bioactive com-pounds. Buffalo milk is higher in total casein, me-dium chain fatty acids, & retinol & tocopherol con-tent than cows milk, & some parameters may only be exist in buffalo milk, such as certain classes of gang-liosides (Berger et al., 2005).
Proteins contents
The buffalo milk is high in casein than cows milk and of the sum casein in buffalo milk, ~81% is casein & ~21% is whey casein with traces of minor casein. Co-lostrum is larger in whey casein & minor casein than mature buffalo milk (Ahmed et al., 2008).
Fat contents
The buffalo milk is almost twice as rich in fat com-pared to cow milk & is the most significant fraction responsible for its high strength & nutritional value (Varrichio et al., 2007) focused the fact that the aver-age value of fat content is 8.3% but can reach up to 15% under normal conditions (Medhammar et al., 2011) also found interbreeding differences in total fat content as well as mineral content in buffalo, horse & dromedary camel milk. The buffalo milk fat quiets more tetradic & pentanoic but less dianoic & trienoic fats than cow milk fat. Buffalo milk fat has a higher melting point, density, specific gravity, & saponi-fication value, but low refractive index (RI), acid, & iodine values than cow milk fat, although they are affected by level of lactation, season, diet, & thermal oxidation. Lipid levels (total & free) in buffalo milk appearance to be smaller than cows milk (Zicarelli, 2004b).
Lactose contents
Lactose is a type of hydrates composed of glucose & galactose in buffalo milk like other milks and com-parison to cow, goat, sheep & camel milk, buffalo milk is a rich origin of lactose & therefore a good origin of energy for body functions, especially brain & hormone regulation. Before the body utilizes it, the bonding must be broken down by catalyst lactase in the small intestine. People with reduced lactase acti-vity in the small intestine may have problems diges-ting lactose & this is called lactose intolerance. Due to its high concentration, buffalo milk is more likely to cause such problems, but no such phenomenon has been observed with cows milk, which may be due to different redistribution of lactose in buffalo milk. Cow & goat milk have very low levels of oligo-saccharides, comparing to buffalo milk. The low con- centration of oligosaccharides in cows milk & colos-trum has limited their use as biologically active in-gredients in the healthcare & food sectors, but this opens the door for milk & buffalo colostrum to have oligosaccharide levels comparable to women milk (Urashima et al., 1997; Islam et al., 2020).
Minerals contents
The buffalo milk has been existed to contain more minerals than cow milk (Cashman, 2002). The bio-chemical form in which a macro-mineral & trace element is found in milk or other foods and sup-plements is important, as it will affect the degree of intestinal absorption & utilization, transport, cellular transport & conversion to biologically active forms, & thus bioavailability. Buffalo milk is high in calcium than cow, goat & camel milk. Most Ca is found in insoluble form mainly due to the high casein content of buffalo milk (Ahmed et al., 2008). The secretion of some trace elements appears to be influenced by hor-mones such as oxytocin administration, which increa-ses copper & manganese content & decreases magne-sium, Fe, & Zn content in buffalo milk without changing the Ca concentration (Sheehan et al., 2009).
Enzymes contents
Milk quiets numerous small casein that has phy-siological effects and this small casein include enzy-mes, metal-binding caseins, enzyme inhibitors, vita-min binding casein, & numerous growth factors (Fox, 2001). Lysosome is a key protein enzyme with a low-MW and important contributors of the anti-bacterial reservoir in the buffalo milk (Priyadarshini and Kansal, 2002). Buffalo colostrum has more than five times the lysozyme activity and high specific activity than the mature cows milk lysozyme. Buffalo milk lysozyme is active over a wide range of pH. Ly-sozyme activity in buffalo milk was not affected by parity & stage of lactation; no matter how, it increases during extreme weather in winter & summer (Priya-darshini & Kansal, 2002a). Higher lysosome activity in buffalo milk is one of the factors responsible for the low incidence of ruminal infections in buffaloes. Buffalo calves receive more lysosomes in first several days after birth in colostrum, which shows five times more lysosome activity than mature milk, which is one of the main factors in preventing intestinal in-fections (Priyadarshini & Kansal, 2003). Lysosomes in buffalo milk are more stable during storage & heat treatment than cow milk (Priyadarshini & Kansal, 2002b). Buffalo milk lysosomes were found to com- pletely stable (El-Dakhakhny, 1995), whereas cow milk lysosomes were partially inactiveted by pasteu-rization. Lactoperoxidase is the most abundant en-zyme found in buffalo milk. Lactoper-oxidase has an-timicrobial properties & due to its broad biocidal & biostatic an activity, lactoperoxidase has exists many finincial applications, generally targeting oral patho-gens (Tenovuo, 2002).
