The purpose of this paper was to examine the role of the Ethiopia Commodity Exchange in stimulating agricultural commodity exports with the case of export coffee. A structured questionnaire was prepared to collect data. The data were analyzed using descriptive statistics, correlation & regression. The findings of descriptive statistics of the independent variables showed that the facilitation of the physical trade dimension scored the highest rating with a mean value of 3.83 while the storage and grading dimension scored the least mean value of 2.86. The correlation analysis results indicated that the facilitation of physical trade had a significant correlation with the export performance and the remaining variables’ result indicated that they were moderately correlated with export performance. Regression analysis was conducted, and the result indicated that storage and grading, market information provision, and market development dimensions of ECX’s roles had a significant positive influence on the export performance of coffee exporters.
Keywords: Commodity exchange, Export performance, Price discovery, Agricultural commodities, and Coffee.
Citation: Temesgen FA. (2020). The role of Ethiopia commodity exchange (ECX) in stimulating agricultural commodities export: a case study of export coffee, Can. J. Bus. Inf. Stud., 2(3), 54-65.