This research is designed to explain theologically Good Friday which is one of the important events in the life of the Church. It seeks to analyze the mystery behind Good Friday, particularly on Christ’s suffering and death. This is done to help the reader understand Good Friday. The researcher has included some important biblical accounts, Church documents, and ideas of prominent theologians that explain the Theology of Good Friday. The research argues that the claim of the misconceptions and malpractices of the people on Good Friday is not supported by the accounts of Sacred Scripture and the Church’s documents, and this should be corrected in a prudent manner as possible.
Keywords: Good Friday, Suffering, Theology of suffering, Redemptive suffering, and Crucifixion.
Citation: Tan, Jr. FM. (2023). Malpractice and misconception of Good Friday celebration in the Philippines, Br. J. Arts Humanit., 5(4), 233-242. https://doi.org/10.34104/bjah.02302330242