Vitamins contents
Buffalo milk quiets only traces of carotene, but more vita A than cows milk. Feeding cottonseed to buf-faloes increases the vita A content of their milk fat. Heating milk decreases its vita A (El-Abd et al., 1986). Several studies have shown that buffalo milk quiets more ascorbic acid (vita C) than cow milk. Buffalo milk quiets less riboflavin than cow milk (Aliaga et al., 2000).
Characteristics & Contents of Ass Milk
Cows milk casein intolerance is the most continual food intolerance in childhood, occurring in 0.3 to 7.6% of the pediatric population (Carosio et al., 1999). In such instances, when breastfeeding is not possible, a cows milk-free diet often resolves symptoms, al-though some infants may visualize intolerance to sub-stitute foods (Carroccio et al., 2000), including for-mulas existing soy or hydrolyzed casein (Iacono et al.,1992). Very recent clinical analysis sure that donkey milk feeding is a safe & valid treatment for the most complex cases of several food intolerances.
However, information on the contents of donkey milk is more shorten than that of mares milk (Doreau et al., 1989), which has also been studied as an infant food (Businco et al., 2000). To boot, recommends the use of the donkeys milk, although rich in medium-chain triglycerides; Cows milk-free diets in infancy have better taste than semi-basic milk formulas, simi-lar contents to women milk & its hormonal peptides, which stimulate functional recovery & development of the gut. Into the bargain to peptides giving growth & protective parameters, substances with bio-active features are also finding out in the milk lipids (Ofte-dal et al., 1988). The role of dietary fats in food-rela-ted allergic symptoms deserves special attention (Kaila et al., 1999). Donkeys milk, due to its recog-nized benefits in infant nutrition, has been known since prehistoric times for its dietary & therapeutic properties (Sheehan et al., 2009).
Related Enzymes and Casein Protein
Mean casein quiet, consistent with data focused for donkey milk and highlighted in horse milk by (Dor-eau et al., 2002) was not significantly affected by milking time, breed or year of lactation. On the flip side, casein content varies significantly during lac-tation, as noted by others in a study of nursing Ha-flinger mare milk (Mariana et al., 2001). By com-paring the casein migration pattern with that of mares milk (Pagliarini et al., 1993) it was possible to iden-tify the following whey casein: lactoferrin, serum albumin, β-lactoglobulin, lysozyme & α-lactalbu-min. The casein fraction shows different sensitivities to temperature, as also observed for horse milk (Oc-hirkhuyag et al., 2000). In the existence of α-like casein, β-like casein, & γ-like casein has been re-ported (Iametti et al., 1998) in asss milk. Among the potentially allergenic milk components, it must be noted that the observed percentage of β-lactoglobulin was much lower than in cows milk, where β-lactoglobulin can be up to 50% of the total whey casein (Solaroli et al., 1993). Furthermore, β-lactoglobulin levels in donkey milk were equal to or lower than mares milk (Martuzzi et al., 2000). Other authors have found a lower β-lactoglobulin content in horse milk than in cow or even donkey milk (Civerdi et al., 2002). These results, along with the lower ca-sein quiet, are probably related to the hypo-allergenic properties reported for both donkey milk & horse milk (Curady et al., 2001); β-lactoglobulin is actually the major potential milk allergen in infants & young children, but casein is considered the major allergen in adults (Carroccio et al., 1999). Anyhow, the oc-currence of genetic variants for donkey milk lyso-zyme & β-lactoglobulin has been written in the lite-rature (Herrouin et al., 2000). A key difference in whey casein contents between horse & donkey milk is evident when the lysozyme percentage is con-sidered: the average lysozyme in donkey whey casein is actually much higher than in horse milk (Mala-carne et al., 2002), whereas traces were found only in bovine milk (Solaroli et al., 1993). Donkey milk is guaranteed to be rich in lysozyme (Civardi et al., 2005). According to these end authors, donkey milk focused an optimal culture media for certain strains of beneficial lactic acid bacteria (Coppola et al., 2002).
Fat contents
The mean fat quiet of donkey milk was similar to the values observed in mares milk & the wide vari-abi-lity of fat quiet was consistent with previous ob-servations of mares milk (Salimi et al., 1996). In particular, fat quiet is not affected by breed but does affect milking time. No beneficial differences were focused in the individually variable fat quiet of milk during lactation. Similarly, horse milk data did not show marked variation in lipid quiet (Mariani et al., 2001).
Lactose contents
The higher level of lactose was consistent with values reported for mares milk (Mariani et al., 2001). Lactose quiet of donkey milk is not affected by breed, mil-king time, year & stage of lactation. Observations suggest that the low energy quiet of donkey milk is associated with a high value of milk to meet the nutritional re-quirements of the calf for its rapid cultivation.
