SDGs goals are immensely affected by technological development. This paper mainly inspects the approaches and trials faced in a developing country: like Bangladesh. Data collection was performed by distributing questions on social media and selecting appropriate random sampling. Forty hundred completed responses were analyzed. The research techniques that were used were empirical and quantitative. Innovation, investment, economic freedom, human development, and globalization are some of the goals that are greatly impacted by digital technological influence. Conversely, inequality in development; lack of global partnership, energy consumption, lack of quality education, etc. are the limitations or reasons that slow down the process. The study discloses these approaches and limitations from different sectors and age groups. The findings have practical and theoretical implications for academics, scholars, institutions, business professionals, and other associated parties keen to identify the impact of technological advancement on SDGs.
Technological progress refers to the creation or discovery of knowledge that expands our understanding of science or technology. In brief, technical advancement is our attempt to understand how things function to further develop procedures, goods, or services to advance and make our lives simpler. Technology advancement can be referred to as the results of our investigations into how things function and how to use them to create new things (AHMED, 2022). (Mohamed Sameer Hoosain, 2020) detailed that for more better and suitable roadmap for the future knowing the sustainable development goals are must for everybody. It deals with issues like environmental change, discrimination, fairness, deficiency, and harmony. Technological advancement plays a significant role in overcoming the issues of poverty and others to achieve the goals of sustainable development. For modern societies development, SDGs imperatives emphasize studying digital technology. In recent years for economic growth digital applications have been the focal point (DigWatch, 2023). The impression of digital applications on SDGs goals was addressed undesirably by some of the critics as considering the ecological costs of economic development and traditional high socials (Delay VRO, 2023).
The empirical data shows that sustainable development in developing countries is significantly impacted by digital growth and economic impact. (Castro, 2018) find out that in developing countries adverse consequences of technical economic growth are much complex. Developing countries agonize ecological expenses that upsurge the growth of production waste and the volume of natural resource consumption as well as social costs that are associated with the living standards, more joblessness, and income dropping which leads to a besmirched standard of life and environment (Rita S. Senise, 2021). (Doyle, 2021) specified that some mediating roles of increasing the approachability of online education, stimulation of global competition through the encouragement of globalization, and the upsurge in the accountability of financing are the reasons for lessening countries inequality. To sustainable development goals, numerous facets of digital applications are put up inversely. This paper finds out that some specific SDGs are influenced by digital technologies such as economic freedom, innovations, investments, globalization, and human development. The influence does not apply across the board, it is country-specific therefore the influence of digital technology requires ad hoc management approaches (Duggal, 2023). Mainly, this paper has been answered the following research questions:
RQ1: What is the impact of technological advancement on the SDGs of Bangladesh?
RQ2: What are the approaches and strategies that have an impact on achieving the goal?
RQ3: What are the limitations or challenges in practicing the technology on the SDGs goals?
Research objectives
This papers objective is to comprehend the impact of technological advancement changes and implications on the SDGs goals of a developing country, like Bangladesh. Some detailed aims include:
• To inspect the impact of technological advancement on the SDGs of Bangladesh.
• To examine the approaches and strategies that have an impact on achieving the goal.
• To identify the limitations or challenges in practicing the technology on the SDGs goals.
