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Original Article | Open Access | | doi: 10.34104/ejmhs.0193040

Assessment, Monitoring, and Awareness of Garment Workers Regarding the Prevalence of Tuberculosis in Savar, Dhaka

Syed Abdullah-Al-Nahid ,
Taslima Haque ,
Md. Shoykot Jahan ,
Ashrafi Akter Jahan ,
Mohammad Shah Alam ,
K. M. Shakib ,
Ropak Chra Roy



The study was conducted to evaluate the awareness regarding Tuberculosis (TB) in the middle of the export-oriented garment workers in Savar, Dhaka. Data were calmed by face-to-face talk using a semi-structured questionnaire. A gross of 110 garment workers was talked to, in the middle of them, 51.8% were male, and the rests of 48.2% were female. Maximum 30.9% of participants age was between 20-22 years and 28.2% of respondent’s ages were more than 28 years.  58.2% of respondents had secondary education, 22.7% of respondents had primary education, and 14.5% of respondents had HSC and above education. Out of 110 participants, 60.0% resided in a nuclear family, 39.1% have resided in a joint family, and 34.5 % were at their own house, 3.6 % were at a slum and 57.3% were at the colony. The majority had heard about TB (72.7%) by listening to Television, Radio, Newspaper, and 27.3% were family members, offices, doctors, or hospitals. only 25.5% perceived it to be an infectious disease, (30.0%) were did not perceive and the highest number 44.5 % were didn’t know. The correct mode of conveyance i.e. airborne (coughing) was familiar to 66.7% of research subjects. The majority (62.4%) knew cough as a symptom. Maximum (71.8%) participants thought TB to be a curable disease, in the middle of the majority (52.0 %) were of the viewpoint to avert the TB by a cover on the mouth at coughing, 8.1% were said BCG (Bacillus Calmette-Guérin) vaccination and 35.8 % was no smoking. Most of the respondents (96.4%) said TB is a treatable disease, in the middle of them, 75.5% said by Anti TB antibiotics. 62.7% of participants perceive TB as a totally curable disease. This work shows (74.5%) garments workers have deficient awareness and (25.5%) have adequate awareness.

Keywords: Awareness, Tuberculosis, Garment Workers, Mycobacterium, Assessment, and respondents.

Citation: Nahid SAA, Haque T, Jahan MS, Jahan AA, Alam MS, Shakib KM, and Roy RC (2019). Assessment, monitoring, and awareness of garment workers regarding the prevalence of tuberculosis in Savar, Dhaka. Eur. J. Med. Health Sci., 1(5), 30-40. https://doi.org/10.34104/ejmhs.0193040


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September 20, 2019

Article DOI: 10.34104/ejmhs.0193040

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