Informal sectors play a significant role in the economic growth of Bangladesh. Here women workers are the main impetus factor for economic growth. So, the key objective of our research was to find out the present situation of women laborers in the informal sector and they are facing such problems in their working place. We have selected 60 women from the informal industrial area of Dhaka city. This area of different field and the majority of them were from garments sector, those are 43%. We have collected their demographic and socio-economic information to understand their livelihood process. We found utmost of them are 25-30 years old and 50% of workers are married. 82% of employees live in a nuclear family because most working women earn 6000-7000 taka (which is 22%) which is not sufficient to maintain a joint family. This research also finds that 70% of the workers are migrated from rural to urban areas and they have left their families behind in the villages. There are a lot of causes for them to migrate. This study also finds very important and shocking data that almost every woman (99.33%) is facing several types of problems in their workplaces. Our intention of this research was to trace out the real scenario of the present situation of women workers in the informal sector and we have attempted our best to do. The researcher, to develop the present condition and banishing the obstructions for the women laborer in their working place, this study will be helpful to the policymakers and a proper policy can be introduced by the appropriate authority of Bangladesh for the welfare of women the informal sector workers. That will help the nation to gain more economic growth.
Keywords: Women laborer, Informal sector, Garments, Problems in workplaces, Empowerment, and Dhaka city.
Citation: Sultana MT, Ali MM, Parvin R, and Hasan M. (2021). The present scenario of women laborer in the informal sector: a study on Dhaka city, Asian J. Soc. Sci. Leg. Stud., 3(4), 128-138.