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Review Article | Open Access | Can. J. Bus. Inf. Stud., 2024; 6(5), 156-160 | doi: 10.34104/cjbis.024.01560160

New Methods of Project Management Based on Web Environment

Abbas Logmani* Mail Img


One of the main challenges of management in todays era is to adjust organizations to the speed of changes in the business world. Rapid changes in technologies and working tools, continuous changes in market conditions, unpredictable fluctuations in prices, continuous changes in customers tastes, etc. are factors that make decision-making and management difficult for organization managers. In such a situation, the delay in the implementation and delay in the exploitation of any of the organizations business goals can lead to the loss or serious reduction of the organizations expected benefits from this business goal. One of the issues in project-oriented organizations is that the planning of each project may include thousands or tens of thousands of activities, and each activity contains different information in terms of physical, time, and financial progress; Therefore, one of the new methods of project management is the use of intranet, extranet and internet environments in project management. This research examines new methods of project management based on web environments. The results of the research show that in the project management process, using the web environment, project and non-project processes of organizations and companies can be organized. It also controlled the management of teams and teamwork well.


Many people manage several projects or collaborate with different companies and different teams, and managing their tasks and duties is one of the most important concerns of these people; Project management software is designed and built with the aim of facilitating and optimizing the management of projects and tasks, and people can use it to manage and monitor all their tasks in the best possible way. One of the new methods of project management is the use of intranet, extranet and internet environments in project management. The main purpose of doing this is to use the potential capabilities of the wide web world to manage the project and its teams, which will bring countless benefits. These benefits can be used both in the three-factor system including employer, consultant and contractor and in the four-factor system including employer, consultant, contractor and project manager. Also, the implementation of the project is done in a four-factor system by providing assignable services to management service units, and in this system, information exchange, control and project management can control time, cost, and quality like a three-factor system with Internet-based management. In this case, to create a connection between the employer networks, consultant, and contractor, you can use an intranet, and you can use the Internet to create point-to-point communication all over the world. In this research, using the descriptive-analytical approach and using library resources, the new methods of project management based on the web environment are examined and explained.

Project management

Project management is one of the main tools of organizations to develop a schedule and achieve the goals of a project with the desired quality and prevent the wastage of business resources. Project management is planning and guiding the project within the time framework, cost and specific quality towards creating its specific results. Project management includes the activities of planning, organizing, monitoring and directing the implementation and tries to deliver specific and expected results with the previously agreed cost on time by using the resources properly. In other words, project management is the application of knowledge, skills, tools and techniques necessary to manage the process of activities, in order to meet the needs and expectations of the trustees from project implementation. Project management uses project planning and project control in implementing this task as two powerful tools of. Project management is a set of tools for planning and guiding the project towards the desired goals. These goals are based on customer satisfaction and attention to the three factors of time, quality and cost. At first glance, the tools and methods used in project management may be wasteful, time-consuming, and costly, but it should be noted that project management is the only way that can ensure you complete the project on time. Project management is a way to properly use people, machines and money in line with the correct execution and when a new work is done, the work must be done correctly in the first execution. Project management or project-based management is an efficiency method in management, to deal with new tasks and create a balance in regard to project scope, cost and quality in the form of time and in an environment full of risk. The purpose of training project managers is to empower them against project problems and prepare them to enter the new and unknown space of the project.

Project Control

The process of planning is determining the sequence and balance of activities necessary to implement a project, considering the time required to implement each activity and the quality set for that activity. Project control is a process to maintain the project path to achieve a justified economic balance. Between the three factors of cost, time and quality during the implementation of the project, which takes help from its special tools and techniques in doing this. In fact, control is the exact and complete implementation of the program developed for the project in such way that when leaving the program, the project can be returned to the closest possible state in its initial and original path by identifying the causes and planning the most economical activities. In this way, project control uses the following three factors: - Determining the actual status of the project - Comparing the actual situation with the plan - Considering the corrective action (Wong & Zhan, 2013).

Using the browsers environment

One of the new methods of project management is the use of Internet or intranet environments in project management, which consists of: using the potential capabilities of the wide world of the web for project management and project teams. Using online project management software is like having a smart, disciplined and reliable assistant, which will increase the speed and quality in the project process. Some of the advantages of using this system are as follows: - Coordination of information due to the existence of a common database - Up-to-date information due to the absence of interruptions in information exchange - Disrelation on physical location due to communication capabilities available in internet and intranet systems - Ease of updating executive programs and databases - Because browsers work with several operating systems, the program is not dependent on a specific operating system. - Online display of the latest status of operational projects - Speeding up agreements without wasting time - Easier and verifiable decision making - Improving customer satisfaction by optimizing coordination and reporting methods - Creating advanced facilities and supporting activities through better communication between all project stakeholders - Creating a focused and knowledge-oriented work environment - Creating balance in work and proper planning - Communicating between employees without time and place restrictions - Having control and saving time - Increasing the spirit of teamwork in organization - Quick and easy access to information - Increasing control and precision over resources and capital - Cost control and proper budget management Also, by using this method of cooperation and participation in structured efforts, which leads to an increase in the quality of the project. A set of integrated tools that improves productivity and better use of resources (Chan & Leung, 2004).  This system can be used both in the three-factor system (employer, consultant and contractor) and in the four-factor system (employer, consultant, contractor and project management). In the four-factor system, the project is carried out by handing over services that can be assigned to the project management service units, and in this system, the exchange of information, control and project management (nine processes) can be like the three-factor system with internet-based man-agement in time control. Cost and quality should be effective (Doloi, 2014). In order to establish a connection between the networks of the employer, consultant and contractor, it is possible to establish a connection through an intranet, and also to establish a point-to-point connection all over the world.

