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Original Article | Open Access | | doi: 10.34104/cjbis.022.01250136

Effects of Digital Presence on Business Development: A Study from the Perspectives of Pandemic Situation in Bangladesh

Tama Saha



Covid 19’s effect is very severe on this community where the lives of many people have been dangerously affected resulting in superfluous infections as well as death tolls. In consequence, business activities of the various industries have been adversely affected which is exhibited by the statistics of the lower amount of revenue, profitability, export, investment, etc. But the timely decision of the global policy maker to move towards the digital platform from conventional physical establishment seems to be a very significant issue. Because of the digital presence on one hand enables the business entities to sustain well. On the other hand, develop their business into electronic platform-centric leadership. Bangladesh has also not been an exception to this because the industry leaders of the country prioritized digital transformation with immediate effect. The justification for such a decision is exhibited by the regular flow of business and positive growth of her economy even in this pandemic crisis. With this end of view, the present study is an endeavor to investigate the effect of digital presence on the business development of Bangladesh. Both primary and secondary data were collected for this study. Here, secondary information has been gathered from current research papers and articles related to the study's topic that have been published in refereed journals. Inferential statistical methods are operated in this work to test the main data obtained using a structured, self-administered questionnaire-based lengthy survey that includes open-ended, non-forced, balanced itemized questions utilizing a 5 Likert scale (strongly disagree to strongly agree). This current study has found the feasibility of the effects of digital presence because of its diversified uses in the pandemic situation which include government support to use digital platforms as the best alternative to physical work environment both in the public and private sectors during the pandemic and after the pandemic, Organizations should increase digital presence to reduce fixes cost related with construction and maintenance, the government must ensure IT training facilities to employees so that they can smoothly execute their official activities through digital platforms for facilitating "Digital Bangladesh Vision 2021" and many more. Thus, digital presence can be predicted as effective for business development by which a country can achieve more growth and prosperity. 

Keywords: Digital Presence, Economic Development, and Pandemic Situation.

Citation: Saha T. (2022). Effects of digital presence on business development: a study from the perspectives of pandemic situation in Bangladesh, Can. J. Bus. Inf. Stud., 4(6), 125-136. https://doi.org/10.34104/cjbis.022.01250136


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November 29, 2022

Article DOI: 10.34104/cjbis.022.01250136

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