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Original Article | Open Access | Can. J. Bus. Inf. Stud., 2024; 6(3), 73-90 | doi: 10.34104/cjbis.024.073090

Influence of Digital Marketing Strategies on Purchase Intention

Janine M. Pinca* Mail Img Orcid Img ,
Froilan S. Labausa Mail Img ,
Nancy E. Cruda Mail Img


Digital marketing is inevitably becoming popular in the marketing realm. Leveraging digital marketing strategies has been instrumental in fostering communication and engagement between brands and customers. These are recognized as powerful drivers capable of shaping customers purchase intention. However, a limited number of research explores the influence of these emerging trends on the purchase intentions of customers in the fast-food chain industry. Therefore, the aim of this paper is to examine the influence of digital marketing strategies on customers purchase intention and to identify the most effective digital marketing strategy for crafting compelling content and disseminating marketing messages to achieve the intended marketing goal. This study employed a correlational quantitative research approach with a convenient selection of participants, utilizing a modified survey questionnaire as the principal means of data collection. The sample consisted of One Hundred Ninety-eight (198) actual customers of selected fast-food restaurants in España Boulevard, Manila. The data retrieved from the survey questionnaire was analyzed and interpreted using a Five-point Likert scale designed for measuring inter valdata. The findings of this research revealed that utilizing social media marketing, webinar platforms, mobile applications, and e-commerce significantly influences customers purchase intention. Furthermore, it came to light that there is a highly statistically significant relationship between digital marketing strategies, namely, social media marketing (r=0.864, p=0.027), brand exposure through webinar platforms (r=0.802, p=0.055), mobile applications and e-commerce (r=0.854, p=0.031) on customers purchase intention of selected fast-food restaurants, and a positive strong correlation between affiliate marketing (r=0.759, p=0.080) and the latter. In addition, the results revealed that there is a positive moderate correlation between content marketing (r=0.548, p=0.260), and email marketing (r=0.575, p=0.232) on customers purchase intention.


The last two decades have witnessed a significant shift in brands and businesses, attributed to the widespread adoption of digitalization. This approach is gaining increasing popularity as it evolves into a global phenomenon. The internet and technology contributed on changing customer needs and purchasing behavior. In particular, the food industry has a lot of challenges to face as their business is a staple in the community, where people have various tastes, likes and interests. Thus, they must keep up with the latest trend and enhance how they connect to their customers so that they would still be relevant and competent in the market. Consumers who spent more time shopping online were the reason why digital marketing flourished throughout the pandemic. For this reason, companies widely employ digital marketing show-casing their simplicity and effectiveness. Social media and email marketing, known for their user-friendly features and resilience (Samsudeen & Kaldeen, 2020), play a pivotal role in fostering customer engagement - a critical factor influencing customers purchase intention. These digital marketing tools empower businesses to effortlessly promote products and establish customer connections at lower costs. The concept of purchase intention originated in psychological disciplines and has since been widely applied to the study of consumer behavior. It is the tendency of a potential customer to purchase and patronize a particular product and service, resulting in expanding the customer base and generating more profit (Wang et al., 2019; Mai et al., 2021). In this study, customers purchase intention refers to how interested customers are in a product and their ability to actually buy it. The way people feel about a brand or product directly affects whether they intend to make a purchase or not.

Digital marketing has seamlessly integrated into the daily routines of individuals worldwide. Moreover, it encompasses the modern way of promoting products and services in the market. This approach can be done with the means of technology and the internet to possibly reach the target customers. It is convenient, timely, relevant, safe, and low-cost. As of January 2021, the global count of internet users reached 4.66 billion, representing 59.5% of the worlds population. This investigation validates the assertion that digital marketing practices play a pivotal role in shaping customer attitudes and influencing their intentions to make purchases. The current tally of social media users globally stands at 4.20 billion, marking a significant increase of 490 million in the past year, translating to a growth rate exceeding 13%. This surge means that social media users now constitute over 53% of the global population (Kemp, 2021). As individuals increasingly allocate their time to online activities, not only for researching products and services but also for engaging in conversations with fellow customers about their interactions with businesses, digital marketing emerges as a transformative force in influencing consumer behavior (Khwaja et al., 2020). A considerable number of businesses acknowledge the pivotal role of social media and digital marketing in shaping their marketing strategies. Leveraging digital marketing enables companies to attain their marketing objectives with cost-effectiveness. The incorporation of social media into the broader business strategy stands as a valuable asset for organizations (Hien & Nhu, 2022).

