This paper is basically concerned with the concept of community policing, its significance, objectives, various organizations and institutions relating to security, community policing in different countries, population growth in comprising with community policing, and finally the conceptual framework and the present scenario of community policing in Bangladesh. The concept of community policing which is an essential part especially for ensuring quality policing in the context of a democratic and developing country like Bangladesh has been briefly discussed in this study. In fact, finally, the conceptual framework has been mentioned in this paper to ensure quality policing after a brief analysis between the concept of traditional policing and community policing with the review of certain developed and developing countries.
Keywords: Comparative study, Community policing, Bangladesh, Traditional policing, and Context.
Citation: Islam MN. (2019). A Comparative Study Relating to Community Policing in the Context of Bangladesh, Br. J. Arts Humanit., 1(6), 56-72. https://doi.org/10.34104/bjah.019.56072