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Original Article | Open Access | | doi: 10.34104/ejmhs.021.012018

Awareness, Attitude and Practice on Sterilization among Healthcare Staffs of a Tertiary Hospital in Bangladesh

Md. Sifat Uz Zaman ,
Mushtaque Ahmed ,
Nabeela Mahboob ,
Hasina Iqbal ,
Sabrina Afrin ,
Suma Mita Biswas



The background and objective of this study are to assess the awareness, attitude, and practice on sterilization among health-care staffs of a tertiary hospital in Bangladesh. This cross-sectional study was done in a renowned hospital in Dhaka city, from July 03, 2020, to August 05, 2020. A stratified random sample survey was done. The total sample size was 73 health care staff, including the OT nursing staff, OT technicians and CSSD (Central Sterile Supply Department) laboratory technicians, who were involved in sterilization and disinfection procedure. A questionnaire with both and open-ended questions was given among the respondents including socio-demographic close-ended variables, such as sex, age, working experience, job nature of the participants, and details regarding ethical approach to attitude, awareness as well as the practice of sterilization and disinfection and its proper management, methods, and the knowledge regarding management of biomedical wastes. 79.5% of health care staff were aware of managing biomedical waste but 20.5% were not aware of it. Only 61.6% of healthcare staff wear PPE properly but 38.4% didn’t agree. Number of health care staffs (20.5%) had not taken any vaccine against the Hepatitis B virus. 86.3% of healthcare staff had a positive attitude on biomedical waste management. 91.8% of staff had a positive attitude to a vaccination before performing disinfection and sterilization procedure. 82.2% positive attitudes were detected in wearing PPE before sterilization & disinfection procedure according to this study. This type of research also should be conducted in all government hospitals, medical college hospitals as well as all private hospitals to assess the current scenario & recommend for rectification where necessary. 

Keywords: Sterile supply, PPE, Ethylene oxide, Disease control, Healthcare, Infections, and Infection control.

Citation: Sifat Uz Zaman M, Ahmed M, Mahboob N, Iqbal H, Afrin S, and Biswas SM. (2021). Awareness, attitude, and practice on sterilization among healthcare staffs of a tertiary hospital in Bangladesh, Eur. J. Med. Health Sci., 3(1), 12-18. https://doi.org/10.34104/ejmhs.021.012018


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February 15, 2021

Article DOI: 10.34104/ejmhs.021.012018

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