According to a new analysis, as the negative consequences of climate change worsen in combination with other global problems, increased usage of digital technology can help to a more sustainable future. (The Role of Technology in the UN SDGs, 2017). The SDGs are a set of goals for human growth that have been developed through consensus. Climate action is a critical component of the SDGs, crossing territory and mandating effective services. A new analysis explores the crucial roles that the ICT sector must play in creating and deploying digital technologies (Rios, 2021). (UNCTAD, 2019) stated that Out of the 50 technologies considered crucial to accomplishing the SDGs, 10 have already been created. Two cutting-edge technologies that are anticipated to be disruptive in the SDG timeline are gene editing and aerial imaging. Making traditional crop varieties immune to some of the effects of climate change, particularly drought, and heat, will be the greatest immediate effect of CRISPR. Tata Group of Companies in India and Womens Hospital in Nairobi, Kenya are well-established to make mutually beneficial that produce revenues even though also resolving social problems on a broad scale (Rios, 2021). These businesses will likely be far more significant than Western corporations in this setting, for whom the low revenues from low-income areas would probably be unappealing. Governments need to take a far more strategic approach to promoting and importing innovative products and services (United Nations Inter-Agency Task Team on Science, 2022). (Dr. Chirag M. Patel, 2020) said that technology is a huge benefit to people, as well as in the business world. The rise of technological entrepreneurship has had a significant impact on economic growth. Business technology helps organizations improve their com-munication processes, which can lead to increased productivity and good business strategies. Startups have emerged as an excellent means of advancing technology due to their continuous innovation and thorough planning (Berawi, 2017). Top management can also use technology to easily create measurable goals for their employees to help them achieve and maintain company objectives. Businesses can use on-line marketing as a tool to reach new economic markets and customers by strategically placing web banners or ads (Rahman, 2018). It can also enable companies to outsource business operations to other people and establishments on a global scale. Business technology enables companies to outsource business operations to other people and establishments on a global scale (Duggal, 2023). According to (Doyle, 2021) over the past few years after the pandemic, the impact of technology on our daily life has grown exceptionally. By using mobile or laptops people are connected with one another and it provides a vast amount of knowledge. Everyone should incorporate technology in their daily life for business, communication, research, web-based advertising, etc. Technology allows organizations to connect both internally and externally through many channels. Businesses can carry out market research using secondary data when they use technology. (Alana Corsi, 2020) stated that this is incredibly beneficial because it offers organizations in-depth knowledge of markets prior to entering them. In addition to secondary research, firms can employ technology to do primary research, such as online surveys and customer feedback. One of the most useful applications of technology is advertising to millions of individuals all over the world at the press of a button. Websites and social media platforms are examples of web-based advertising (Duggal, 2023).
According to (Alicia Bárcena) access to an intercomnected network of untapped big data through digitalization could be helpful for both society and the environment. This viewpoint emphasizes the possibilities that digitalization can offer for building a future society that is sustainable (Rahman, 2021). The three fundamental components of the food-water-energy nexus will benefit from the use of smart technology, which is seen as a game-changing solution. (Castro, 2018) stated that in order to boost a systems effectiveness and efficiency, these modern technologies have significance in societal, environmental, sustainability, and climate research. Researchers investigated how engineering and technology advancements closely related to artificial intelligence (AI) can help the United Nations 17 Sustainable Development Goals
(SDGs) (UN). The United Nations established these 17 SDGs as part of its 2030 Agenda to safeguard the environment and ensure prosperity for all (United Nations Global Compact, n.d.). They represent a substantial change for firms and governments in the development of new, sustainable business models and government regulations. Governments, businesses, and non-governmental organizations all play important roles in achieving the goals (United Nations Inter-Agency Task Team on Science, 2022). According to (The World Bank, Harnessing the Transformative Power of Technology to End Poverty), most of the studies on digital technology development on SDGs are country-specific but accomplishing the SDGs by 2030 demands explanations to tackle the complex glitches and new approaches. Thats why in this paper I discuss some methods that can be an integral part of national sustainable development strategies by 2030. The adoption of technology, science, and innovation involves well-established organizational structures, good governance, and a legal framework that articulates a variety of strategies. The challenge in achieving the SDGs is reconsidering and implementing new approaches (UNCTAD, 2019). (TechnoServe, 2021) stated that a conceptual model was created to portray the impact of digital technological advancement to achieve sustainable development goals, based on the literature review on technological advancement on SGDs of developing countries. My study examines the approaches that have an impact on the effects of technological development of developing countries SDGs, and the result would help the institute and organizations to adopt, respond and implement the strategies successfully to achieve the goals by 2030 (The Role of Technology in the UN SDGs, 2017).
