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Original Article | Open Access | | doi: 10.34104/ejmhs.024.001012

A Survey on Knowledge, Awareness, and Perception of Genetic Testing for Hereditary Disorders among Undergraduate and Graduate Students of Bangladesh

Afsana Amin Shorna ,
Mishkatul Ain Nanjiba ,
Md. Naimul Hassan ,
Swapan Kumar Das ,
Md. Hanif Khan ,
Samiya Jesmine Jui ,
S M Albar Ark ,
Shammi Akter Jui ,
Tanjum Nahar Chana ,
Al Mamun Shohag ,
Abdullah Al Numan ,
Md. Yousuf ,
Farhana Faiza Bristy ,
Auditi Kar ,
Sheikh Zinia Rahman ,
Shafika Islam ,
Md. Monirul Islam 



In general, genetic testing can help patients with hereditary disorders make crucial decisions related to prevention, treatment, and early detection. However, insufficient awareness about its significance is a contributing factor to the rising incidence of such disorders. To address this issue, the current study objects to investigate the level of know-ledge, awareness and attitudes towards genetic testing among undergraduate and graduate students in Bangladesh. A total of 408 participants from different universities were surveyed, and the data was collected through a 38-question online survey that was divided into four sections. Among the participants, a large percentage of respondents were between 18 and 26 years old, with 59.8% holding a bachelor's degree and 78.9% came from science-related fields. Most respondents had heard of genetic testing and know that it could be used to diagnose inherited disease. A large portion of the respondents indicated their readiness to undergo genetic testing, showing a clear preference for these tests to be carried out exclusively in hospitals under the guidance of doctors. The consensus among most participants was that genetic testing holds significant importance and should be recommended for all newborns and expectant mothers. However, there were some concerns about potential negative implications but overall attitudes towards genetic testing were positive with variations based on age, education, and fields of study. This study necessitates the implementation of educational programs that eliminate any misconceptions and help educate the public to minimize misunderstandings about genetic testing. The findings of this research provide valuable information about the possible application of genetic testing for inherited conditions in Bangladesh. 

Keywords: Knowledge, Awareness, Perceptions, Hereditary disorder, Hereditary of testing, and Genetic testing.

Citation: Shorna AA, Nanjiba MA, Hassan MN, Das SK, Khan MH, Jui SJ, Ark SMA, Jui SA, Chandana TN, Shohag AM, Numan AA, Yousuf M, Bristy FF, Kar A, Rahman SZ, Islam S, and Islam MM. (2023). A survey on knowledge, awareness, and perception of genetic testing for hereditary disorders among undergraduate and graduate students of Bangladesh. Eur. J. Med. Health Sci., 6(1), 1-12. https://doi.org/10.34104/ejmhs.024.001012


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January 12, 2024

Article DOI: 10.34104/ejmhs.024.001012

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