The paper investigates to seek answers on the extent of management in the educational system and practice for a guide in the academic transformation of the respondents especially on its contribution to the educational system. A mixed method of research is utilized in the study which focuses on Focused Group Discussion. Likewise, purposive and quota sampling techniques are employed in gathering the sample size and population of the study. The study comprised fifty (50) respondents only. Results show that extent of management of the educational system and practice as a guide for academic transformation explores and influences the mechanism of the context leadership transformation, shows that educational equity collaborates essentially on the equity issues and potentials, shows that educational motivation morale and improvement measures the quality of the improved motivation and knowledge in the educational system, show that student experiences establish mutual trust atmosphere, and encourages the interest of subordinates in school organization benefits, show that strengthening school culture reveals and focuses on leadership perspective in educational organization and strength through a school program and identity, and show that innovation skills in management leadership provide strategic requirement fulfillment of educational system and process which aligned to the mission and vision of school towards innovation and transformation of knowledge. Findings show that there is a significant relationship between the extent of management in the educational system and practice as a guide in the academic transformation as observed by the respondents.
Keywords: Management of educational system, Academic transformation, Morale, and Innovation skills.
Citation: Mallillin LLD., and Caranguian RG. (2023). Management of educational system and practice: a guide to academic transformation, Br. J. Arts Humanit., 5(3), 131-141. https://doi.org/10.34104/bjah.02301310141