Minerals contents
The rapid growth of newborn calves also requires sufficient mineral quiet in milk: in this regard, the ash quiet of donkey milk corresponds to the data of horse milk, which is not affected by year, stage of lactation, breed & time of milking. Macro-nutrient concen-trations in donkey milk were also recurrent with data revealed in the literature for quid milk (Schryver et al., 1986). Regarding the renal load of solutes in don-key milk, the observed values of mineral quiets were closer to women milk than other milks, except for higher absolute levels of Ca & phosphorus (Bailey, 2001). However, the calcium/ phosphorus ratio of donkey milk is between the low values of cows milk & the high values of female milk (Pagliarini et al., 1993). The results for the nitrogenous quiet of donkey milk are very close to the values of women & horse milk (Malacarne et al., 2002). The nutritional & natural value of significance of this milk fraction is still not fully understood, but appears to be related to infant development (Emmett & Roger, 1997; Islam et al., 2020).
Contents of Mares Milk
Presently, there is appreciable interest in using horse milk for female consumption in Western country and has been suggested that horse milk can be a curative agent for metabolic & allergic diseases & as a result, the price paid for horse milk has enlarged greatly. This instructs a new potential for income generation from the horse industry. It also suggests that research is needed to assess the value of horse milk as a wo-men food. Much of the previous research on mares milk contents was directed at evaluating the milks value as it relates to foal nutrition. The duration of lactation was reported to be 4 to 7 months & the estimated milk yield was 2001-3001 kg. During a single milking, the contents of milk changes, so mixed milk must be sampled. Butterfat content un-dergoes the greatest change & may be 11 to 21 times greater at the end of lactation than at the beginning. Sampling method & milking interval affect milk contents. The content of mares colostrums has been analyzed by many authors. Cows have a much shorter colostral period than cows, & colostrum shows signi-ficant differences from normal milk only on the first day after foaling. The dry matter content of mares milk is greatly reduced from colostrum to normal milk, primarily due to reduced casein content; Fat content & fatty acid composition of milk fat show little change over time. Horse milk is very low in fat content (Doreau et al., 1988). Though, it can be affected by the environment & can range from 0 to 7.8%. Estimate of the fatty acid contents of horse milk butterfat showed that it contained very small amounts of stearic & palmitoleic acids & high amo-unts of linoleic & linoleic acids. This can be exp-lained by the fact that un-saturated fatty acids are not hydrogenated in the digestive system & horses eat a lot of forage, which is rich in unsaturated fatty acids and among the factors affecting milk contents, the stage of lactation is the most important, but the stage of lactation can affect the fatty acid contents of milk fat. Most authors did not report breed affecting milk composition, but reported a significant effect of breed and increasing the fat quiet of the feed did not in-crease milk yield & did not change milk contents, unlike the effect on cows milk (Doreau et al., 1988). Others have found milk fat quiet associated with higher fat intake (Davison et al., 1987; Aliaga et al., 2000).
Characteristics & Quiets of Cow Milk
Cows are the worlds most popular dairy animal, pro-viding essential nutrients & providing an important origin of dietary energy, high-quality casein & fat (Saini & Gill, 1991). The contents of cows milk vary depending on breed, feed, stage of lactation, genetics, & physical & environmental factors and a special type of milk called colostrum is secreted which is rich in fat & casein. Colostrums also contain important infection fighting antibodies, which strengthen the immune system of young mammals and the transition from colostrum to true milk exist within days of birth. Cows milk is yellowish in color compared to goats & sheeps milk due to the presence of beta-carotene in cows milk (Clarence et al., 2004).
Water contents
All of the milk produced by animals contains lactose, casein, fats, minerals & vitamins, but the main com-ponent is water and water dilutes the milk & allows it to be excreted from the body; it is impossible to ex-press milk without water. Additionally, milk water is essential for newborn hydration. Cows milk has about 88% water content as women milk (Clarence et al., 2004).
Lactose contents
The main lactose in mammalian milk is a disac-charide called lactose and for lactose to be digested it must be broken down into its component mono-saccharides glucose & galactose by the enzyme lac-tase in the intestine and glucose can then provide energy to the young animal. Several people dont to consume cows milk & dairy products because they are unable to digest lactose after absorption. Most ba-bies have the lactase enzyme & can therefore digest lactose, but this ability is lost in many people after weaning (usually after the age of two). Lactose into-lerance is very common in global terms, about 91-101 percent of Asians, 66-71 percent of Africans, but only 11 percent of Caucasians (Robbins, 2001). There-fore, many of the worlds population is unable to di-gest milk after spreading.