However, there are other concepts to be explored and other ways of how marketing has evolved. It only depends on what the businesses want to employ. This idea is just an overview of how marketing works these days and continues to change as time progresses. Businesses must adapt a perfect symbiosis of human intervention and technological application into their business operation. Consequently, the objective of this study is to address the existing gap in marketing literature by examining the influence of digital marketing strategies on customers purchase intention of selected fast-food restaurants in España Boulevard, Manila. Gaining insights into how digital marketing influences purchase intention allows businesses to tailor their strategies to meet consumer requirements, thereby enhancing the overall effectiveness of their marketing efforts. Given the ever-evolving nature of digital marketing, this ongoing presence opens up endless possibilities for the market to explore and uncover new behavioral approaches that have yet to be identified.

Review of Literature

Digital Marketing

Digital Marketing is the next big thing in marketing, it entails all marketing efforts that capitalize on internet and digital devices. In the current era, digital mar-keting emerges as the most influential method. Every business strives to adjust and respond to the digital marketing world, aiming to maximize the effectiveness of digital marketing across various platforms. People are now spending more time online, checking out products and services and sharing their experiences with various brands. It is clear that digital marketing has the power to influence how consumers behave. Most of the fast-food restaurants surveyed emphasized the importance of social media and digital marketing in their overall strategy. Each digital marketing campaign incurs expenses, and its effectiveness is measured by the profit it generates. Tools such as email and wireless media, coupled with digital data, are instrumental in overseeing all activities within digital marketing (Chaffey & Ellis-Chadwick, 2019).

Studies conducted by (Dastane, 2020; Karuppiah, 2020) found that digital marketing positively influences the intention to purchase. Digital marketing facilitates easy access to product information, thereby reinforcing consumer intentions to buy. Furthermore, research conducted in the City of Surabaya by Kaihatu, (2020) also affirms the influence of digital marketing on purchase intention emphasizing that well-aligned digital marketing strategies can readily stimulate consumer buying intentions and preferences. Some of the basic forms of digital marketing include Content Marketing (Silbert Jose, 2021), Social Media Marketing (Salhab et al., 2023), Affiliate Marketing (Asadiyah et al., 2023), Email Marketing (Somsi-riwatthana, 2021), Webinar Platforms (Regina et al., 2022) and Mobile Applications and E-Commerce (Vo et al., 2022). Thus, building strong brand recognition would definitely lead the way to purchasing intention. 

Social Media Marketing

Social media greatly influences the marketing experience of consumers and has the potential in strengthening their trust in brands. Social media marketing introduces a contemporary advertising method that empowers companies to generate relevant and valuable content for consumers (Mileva, 2018). This approach fosters enhanced consumer engagement and a heightened intention to make purchases. The study of Salhab et al. (2023) found that there is a significant correlation between social media marketing and brand trust and image, and the latter are statistically correlated to purchase intention. Moreover, numerous researches confirmed that social media marketing is highly correlated to customers purchase intention (Manzoor et al., 2020; Yen et al., 2022; Alfeel & Ansari, 2019). Social media is the term used to denote a category of media focused on online interaction and communication among people. In the present era, individuals are skilled at multitasking and often spend a significant part of their hours simultaneously engaging with multiple online platforms. Referred to as digital natives, these individuals effortlessly navigate the web, exchange text messages, and may even talk on the phone anytime. Marketers now have an extensive array of tools to connect with these digital natives. The prevailing question for most companies is not whether to incorporate social media into their communication strategies, but rather determining the optimal extent of its utilization. Engaging with social media has become a significant aspect of nearly everyones daily routine. Platforms like Facebook, WhatsApp, and Instagram boast extensive user bases, with their numbers continually increasing every second (Dixon, 2023). According to estimates from 2018, more than 3.196 billion people were actively using social media (Kemp, 2018). The study of Hanaysha, (2022) revealed that online social networks influence various stages of consumers decision-making processes, particularly in the context of the fast-food industry. The primary driver behind this behavior was identified as convenience and user accessibility.

