Financial crimes are activities that generate wealth through the conduct of criminal activities, including the act of protecting the benefit that has been facilitated dishonestly by taking the benefits or obtaining property from any unlawful activity a.k.a. money laundering offences. The authors express their views by referring to 'get rich, quick’ as a reactionary and impulsive behaviour, detected among locals involved directly or indirectly in dishonest or fraudulent activities of those in power. The authors further converse about how such corruption may lead to a sense of despair and alienation in the society, especially for those who are deprived of their basic human rights due to such prevalent corruption and governance failure. And how much can also weaken the key institutions of the national integrity system as corruption teardowns public trust in the government. The authors in this paper articulated in a chronological manner a clear nexus as to how techniques used to launder money are often used by organised crime for drug trafficking purposes and/or terrorist financing; as such funds may originate from legitimate sources and/or criminal activities. Research methodology applied by the authors is solely for the objective of gathering and analyzing the information acquired, applying an open-ended and conversational communication. Here the authors desire to rely mainly on secondary sources for data collection where the authors apply comparative analysis methods to examine relationships between the variables to better emphasize the dire need to make more people aware of such criminal activities that amount to money laundering offences.
Keywords: Financial crime, Corruption, Offences, Fraudulent activities, and Money laundering.
Citation: Faysal A., and Arifuzzaman M. (2022). Financial crimes: activities that amount to money laundering offences, Br. J. Arts Humanit., 4(3), 89-96. https://doi.org/10.34104/bjah.022089096