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Review Article | Open Access | Br. J. Arts Humanit., 2020, 2(3), 56-59 | doi: 10.34104/bjah.02056059

Inevitability of the Education Sector in the Success of Vision 2021: A Critical Study of Bangladesh Perspective

Muhammed Asgor Hossain* Mail Img ,
Md. Shaon Akter** Mail Img


Education is the backbone of a nation. The total development of a country largely depends on the development of the education sector. Our government has initiated to implement the Vision 2021 where it has been estimated that this country will acquire self-sufficiency in all the sectors. It is assumed that Bangladesh will overcome the poverty level and stand as a self-reliant country in the world by this vision of 2021. The economic growth of Bangladesh will cover up a satisfactory level to remove poverty and this nation will build up a new identity as a middle-income nation. The per-capita income will be higher and the citizens will lead to a higher standard of living after the implementation of Vision 2021. But no planning will come into effort without ensuring education for all. So the study is to remind the Government that they need to keep in mind the inevitability of education before going forth for the success of Visio 2021. To come out successful in this attempt, I have selected some text books, journals, magazines, books on criticism, and web links, etc.


The present Government is trying heart and soul to make the living standard of the people of Bangladesh better. They are taking different initiatives one after another to attain success in this mission. The Vision 2021 is one of the remarkable milestones in the development sectors in Bangladesh by the present Government. Whatever may be, education is the pre and prime condition for the development of a country. We all should keep in mind that advancement and progress in education is the half done of total development of a nation. In a country like ours, there are many backwardness in the education sector like shortage of good teachers, lack of class rooms, unwillingness in both the guardians and students to receive education, economical insolvency, super-stitious attitudes of the society, insufficient initiatives from the Government and above all too much expenses in the private education sectors. 

So, in this study it will be tried to get a glimpse at the responsibilities of both the Government and the citizens to remove all kinds of barriers to good education which may help in the implementation of Vision 2021. 

Background of the Study

The present Prime Minister of Bangladesh Sheikh Hasina has declared her Vision 2021. Before coming to power in the election of 2008, she declared this Vision 2021 in the golden jubilee of our nation. So she expected to lead this nation ahead in all respects by the year 2021. According to her vision, the Economic Growth of Bangladesh will reach to that point so that this nation will be a middle-income nation by 2021. 

Meanwhile this Bangladesh has emerged to a global stage in the sectors of peace, stability, and development. Though her vision is highly ambitious, it is achievable as it reflects the hopes and aspirations of the citizens of the country. It will ensure higher per-capita income so that the citizens will have a higher standard of living. Its practical and pragmatic effects will focus on the following facts that the citizens will be better educated, will face better social justice, will have a more equitable socio-economic environment. Its effects will also be reflected in the sustainability of development According to the Board of Investors, Bangladesh, the main goals of Vision 2021 are as follows: 

1. Democracy and effective parliament (Sultana and Amin, 2020)

2. Political framework, decentralization of power and peoples participation 

3. Good governance through establishing rule of law and avoiding political partnership 

4. Transformation of political culture 

5. A society free from corruption 

6. Empowerment and equal rights for women 

7. Economic developments and initiatives: 

a) Meeting basic needs 

b) Population and labor force 

c) Alleviation of poverty 

d) Food and nutrition 

e) Health care centre 

f) Education 

g) Industry 

h) Energy Security 

i) Infrastructural development 

j) Housing 

k) Environment 

l) Water resources 

8. Bangladesh in the global arena: 

a) Achievements of liberation 

b) Culture 

c) Foreign policy 

d) Good religion

Another important side of ‘Vision 2021 is the Digital Bangladesh program. It indicates that this country will be digitalized. The people of Bangladesh will be digitally connected in the society. Bangladesh Prime Minister Sheikh Hasina was re-elected in 2014 and has outlined four priorities for Digital Bangladesh: to develop the countrys workforce, to connect citizens in ways that are meaningful to them; to bring services to citizens doorsteps; and to make the private sector and market more productive and competitive through the use of digital technology. 

But it should be kept in mind by all of us that all the components in the development sectors are totally depend on the well flourishment of education. 

Objectives of the Study

Basically, the objective of this study is to motivate all who are related to the encouragement in the field of Education and to relate it with the proper implementation of the Vision 2021. This field can be directed in the following ways: 

1) To investigate the motivating persons or factors for spreading education 

2) To remove the barriers in receiving education 

3) To promote all for coming forward to the success of education 

4) To give the particular and essential suggestions to the Government for taking necessary steps. 

5) To reflect the inevitability of education along with the other initiatives for the success of Vision 2021. 

6) To identify the influencing factors related to the institutional education. 

7) To assess the success and failure of the Government in the Vision 2021. 

8) To illustrate the expected goals in success after receiving proper education. 

Bangladesh Prime minister Sheikh Hasina has taken a significant step to eradicate the illiteracy from the country in a mentionable level. In education sector Bangladesh has noticed an unprecedented develop-ment in all levels. 

From a reliable source we come to know: In the national budget for FY2019-20, education sector will be awarded with the highest budget raising 17 percent higher than the previous one. 

According to another source: The net rate of primary school enrollment reached to 97.3 percent in 2014. The drop-out rate has reduced to 20.9 percent. A total of 36 crore 21 lakh 82 thousand and 245 copies of text books have been distributed among 4.26 crore students in 2017 academic year. With a view to building Digital Bangladesh, as announced by the Prime Minister Sheikh Hasina, have been introduced internet facilities in field level offices related to primary education including 55 Primary Training Institutes (PTI) having a computer lab. Audio visual aids such as Laptop, projector, internet modem and digital sound systems have been supplied to 5 thousand and 430 primary schools. To prevent drop-out of the poor students Taka 970.27 crore has been distributed among 49 lakh 23 thousand and 485 students as stipends and free studentship in 2013-14. 