Webinar Platforms 

Webinar is an alternative of digital marketing campaign; thus, individuals have the option to attend and engage in webinars through either a computer or a mobile device. During these sessions, participants can interact in real-time or at their convenience, utilizing video, audio, and image (Khechine & Lakhal, 2018). The term “webinar” was coined by merging web and seminar facilitates remote participation in a synchronized session. Conference engagement can be interactive and instantaneous, utilizing video or audio broadcasting, recorded content, electronic presentations, shared applications, and whiteboards (Wang & Hsu, 2008). In addition, (Kurniawati and Yusran, 2021) asserted that managers can strengthen connections with customers by organizing impactful events. Another strategy is to host a free webinar featuring guest speakers who discuss about the products offered by the company, specifically tailored for these customers. The dynamic interaction generated through these initiatives encourages increased purchasing interest among customers. Jaipong and Siripipatthanakul, (2023) stated that customers who engage in webinars are likely to encounter a more profound personal interaction with the brand. Consequently, individuals who are interested with the digital content and experience tend to exhibit an increased intention to make a purchase.

Mobile Applications and E-Commerce 

In relation to the factors impacting attitudes toward mobile advertising, it was identified that the value or advantages offered by mobile advertising and the perceived level of interactivity act as factors influencing attitudes and purchase intentions (Dickinger & Kleijnen, 2008; Tra Lei & Kot, 2019). The study of Hanjaya et al. (2019) revealed that in Indonesia, the online purchase intention through mobile apps is significantly influenced by usefulness and information quality. Conversely, in Singapore, ease of use, usefulness, and service quality were identified as significant factors affecting the online purchase intention through mobile apps. Marketers are increasingly focusing on mobile marketing initiatives in the current business landscape due to its capacity to shape customers purchase intention. Dahal et al. (2023) found that the online purchase intentions of Nepalese consumers is significantly influenced by mobile marketing. Businesses can enhance their sales by utilizing mobile marketing alerts, providing relevant information, building trust, and ensuring relevance. In addition, Maseeh et al. (2020) concluded the significant correlation between mobile marketing and customers purchase intention. It is evident that customers maintain connectivity with social media and the internet through smartphone applications. Hence, the mobile apps platform proves to be a potent avenue for advertising. With a widespread adoption of smartphones, marketers can target a vast customer base through these apps. The escalating number of smartphone users creates an opportunity for organizations to effectively engage with both existing and potential customers through mobile app advertising. Additionally, digital marketing involves the promotion of products and services through an e-commerce platform offering immediate responses in real-time to internet connectivity (Clarence & Keni, 2021).

Content Marketing

In the Manufacturing Content Marketing Report published by Content Marketing Institute, (2018) it was revealed that 86% of businesses have implemented content marketing. However, merely 14% of participants expressed confidence in the effectiveness of content marketing in meeting organizational objectives, and 49% of those surveyed considered content marketing to be ineffective. Another observation of Harvidsson and Denham-Smith, (2017) is that consumers are hesitant to fully participate as content contributors or creators due to their reluctance to risk their social status. The potential risk of judgement based on their posted content is deemed too significant to trade for potential benefits. Businesses should emphasize the nature of content they desire to be disseminated and carefully select the platforms for optimal sharing opportunities. The platform chosen for content sharing should be of utmost importance, as content designed to evoke emotions but with minimal emphasis on the brand may stand a higher chance of being shared. It was also highlighted that content from sources other than the official website of the brand is not only considered more credible and unique but adds more value for the consumer. The studies of (Riyadini and Krisnawati, 2022; Abdurrahim and Sangen, 2019; Riska et al. (2020) confirmed that content marketing has a positive and significant effect on customers purchase intention. In the digital age, content marketing plays a crucial role for businesses, creating value for consumers and enhancing competitiveness.

