The study's major goal was to develop a theoretical model for the elements that influence ESSU faculty members' publication performance. The following conclusions were drawn using the grounded theory technique of qualitative research and the theoretical sampling procedure in the deciding to involve a total of 16 participants: favorable research atmosphere defined by the availability of funding support for publication fee, publication incentive, availability of technical support service, low workload in instruction and administration; research exposure and peer influence; favorable attitude toward publication; and belief in the beneficial effects of publication are the factors that lead to high publication performance. An unfavorable research environment, lack of exposure to research or weak research background, and a negative attitude toward research and publishing research results are all variables that contribute to poor publication performance. Furthermore, faculty members with excellent publishing performance were acknowledged in the scientific world, and a strong research track record led to funding opportunities and peer reviewer positions in scientific journals. Fortunately, the faculty members' academic rank rose as a result of their high publication performance.
Keywords: Publication performance, Research, Grounded Theory, and Attitude toward publication.
Citation: Fuentes HC. (2021). Factors influencing faculty publication performance: a grounded theory analysis, Br. J. Arts Humanit., 3(6), 171-176. https://doi.org/10.34104/bjah.02101710176