Instrumental progress
Using a structural survey, I collected all the primary data. In addition to demographic information, this survey consisted of three major areas. The introduction part contains four questions: participants age, occupation, gender, and education. Then the second part com-prises familiarity with the UN Sustainable Development Goals. In the next section, part 1 of the questionnaire consists of six innovative ideas of technological advancement and seven approaches to achieve technological advancement in developing countries. Finally, in Part 3 of the question contributors were requested to segment opinions by rating five points Likert scale of agreement. It consists of nine improvement approaches that can have an impact on technological advancement and nine challenges that developing countries are facing in achieving SDGs. Nine related challenges & improvements were used in the study, shown in Table 1.
Data & sample assembly
The facts for this survey were assembled throughout February & March 2022 through a planned form disseminated on social media platforms. The testing method was chosen for its convenience, where technology operators are identified from various sectors in a very expedient style. Nearly 750 questionnaires were distributed online to collect responses. Overall, 400 responses were received, and the completely answered questionnaires resulted in a 53% response rate.
Analytical Framework
To evaluate the input data, I used SPSS-21 (IBM statistical package for social science). At first, I tested the validity and reliability of the statistics theories. To check the reliability & consistency of each theory, correlation of the corrected item-total and Cronbach alpha standards were used. For every item tentative factor investigation for theories and validity were inspected. Secondly, where the five-point Likert measure was used, descriptive analysis was shown to calculate the means of the frequency of each theory. For some graphical representations, ratio analysis has also been accomplished.
Demographic data of the contributors
The demographic data of the contributors are given in Table 2 and Fig. 2.
From Fig. 2, it can be expounded that the largest number of the contributors were below age of 35. Under 25 male contributors ratio was 14.6%, 43% were under 35 & 26.80%, 8.30%, and 2% of male participants were below 45, below 55, and correspondingly. Nevertheless, 17.10% of women contributors were under 25 years, 46.60% were under 35 years & 21.90%, and 8.90% of women contributors were under 45, and under 55 correspondingly.
Table 2 directs 63.5% of men contributors and 36.5% of women contributors.
Among the 400 contributors in Table 2, 6.5% belong to secondary education, 16% belong to higher secondary, 28.5% belong to graduation, 34.5% belong to post-graduation & Ph.D., and 15% belong to other.
Based on the skills contributors were requested to choose their occupation. Table 2 indicates that the majority of the contributors (17%) were from the private sector, 15.8% students, 13% engineer, 12.5% bankers, 11.8% university teachers, 8.5% school/ college teacher, 7.8% doctor, 7% public/Govt. organization and 6.8% belonged to others.
In terms of familiarity & inspiring ideas and achieved approaches, the contributors were requested to selects more than one area of that they think are inspiring people in developing countries. Table 3 illustrated that the most of the contributors (44.5%) think that innovative domestic resources can encourage more people to use technologies, a notable number of users think introducing commercial and modern agricultural technologies (25.3%) helps the farmers, approximately 16% think the national voluntary pension scheme also inspires them using it, integrated water resource management and building decentralized micro-grids for electricity and sharing solar power holds the percentage of 8.3% and 6.5 %. Some tactics that developing countries can take to persuade more people to use modern days technologies to achieve the SDGs. Table 3 also shows that 22.5% of global partnerships can improve the relationship between countries which can also help achieve the SDGs. Approximately, 19% of people think that the source of sustainable energy can change the SDGs scenario. Economic growth and freedom (17.5%) also play a major role in SDGs in developing countries. Reducing inequalities between countries and inclusive education holds 13.5 and 13%. Nearly 9% of people think that recovering climate transformation technologies can play a significant role. 6.3 % of people want an improved healthy life.
Reliability and rationality of research tool
According to ( (DeVellis, 2021; Hinkin, 1995), construct reliability assessing confirms the grade to which study tools are unerring and for assessing the reliability point inside it symbolize a pointer. Cronbachs Alpha (α) is most used for the internal consistency and scale reliability (Vaske, 2017). The total score of each theory with the relating number of each measure can be calculated by Cron-bach alpha, it can also be compared with each item variance (Goforth, 2015). The scientific equation of this is:
Here, k = the number of measured items, c = co-variance of average of all covariances between items, and v = Items average variance.