Affiliate Marketing 

The effective digital marketing strategy can forecast purchase intentions. Companies aiming to enhance and cultivate consumer purchase intentions should prioritize the strategic implementation of digital marketing. According to Asadiyah et al. (2023), affiliate marketing holds the potential to positively and significantly affect the purchase intention of Generation Z individuals in Malang City, particularly those using the TikTok platform. Furthermore, the purchase intention of Gen Z in Malang City proves to be a significant factor influencing their actual purchase decisions. Additionally, the impact of affiliate marketing on purchase intention can be influenced by the individuals purchase intentions. Researchers such as (Marquerette and Hamidah, 2023; Susilawati et al., 2023) confirmed that there exist a positive and statistically significant relationship between affiliate marketing and customers purchase intention. In addition, the findings of Hardianawati, (2023) revealed that affiliate marketing content on Shopee, specifically employing TikTok media, strongly influence customers intent to pur-chase. This suggests that businesses can effectively harness the Shopee affiliate program and TikTok content marketing to enhance consumer purchasing decisions and drive sales. Organizations employ affiliate marketing as a method to endorse their products or services by partnering with trusted individuals or groups. It is a marketing strategy where affiliates can earn commissions by promoting the brand. Currently, affiliate marketing is recognized as an essential Indus-try serving as a primary source of online income for bloggers, celebrities, and influencers (Wicaksono et al., 2022).

Email Marketing 

Achieving a successful email marketing strategy requires delivering the appropriate emails to the right audience at the right time (Riserbato, 2023). Email marketers have the opportunity to enhance their promotional and informational email communication by incorporating specific elements such as informative value, entertaining message content, layout, and visual appeal. This enables them to craft effective email marketing messages and strategize advertising campaigns (Ligaraba et al., 2022). Email marketing has the potential to be highly targeted and personalized to cater to a specific audience tailored to their individual needs and preferences. Numerous researches have confirmed the statistically significant relationship between email marketing and customers purchase intention (Astoriano et al., 2022; Samsudeen & Kal-deen, 2020; Sekaringtias & Kusumawati, 2017). However, the findings of Ahmed and Rashid, (2023) imply that the impact of email marketing appears to be comparatively less significant when contrasted with other marketing strategies like mobile advertising and retargeting campaigns. Similarly, Al Sukaini, (2022) concluded that email marketing as a digital marketing strategy has the least influence on purchasing decision.

Customers Purchase Intention

The significance of purchase intention in the success of a company or industry is noteworthy. The inclination to purchase presents opportunities for companies to foster long-term customer retention. Consequently, by cultivating purchase interest in consumers, companies can effectively discourage them from opting for comparable products or services offered by other businesses. The rapid expansion of the fast-food sector has attracted substantial financial opportunities for stakeholders, prompting advertisers to delve into the factors influencing individuals intention to purchase (Xue et al., 2021). According to (Windarsari et al., 2022; Wibisurya, 2018; and Labausa et al., 2023) digital marketing significantly and positively influences the intention to make a purchase. Various strategies and digital platforms are being employed to connect with the young individuals to foster brand development and shape their purchasing intentions. These digital marketing channels include social media advertising, content and affiliate marketing, and email marketing. Thus, customers have the flexibility to access their preferred marketplaces at any location and time through engaging web pages containing compelling and informative content, graphics, interactive elements, and visuals. This addresses the limitations of traditional marketing and enhances the overall user experiences (Shirey, 2017). As stated by Hallman, (2023) digital marketing techniques are transforming the approach businesses use to connect with their customers. Leveraging strategies like email campaigns and social media marketing, businesses can establish a direct channel to their audience, cutting down expenses associated with traditional advertising methods such as print media. Moreover, digital methods empower businesses to craft tailored messages for their target audience and enhance the communication with greater efficiency.

Research Questions

This study is an attempt to examine the influence of digital marketing strategies on customers purchase intention. Specifically, it seeks to answer the following questions:

1. What is the demographic profile of the respondents in terms of:



2. What is the level of influence of digital marketing strategies on customers purchase intention as assessed by the respondents?

