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Original Article | Open Access | | doi: 10.34104/cjbis.022.065071

Economic Assessment of Commercial Turkey and Broiler Farming in Bangladesh: An Application of Binary Probit Model

Mashrat Jahan  M. Kamruzzaman Mail Img Orcid Img



A comprehensive and comparative study of Broiler and Turkey has been undertaken in Bangladesh focusing on the stability issues. This research aimed to compare the financial profit of Bangladesh's newly adopted Turkey to those of broilers. A cross-sectional survey of broiler and turkey farmers in the research areas provided the information used in the study. 180 farmers were chosen for the study using simple random and purposive sampling techniques. The data collected were analyzed using STATA and descriptive statistics. Major findings of this study indicate high gross and net return for Broiler 12.32 lac and 3.98 lac respectively although because of low cost the return over per Taka investment or BCR (undiscounted) was calculated and found high for Turkey 2.227 & of broiler 1.47.  The study also revealed that farmer’s age, education level had a positive and significant effect and experience, occupation, link with extension services, and timely vaccination had a negative effect on choosing Turkey production (turkey = 1 and broiler = 0). The core hindrance to the turkey industry was found inefficiency in marketing, veterinary and training facilities turning to a sudden fall in the demand, discouraged farmers to adopt turkey farming. Although both species were found more or less profitable, turkey farmers documented more profit with less risk, and therefore investing more in turkey could be a plan for addressing the shortage of animal protein supply as a means of increasing farm income. 

Keywords: Comparative analysis, Binary probit regression, Broiler, Turkey production, and prospects.

Citation: Jahan M., and Kamruzzaman M. (2022). Economic assessment of commercial Turkey and broiler farming in Bangladesh: an application of binary probit model, Can. J. Bus. Inf. Stud., 4(4), 65-71. 



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July 22, 2022

Article DOI: 10.34104/cjbis.022.065071

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