Bangladesh achieved parity in the number of male and female students in primary level in 2012, three years ahead of the stipulated timeframe of the United Nations. It became possible as a result of hard work and whole hearted effort of the alliance government.

Establishment of Technical schools in 100 Upazilas is going on under a project to establish training schools in every Upazala. 13.11 percent of students got the opportunity to have technical education in the fiscal year 2014-15. Land has been allocated to establish an autistic academy in Purbachal, Dhaka. The academy will have two different dormitories, each with a capacity to accommodate 100 autistic boys and girls. 

Welfare activities for the autistic children of the country is going on with the sincere and hard work of Saima Wazed, daughter of Sheikh Hasina, honorable Prime Minister and the Chairperson of the National Advisory Committee of Bangladesh on Autism (Mostofa Ahmed, 2015). It is to be truly mentioned that the main focus of the Vision 2021 is to eradicate poverty from the society and education will immensely help the Government. Though ‘Vision 2021 may not be successful to completely eradicate poverty in the next six years, Bangladesh Govern-ments goal is to minimize the poverty level to 14% of the population by 2021. 

In order to come out successful in this attempt, the Government should try his best to lift 15 million people out of poverty. According to the statistics: The poverty rate has been reduced from 56.7% in 1991-92 to 31.5% in 2010. The Government of Sheikh Hasina has further brought it down to 22.4%.. Through implementing a number of concrete initiatives and interventions within the framework of ‘Vision 2021, the Government is pledge-bound to turn the country into a middle-income nation. 

The target date to reach this remarkable milestone is only six years away in 2021; the year in which Bangladesh will celebrate its 50th anniversary of independence. World Bank report (2015) stated that in 2000, six crore thirty lakh people lived below poverty lines in Bangladesh, but this figure came down to four crore thirty lakh in 2010. Sayed Abul Hossain (1999) commented in this regard that  the World Banks report (2015) proves that the infant mortality rate has declined. At the same time the literacy rate has increased in Bangladesh. During this time, 98% girls have joined primary schools. 

Really it is a satisfactory record for us (Abul Hossain, 1996). Sujat Monsur (2016) has addressed the declaration of Sheikh Hasina that from a confession by Shekh Hasina we come to know: “In the 2008 election manifesto, I announced to develop Bangla-desh as a middle-income country by 2021. In 2014, we declared in our election manifesto that Bangladesh would be a developed country by 2041” (Monsur, 49). 


So from the above discussion it has been noticed that the major motivating persons for the students to receive education are parents, family members, relatives, teachers of schools, colleges and universi-ties, well-wishers and friends. The major influencing factors for them to receive education are job, professional opportunities, and dream for carrier development, self-development, and upgrading social status. The mentionable barriers for receiving education lack of interest, poverty, insufficient educa-tional institutes, improper teaching staff, religious superstitions, social ill-customs, early marriage, unemployment problems of the educated students, and above all insufficient facilities from both the Government and private sectors. 


As in most cases, parents and family members motivate the students to receive education, they should be more liberal regarding their decision of receiving education. Family awareness should be build up for the students to receive education. Congenial environment or atmosphere should be made in the society for the students to receive education. The educational institutes should be more friendly in giving education to the students. Teachers should play a vital role in this respect that they will encourage the students to be more attentive to their studies. 

The students should feel free to discuss or interact their views, problems or opinions with their teachers. Different awareness programs both for parents and student should be held frequently in the society which may help a lot to the upholding education. Above all, the Government should take some pragmatic steps, policies, strategies and programs which may encourage the students to receive education from lower level to higher level. In this way suggested above, the Vision 2021 nay be a successful one. 


We would like to thank those who work on this topic of the research study to complete successfully.


The authors declared there are no conflicts of interest to publish the present research study.

Article References:

1. Abul Hossain, Syed. (1999). Sheikh Hasinar Osamanno Safollo, Dhaka: Prottasha Offset Printing. https://www.wikiwand.com/en/Syed_Abul_Hossain 

2. Abul Hossain, Syed. (1996). Sheikh Hasina: Songrami Jononetrir Protikriti, Dhaka: City Art Press. 

3. Monsur, Sujat. (2016). Sofol Rajnitik O Prodhanmontri Sheikh Hasina, Dhaka: Utsho Prokashon. 

4. Mostofa, Ahmed. (2015). Ognikonna (Sheikh Hasina), Dhaka: Salma Book Dipo.

5. Sultana J, and Amin MA. (2020). Historic 7th March Speech of Bangabandhu: Democracy and Civility in Leadership, Asian J. Soc. Sci. Leg. Stud., 2(2), 33-40. 


6. World Bank. (2017). Bangladesh Develo-pment Update 2017. World Bank, Dhaka, Bangladesh. © World Bank. 


Internet Sources:

a) The Daily Star, Monday, January 13, 2020 

b) www.bbs..portal.govt.bd 

c) www.individualdeprivationmeasure.org/ 

Article Info:

Academic Editor

Dr. Sonjoy Bishwas, Executive, Universe Publishing Group (UniversePG), California, USA.


April 15, 2020


May 22, 2020


May 30, 2020

Article DOI: 10.34104/bjah.02056059

Corresponding author

Muhammed Asgor Hossain*

Dept. of English, Islamic University, Jhenidah-Kushtia, Bangladesh

Md. Shaon Akter**
Dept. of English, Khwaja Yunus Ali University, Sirajgonj, Bangladesh

Cite this article

Hossain MA. and Akter MS. (2020). Inevitability of the education sector in the success of Vision 2021: a critical study of Bangladesh perspective, Br. J. Arts Humanit., 2(3), 56-59. 


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