Web-based project management

Using the potential capabilities of the wide world of the web in the management of engineering projects and project teams in one or more situations is called web-based project management. Web-based project management provides an understanding of how to quickly use up-to-date data and the ability to transfer large documents, communication, and display information in a simple and understandable way (Dossick & Sakagami, 2008). Reducing the time spent in providing project status reports, provides immediate and real-time information to managers, which enables them to analyze project performance without interruption in the project team. It also enables the possibility of using table-to-table video conferences to obtain digital photos of the projects progress from the workshop and review the project design simul-taneously with the group based in their offices (Breu, 2001; Eldahab et al., 2023).

Web-based project management systems

Whatever the project management method is, planning is one of its most important steps. Project management platforms have various tools to create a visual view of the project as a whole. An online database can also be created using them. Therefore, by using these web platforms, you can determine project goals, tasks, work dependencies, priority and delay of tasks, etc (Snedaker, 2005). Web-based project management systems can be used for projects of any size and also to manage the entire project process, from assessing customer needs to exploitation. These systems establish better communication between the project team, so that the team members can have most of the current and organized documentation of the project at any time and anywhere without.

Advantages of using web-based project management -

Quick display of project progress and all software features such as MSP with just a click of the mouse.

- Speeding up agreements without wasting time

- Easier and verifiable decision making

- Improving customer satisfaction by improving coordination and reporting

- Advanced service and support activities with better communication between all project stakeholders

- Cooperation and participation in structured endeavors that increase the quality of project results.

- A set of integrated tools that improves productivity and better use of resources (Stampes, 2001).

Easier joining of new employees to the project

Creating a to-do list and taking notes in traditional project management methods is time consuming and at the same time increases the possibility of errors. In fact, with the advent of online tools for project management, these methods have been abandoned all over the world. If you are still managing the project and employees in a traditional way, in this article we will tell you why online project management is a better way and how you can improve performance and results in this way (Skibniewski & Zhang, 2005). In many cases, we need to recruit new employees for new jobs. At this time, any new employee can easily and in the shortest possible time review the project in a form of a complete set; this means access to project planning information, understanding of project objectives, completed and remaining work, and assigned tasks. On the other hand, online project management software has simple training and new employees can easily learn to work with it (Skibniewski & Vecino, 2012).


Nowadays, businesses pay more attention to the role of the digital industry. Your company may be able to operate easily without the Internet, but soon the time will come when you need to make the most of technology and the online world. In the past few decades, we have witnessed the advancement of technology from gadgets to useful work tools, we can also refer to productivity applications to various websites. Business and technology are co-operated and inseparable. Online project management and project management using the web environment means using web platforms and online software to manage and monitor projects. These tools help managers to communicate optimally with members of work teams and monitor tasks, while saving money and time. On the other hand, by using these tools, you can access the information you need at any time and place, and even guide remote workers well. Also, in this project management method, it tracks the workflow of the team with the help of web environment tools and increases the communication capabilities. Also, in this project management method, it tracks the workflow of the team with the help of web environment tools and increases the communication capabilities. This method shows you and your colleagues what tasks each team member has, how many tasks they have completed, how much time they have spent on each task, and what tasks should be done by whom. By using this information, decisions for improvements and changes are made with higher accuracy. Every working day, the employees can check the progress of their work by looking at the online project management tool. Also, with the created access, managers can assign new jobs to people. Therefore, the employees start their work according to the priorities. These platforms also have tools for automatic reminders before the due date for completing tasks.


We are grateful to all the dear professors for providing their information regarding this research.


The author declared obviously in the manuscript. Author also state separately that they have all read the manuscript and have no conflict of interest.

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Article Info:

Academic Editor

Dr. Doaa Wafik Nada, Associate Professor, School of Business and Economics, Badr University in Cairo (BUC), Cairo, Egypt.


February 5, 2024


September 12, 2024


September 20, 2024

Article DOI: 10.34104/cjbis.024.01560160

Corresponding author

Abbas Logmani*

EMBA Masters Marketing School of Management, Economics and Progress Engineering Iran University of Science and Technology, Iran.

Cite this article

Logmani A. (2024). New methods of project management based on web environment, Can. J. Bus. Inf. Stud., 6(5), 156-160. https://doi.org/10.34104/cjbis.024.01560160 

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