The union parishad works closely with the marginalized people in the local area. At an interval of five years, a chairperson is elected as the head of the council, a member is elected from each of the nine wards, and from each of the three wards three women members are selected respectively. The three special positions of the selected women members act as the empowerment of the women. This research aims to identify the obstacles of women representatives while functioning their work in union parishad. This research article also suggests identifying the factors which hinder the performance of women representatives. This paper also provides recommendations of how these obstacles will be removed by taking proper initiatives.
Keywords: Women’s empowerment, Local government, Obstacles, and Women’s representative.
Citation: Habib SA. (2022). Obstacles of women representatives functioning in union parishad in Bangladesh, Br. J. Arts Humanit., 4(2), 40-44. https://doi.org/10.34104/bjah.022040044