In this study, I measured the reliability and consistency of two constructs and showed Cronbachs Alpha (α) value for the correlated total elements correlation and Cronbachs Alpha (α) if the element was removed. In Table 4, the Cronbach alpha constant value for the improvement approaches was 0.761, and for the limitations or challenges, it was 0.761. Cronbachs Alpha (α) values above the alpha factor of 0.7 show reliability signs as the inner reliability balances the quantity (Rivard, 1988).
The concept is more consistent with the theory if the Cronbach alpha is close to 1 (Kemp, 2003). It can be determined that the study instruments in this study a tremendously consistent research instrument as the two concepts or theory are significantly higher than 0.7 in the Cronbach alpha coefficient. If one element removed from the theories, the intended Cronbach alpha was 0.74- 0.75 & 0.73-0.75 which were also higher than the standard of 0.70. In the two constructs, all items for the correlated total element association standards were also calculated. In Table 5, except for one item (correlated total element association=.388) in the first theory applied, the other eight elements total association values fluctuated from 0.406 to 0.497. In the next theory, eight elements of total association values fluctuated from 0.406 to 0.497, and an element (correlated total element association=.388). According to (Gliem, 2003), total elements association standards should be a minimum of 0.40. Maximum items of the total elements associated with the two theories are higher than 0.40, which shows decent inside reliability mid most of the applied scale elements. To inspect the rationality of the theories, exploratory factor analysis (major element) was used.
For a sustainable future, SDGs are made for global people where no one is left behind. Implementation of SDGs explored separately in developed and developing countries (Berawi, 2017). Adoption of the SDGs should be monitored and report on the progress to ensure that everyone gets the right benefit, the target of SDGs is being met, everyone gets adequate technology for their future role, and make themselves responsible. As it is development planning for the global people, it tries to increase the skills and know-ledge among the people and try to involve them to solve the present problem and prepare for future challenges. (Dr. Chirag M. Patel, 2020) stated that to make these things happen, technological advancement is the only key focus for development such as these challenges. Technological advancement is key because it will play an important role in producing economic and digital growth. SDGs are made for global people for a sustainable future where no one is left behind. The results of my paper have equally practical and theoretical inferences.
Theoretical implication
For future researchers, this paper offers a base to learn the impact of applying technological advancement tools during the SDGs development goal phase. There are very few studies found regarding the impact of one goal of SDGs on a developing country like Bangla-desh. This study will assist in finding factors like economic freedom, innovations, investments, globalization, and human development greatly impacted by technological progression. Further research can consider more variables in future research and get an entire scenario of impacts on different genres of people by increasing the sample size.
Practical Implication
In emerging countries (like Bangladesh) the finding performs as an accurate instruction that helps use technologies for economic expansion. This study helps organizations and humans cope up swiftly and retort promptly to the growth of innovations, investments, economic freedom, human development, and globalization (HAQUE, 2019). Technology creates more opportunities and job markets than reducing jobs. The impact and uses of technological advancement on the SDGs goal will benefit further applications and will upsurge the practice of more technology (S. Vyas-Doorgapersad, 2022). This result may help other sectors (Like financial organizations, education, and hospitals) of Bangladesh to acquire knowledge from the observation of this study.
I would like to extend my sincere thanks and appreciation to all the participants for their invaluable contributions to this study.
The author declares no conflicts of interest.
Academic Editor
Dr. Doaa Wafik Nada, Associate Professor, School of Business and Economics, Badr University in Cairo (BUC), Cairo, Egypt.
Lecturer, Faculty of Business Studies, Management Information Systems, University of Dhaka, Bangladesh.
Tamanna M. (2024). Impacts of technological advancement on achieving sustainable development goals (SDGs): in developing countries, Can. J. Bus. Inf. Stud., 6(2), 63-72.