Social Media Marketing

Webinar Platforms

Mobile Application and E-commerce

Content Marketing

Affiliate Marketing

E-mail Marketing

3. Is there a significant relationship between digital marketing strategies and customers purchase intentions?


Research Design

This study employed correlational quantitative research approach with convenient selection of participants. Quantitative research aims to collect numerical data and use statistical and mathematical techniques for analysis. Its purpose is to provide researchers the capacity to formulate generalizations and derive conclusions pertaining to the broader target population (Kruger, 2003). According to Creswell, (1994) quantitative research involves elucidating phenomena through the collection of numerical data, subjected to mathematical methods that specifically incorporate statistics. Moreover, this is a research approach that emphasizes the role of quantification in both data collection and analysis (Bryman, 2012).

Respondents of the Study

The respondents of this study comprised of One Hundred Ninety-eight (198) actual customers of selected fast-food restaurants, namely Jollibee, McDonalds, Mang Inasal, KFC, Greenwich, and Chow-king, in España Boulevard, Manila. Since the study aims to examine the influence of digital marketing strategies on customers purchase intention, therefore the most appropriate group of respondents would be the actual customers of these selected fast-food restaurants. The respondents must be aware of the digital marketing strategies that these businesses utilize, which this study aims to identify.

Research Instrument

The primary research tool employed in this study was a survey questionnaire designed to gather information about respondents demographics and their exposure to digital marketing strategies. To ensure the accuracy and consistency of the collected data, the questionnaire underwent rigorous testing for validity and reliability. This research instrument provided a comprehensive approach in gathering data about the influence of digital marketing strategies on customers purchase intention. The data collected from this instrument was analyzed using an appropriate statistical technique to draw conclusions about the influence of digital marketing strategies on customers purchase intention of selected fast-food restaurants.


In this study, a structured survey questionnaire was developed to facilitate data collection and address the research questions systematically. The questionnaire has been categorized based on subject matter, and underwent a pilot testing phase with selected participants to ensure effectiveness in addressing research problems. Upon resolving any identified issues, the refined data collection instruments were ready for broader implementation. Subsequently, the researcher conducted an analysis of the coded data, exploring interrelationships within various categories to derive interpretations and draw meaningful conclusions.

Data Reliability Analysis

The results of the analysis evaluating the reliability and validity of the questionnaire are presented in Table 1 and Table 2. The Cronbachs α coefficient yielded a score of 0.89 and 0.87, respectively, surpassing the 0.70 threshold and both interpreted as Good.” This signifies that the questionnaire assessing Digital Marketing Strategies (variable 1) and ‘Customers Purchase Intention (variable 2), met the reliability standards effectively. This indicates a significant correlation among its items. Additionally, the statistical analysis undertaken affirmed that all variable item configurations within the questionnaire met the validity criteria of the study.

Table 3 shows the demographic analysis of the respondents in terms of gender and age. One hundred (51%) of the respondents are male, then ninety-eight (49%) of the respondents are female. It shows that the majority of the respondents are male. The age of one hundred fifty-nine (80%) of the respondents ranges from 24 years old and below, followed by twenty-nine (15%) of the respondents age ranges 25-34 years old. Then, ten (5%) are within the age bracket of 35 years old and above. It shows that majority of the respondents are in the age bracket of 24 years old and below.

