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Original Article | Open Access | | doi: 10.34104/bjah.019.1427

Impact of Social Networking Sites on Interpersonal Relationship among Teenager: A Sociological Analysis in the District of Bagerhat

Md. Shahin Parvez Mail Img Orcid Img
Md. Anisur Rahaman Mail Img Orcid Img
Kaniz Fatema Mail Img Orcid Img
Druti Rani Mondal Mail Img Orcid Img



Social Networking Sites (SNSs) are clearly becoming an authentic and chosen form of Communication. At present, utilize of SNSs amongst teenage students has enlarged, and utilize of SNS has extensive influence on these students in various ways, especially on their interpersonal relationships. The current study is placed in this context to determine the influence of SNS on interpersonal relationships of the teenager, and also find out the impetus of utilize, interest, as well as danger associated with SNS among the college student. In this study students finished a questionnaire that utilizes of SNSs from Khalilur Rahman Degree College, Shahed Hemayet Uddin Girl’s High School, and Wajed Memorial Secondary School at Mollahat Upazila for creating primary data; It was established that the utilize of SNS has a result on interpersonal relationships of a teenager, particularly with their members of family, and friends. We were also found that how much average time they take up on SNSs, what kind of alter has occurred in their face to face relationship. The study also tries to reveal the benefit and dangers associated with SNSs among teenagers. The study found that, although the SNSs have supported improve relationships among teenagers as friends, they have also created some negative effects such as losing their time, increase crime, and immoral activities, and increase their monthly expenditure. It provides an outlook for exploring the technological implications of a society in the domain of sociology.

Keywords: Social Networking Sites, Teenagers, Sociological Analysis, Impact, and Interpersonal Relationships.

Citation:  Parvez MS, Rahaman MA, Fatema K, and Mondal DR. (2019). Impact of social networking sites on interpersonal relationship among teenagers: a sociological analysis in the district of Bagerhat. Br. J. Arts Humanit., 1(5), 14-27. https://doi.org/10.34104/bjah.019.14027


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September 07, 2019

Article DOI: 10.34104/bjah.019.1427

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