Protein contents
Casein provides energy & is necessary for the growth & repair of tissues such as skin & muscles. Casein is the primary group of casein in cows milk, making up about 81 percent of the total casein content. The rest is made up of whey casein and four (4) types of case-in (al-pha-, beta-, gamma-, & kappa) combine to form a structure known as a casein micelle and micellar frm of casein is important in cheese production; it also plays an important role in cows milk allergy (Carroccio et al., 1999).
Fat contents
The main fats in milk are a complex attachment of lipids called triglycerides (Tg). Cows milk quiets more than 401 fatty acids with chain long ranging from four to 27 carbon atoms. The fatty acids are de-scribed as saturated or un-saturated depending on the amount of H in the carbon chain of the molecule; Milk quiets both saturated & un-saturated fatty acids. Un-saturated fatty acids can be further classified as mono-unsaturated or poly-unsaturated and again, milk quiets both groups of fatty acids, but most of the fat in whole cows milk (about 66 percent) is the saturated type (Clarence et al., 2004). Polyunsatu-rated fats include fatty acids called omega-6 & omega-3 fatty acids. Milk contains the omega-6 es-sential fatty acid linoleic acid & the omega-3 fatty acid linoleic acid and called essential fatty acids be-cause they are essential for health but cannot be made in the body & must therefore be obtained from food. Although milk contains linoleic acid & linoleic acid it does so in relatively lower amounts (Saini & Gill, 1991).
Vitamins and Minerals
Minerals found in cows milk include Na, K, Ca, Mg, P and Cl-, Zn, Fe (although in extremely low amounts), Se, I & trace amounts of Co & Mn. Vita-mins in cows milk include retinol, beta-carotene, vita E, thiamin, & riboflavin, & niacin, traces amounts of vita B6, vita B12, folic acid, pantothenic acid, biotin, vita C, and vita D). Although cows milk quiets all these nutrients, it is important to note that these vitamins are present in very small amounts. Further-more, minerals are so out of balance with women chemistry that it is difficult for us to absorb the opti-mal amounts needed for health.
The contents and nutritional net of milk varies from mammal to animal due to physiological, environmen-tal and feeding habit differences and women milk contains more lactose and less casein than cows milk, especially lower amounts of casein, which is easy to digest, and higher amounts of whey protein than cows milk. Women milk is high in un-saturated fats which are important for the brain growth of babies but cows milk is high in saturated fat & four times more calcium than women milk but cows milk is very low in iron which makes it un-suitable for brain development of babies. Children under one year of age & all vitamins; except for vita K, female milk contains less vita C & D in cows milk & less vita A than women milk. Goats milk is also important for babies who are sensitive to cows milk & is bene-ficial for people suffering from acidity, eczema, ast-hma, migraines, colitis, stomach ulcers, digestive disorders, liver & gall bladder diseases. Goats milk is easy to digest because of its universe homogeni-zation, which is superior to mechanical homogeni-zation of cows milk. The camel milk is an important origin of casein for people living in the drylands of the world & is known for its medicinal properties, which are widely used for women health. It is be-lieved to have anti-cancer, non-toxic, & anti-diabetic properties. The quiets of buffalo milk are higher in density than women, cow, & goat and camel milk. Clinical reports confirm donkey milk as a safe and valid treatment for the most complex cases of mul-tiple food intolerances, & donkey milk is recom-mended because it tastes better than semi-primary milk formulas; Similar quits to female milk. Horse milk is also recommended as curative agent for meta- bolic & allergic diseases, & the un-saturated fatty acids are not hydrogenated in the digestive tract, which is why horses eat so much forage. Cows are the worlds most popular dairy producing animal, supplying essential food dietary & an important sou-rce of dietary energy, good quality casein and fat. Therefore, there are some following recommend-ations are forwarded in line with the below con-clusion and the utilization of milk for women con-sumption was supposed to maintain the aesthetic value of the society and also better to improve the feed management & breed of dairy animals to get higher quality of milk.
The current review work was conducted by collabo-rating with all authors and thanks to the co-authors for their valid encouragement and writing support in the supervision of successful research studies.
The author(s) declare that there are no potential con-flicts in publishing the present review study.
Academic Editor
Dr. Abduleziz Jemal Hamido, Deputy Managing Editor (Health Sciences), Universe Publishing Group (UniversePG), Haramaya, Ethiopia.
Department of Biotechnology and Genetic Engineering, Islamic University, Bangladesh.
Bekere HY, Utpal DMA, Rahman M, Mujahidy SMJA, Dey SC, Abuhena M, Imran MAS, and Harun MH. (2022). Exploration of the contents and features of milk from various natural sources. Eur. J. Med. Health Sci., 4(5), 173-183.