Table 4 shows the contributing factors of social media marketing in influencing customers purchase intention. Based on the results, it clearly reveals that item 4 (Posting brand/product lines in social media platforms with viewable information such as prices and servings) got the highest mean of 4.82 interpreted as ‘Great Extent. This digital marketing strategy will effectively lead to increased brand exposure and online presence through promotion via social media. The result implies that incorporating social media marketing as a tool in building brand recognition and awareness can positively influence customers perception of the brand resulting to purchase intention. This was supported by the study of Thu and Phuong, (2021) asserting that social media marketing activities improve brand loyalty leading to purchase intention among customers. Social media marketing proves to be successful in different brand industry as it heavily influences purchase intention and recognizability of products and services offered by a certain brand (Pattnaik & Trivedi, 2020; Liu & Qureshi, 2023; Salhab et al., 2023). 
Table 5 shows the contributing factors of brand exposure through webinar platforms in the influencing customers purchase intention. It clearly reveals that item 1 (Free webinars to introduce brand/ product lines by partnering with industry-related experts) got the highest mean of 4.51 interpreted as ‘Great Extent. This digital marketing strategy helps the brands in creating competitive advantage, brand differentiation, and providing memorable brand experience for customers and webinar attendees. The result implies that companies that uses webinar platforms is likely to build extreme brand exposure and online presence. Customers who experienced participating in webinars are most likely to experience in-depth personal interaction towards the brand. Therefore, interested and satisfied customer tend to have heightened purchase intention (Jaipong & Siripipatthanakul, 2023). The result is also supported by Collins, (2023) affirming that every point of the marketing funnel, webinars continue to be a significant lead generator. Webinars, often known as web seminars, continue to draw viewers whether they are live or recorded. Webinars provide purchasers with more free information than ever, from general industry trend awareness to the benefit of being able to join semi-anonymous product demos while deciding between several goods. Correspondingly, if your audience sees the value in your webinar, you will no longer need to promote your product or service that much so your brand will be recognized. Instead, webinars are useful marketing tools to indulge participants as explained by Parakh, (2022).
Table 6 shows the contributing factors of mobile applications and e-commerce in influencing customers purchase intention. It clearly reveals that item 2 (A mobile app where customers could earn rewards for online purchases and access easy digital offering) got the highest mean of 4.71 interpreted as ‘Great Extent. This digital marketing strategy helps the brand in building a rapport with the customers on a regular basis, boosting customer confidence in mobile and e-commerce purchasing and facilitating convenient and accessible platform for customers. The result implies that utilizing mobile applications and e-commerce help the brand build relationship with customers, create personalized customer experience, and boost customer confidence toward the brand. According to a study conducted by Jhonson, (2021) what makes mobile applications and e-commerce pivotal nowadays is due to its popularity and convenience. Every person in this world spends an average time of 3 hours and 15 minutes on their mobile phones, thus, increasing their connection through mobile phones (Mackay, 2019). In addition, the highest degree of user accessibility and experience was found in mobile applications and e-commerce sites that lead to digitalized marketing experience when dealing with brand marketing and product distribution that can influence customers intent to purchase (Walden, 2018; Patel et al., 2020).

Table 7 lists the contributing factors of content marketing in influencing customers purchase intention. It clearly reveals that item 6 (Employing TV advertisements that create relatable stories and unravel the brands story and values) got the highest mean of 4.74 interpreted as ‘Great Impact. Content marketing campaigns are those that businesses practice that retains and gain the interest of the mass through sharing and distributing relevant videos, articles, and other forms of media. This digital marketing strategy helps the brand in showcasing what the company represents and let customers understand the qualities that makes the brand stand out from other prominent brands that offers the same products and services that can lead to an increase in purchase intention. Nowadays, customers needs are dynamic and fast-changing and it is not that ideal to just show them but also by tapping their emotions through a creative and interesting content, an experiential content which has been created and effective content and serves as the function of promoting purchase intention (Trivedi, 2022; Milhi-nhos, 2015). In addition, Terho et al. (2022) confirmed that content marketing extends beyond attracting new customers, once the customer has received the solution, we proclaim their conviction that they made the best decision and assist them in utilizing it. Contents that exceed the buyers expectations with their needs and wants can provoke increased engagement and purchase intention among customers (Hollebeek & Macky, 2019). 
Table 8 presents the contributing factors of affiliate marketing in influencing customers purchase intention. It clearly reveals that item 5 (Clicking links prescribed or endorsed by influencers to lead customers on the app) got the highest mean of 4.62 interpreted as ‘Great Extent. This digital marketing strategy utilizes influential personalities to promote a product or brand in exchange for commission on generating sales. It helps the brand become more memorable and relatable to the audience through the influencer or celebrity endorsing it. The result is supported by Nouasri, (2023) positing that the number of links clicked by the online browsers means the level of curiosity and interest they had for a specific brand. In addition Stafford, (2017) supported the result by claiming that 95% of viewers can recall the information through effective contents, when consumers watch a brands promotional video, whether it be on YouTube, Twitter, or Instagram. This suggests that content marketing undoubtedly improves cognitive engagement and interest (Harvidsson & Denham-Smith, 2017), and might lead to customer acquisition and purchase intention (Patrick & Hee, 2019). Additionally, it was made clear that for clients, compelling and excellent content should be the focal point of the video in order to connect with the brand (Tomboc, 2023). Customers will be more receptive to the brands message if they can relate to it and thus will retain in their memory.

Table 9 shows the contributing factors of email marketing in influencing customers purchase intention. It clearly reveals that item 5 (Promoting special events and offer vouchers/coupons and sending it through email) got the highest mean of 3.75 interpreted as ‘Moderate Extent. Email marketing as a digital marketing strategy assists the brand in facilitating an avenue for promoting the brand and it keeps customers in the loop. Studies conducted by (Somsiriwatthana, 2021; Statista Research Department, 2023) confirmed that increased brand awareness and engagement through email marketing have demonstrated a notably positive influence on customers purchase intention. Moreover, this is congruent with the study of Mullen and Daniels, (2011) confirming that approximately 60% of consumers acknowledge making instant purchases in response to email marketing communications. Generally, the company must exhibit adaptability by diversifying its advertising strategies across multiple channels. The strategic selection of platforms tailored to the target audience is essential. If email marketing proves successful in engaging the audiences interest, it is poised to exert a substantial influence on their purchase intentions.

Table 10 demonstrates the Pearson-r test results between social media marketing and customers purchase intention, the value of r is 0.864 at 0.027 level of significance, the computation gave a result of 0.864 interpreted as “Very Strong Correlation”. The relationship of social media marketing and customers purchase intention is highly statistically significant (r=0.864, p=0.027). Liu and Qureshi, (2023), Adelina et al. (2022), and Majeed et al. (2021) mentioned that social media marketing and purchasing intention are statistically correlated. Therefore, utilizing social media marketing as a digital marketing approach is considered to be the most effective strategy to instantly connect to millions of people (Hussain & Chimhundu, 2023). Effectively overseeing online communities on social media platforms is also crucial for cultivating a brand community and shaping the corporate image. When creating content for social media, marketing professionals should give considerable attention to its quality and attributes, as this can lead to increased brand trust and, ultimately, more informed purchase decisions.

Table 11 shows the Pearson-r test results between brand exposure through webinar platforms and customers purchase intention, the value of r is 0.802 at 0.055 level of significance, and the computation gave a result of 0.802 interpreted as “Very Strong Correla-tion”. The relationship of brand exposure through webinar platforms and customers purchase intention is highly statistically significant (r=0.802, p=0.055). Pappas, (2020) affirmed that a significant number of customers alter their planned purchases once they be-come aware of a brands inadequate customer service. Thus, utilizing free webinars offer a straightforward method to achieve this improvement. Brand exposure through webinars serves multiple purposes simultaneously, from addressing inquiries to fostering improved interactions with both potential and current customers. It is evident that lead generation webinars could potentially influence customers purchase intention. In addition, introducing and enforcing a designated hash-tag for your webinar has the power to greatly enhance the marketing effectiveness of the particular marketing approach (Huang and Copeland, 2020).
Table 12 shows the Pearson-r test results between mobile applications and e-commerce, and customers purchase intention, the value of r is 0.854 at 0.031 level of significance, the computation gave a result of 0.854 interpreted as “Very Strong Correlation”. The relationship between mobile applications and e-commerce and customers purchase intention is highly statistically significant (r=0.854, p=0.031). This is supported by studies of Ignacia et al. (2018) and Vo et al. (2022) denoting that a positively strong correlation exists between the presence of a branded mobile application and the likelihood of making a purchase, regardless of whether individuals have installed the app or not. In general, fast-food restaurants should continuously maintain and enhance mobile application and e-commerce quality and features.

Table 14 shows the Pearson-r test results between affiliate marketing and customers purchase intention, the value of r is 0.759 at 0.080 level of significance, the computation gave a result of 0.759 interpreted as “Strong Correlation”. The relationship between affiliate marketing and customers purchase intention is statistically significant (r=0.759, p=0.080). For the younger Generation Z, the willingness to purchase a product is directly tied to the presence of a credible influencer they actively follow. This underscores the significance of brands establishing such a connection. Consequently, a brand targeting Generation Z is likely to encounter highly focused and even devoted customers among this demographic. Influencers should not solely concentrate on community building and crafting valuable content but also prioritize fostering robust parasocial relationships with their followers. Brands need to comprehend the values projected by influencers, aligning them with the values of potential customers. This is crucial because bloggers exert more influence over followers who genuinely appreciate those (Dwivedi et al., 2015). In the realm of affiliate marketing, the influencers credibility, parasocial interaction (Huang & Copeland, 2020) and their physical attractiveness (Martiningsih & Setyawan, 2022) are interconnected factors that ultimately influence consumers intentions to make a purchase.

Table 15 shows the Pearson-r test results between email marketing and customers purchase intention, the value of r is 0.575 at 0.232 level of significance, the computation gave a result of 0.575 interpreted as “Moderate Correlation”.

The relationship of email marketing and customers purchase intention is moderately statistically signifi-cant (r=0.575, p=0.232). The result is supported by the study of Astoriano et al. (2022) concluding that the influence of email marke-ting on purchase intention is substantial, despite being labeled with a small effect size and obtaining the lowest path coefficient (β=0.201, <0.001), the impact remains statistically significant. Similarly, researchers such as (Gill et al., 2023; Samsudeen and Kaldeen, 2020) have confirmed that a positive correlation exist between email digital marketing and customers purchase intention. Thus, email marketing can be beneficial if utilized effect-tively, customized and created with personalized content to attract the attention of the audience.


Based on the research findings, it came to light that there is a statistically significant and very strong corre-lation between digital marketing strategies, namely, social media marketing (r=0.864, p=0.027), brand exposure through webinar platforms (r=0.802, p= 0.055), mobile applications and e-commerce (r=0.854, p=0.031) on customers purchase intention of selected fast-food restaurants. The result shows that there exist a positive strong relationship between affiliate marketing and purchase intention. In addition, it clearly reveals that there is a positive moderate correlation between content marketing (r=0.548, p=0.260), and email marketing (r=0.575, p=0.232) on customers purchase intention. It is evident that the most influential digital marketing strategy that fast-food restaurants and businesses may employ is the utilization of social media marketing, and mobile application and e-commerce. Generally, the findings highlight the significance of social networks and mobile applications with gamification, and indicate that practitioners in the fast-food industry should leverage social media platforms to craft compelling content and disseminate crucial marketing messages to achieve their intended marketing goals. Posting brand or product lines in social media platforms with viewable information such as prices and servings tend to influence customers in the fast-food industry through direct and straightforward posted advertisements. With content marketing, businesses need to tap the emotions of their customers through an interesting and experiential content. This means that employing television advertisements that create relatable stories and unravel the brands values tend to influence their purchasing intention. Thus, in affiliate marketing, clicking links prescribed or endorsed by influencers to lead customers on the app have a great influence for most of the surveyed participants enabling the brand become more memorable and relatable to the audience. Utilizing email marketing facilitates an avenue for promoting products and services quickly and easily through voucher offerings and special events promotions. The researchers suggest that it is important to take into consideration other innovative digital marketing strategies such as influencer marketing, augmented reality and virtual reality technologies to keep up with the current trends. In future research within a related field, it is suggested that researchers choose a different research locale to ensure the validity of the collected information. Moreover, it is recommended that future studies incorporate alternative variables to precisely assess the actual influence of digital marketing strategies on customers purchase intention, utilizing a comprehensive survey questionnaire and other data gathering techniques.


We express our gratitude to Almighty God for granting us the opportunity to compose this research. Our heartfelt appreciation extends to all individuals who contributed to the preparation of this study, whether through direct involvement or indirect support.


The authors declare no conflict of interest.

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Article Info:

Academic Editor

Dr. Doaa Wafik Nada, Associate Professor, School of Business and Economics, Badr University in Cairo (BUC), Cairo, Egypt.


March 2, 2024


April 27, 2024


May 3, 2024

Article DOI: 10.34104/cjbis.024.073090

Corresponding author

Janine M. Pinca*

College of Business Education, Technological Institute of the Philippines, Manila, Philippines.

Cite this article

Pinca JM, Labausa FS, and Cruda NE. (2024). Influence of digital marketing strategies on purchase intention, Can. J. Bus. Inf. Stud., 6(3), 73-90. https://doi.org/10.34104/cjbis.024.073090

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