Almighty has designed the family structure of parents and children very uniquely. Both the Children and the Parents are a heavenly gift to one another. A child is very helpless when it sees the light of the world in the first stage. Therefore, parents are entrusted with some indispensable duties so that they can remove the shakiness of a teenager. Unbelievably parents can also make their children deserted by performing certain acts in front of them. It is recognized without any doubt that children suffer terribly when their parents argue. Children go through physical, mental, and social destruction for family problems. Therefore, Parents should develop preventive methods for controlling parental problems so that the children can grow up physically and emotionally in a healthy environment.
Keywords: Family issues, Child’s suffering, Mental destruction, and Alternative approach.
Citation: Islam MJ, Haque MR, Urmi MN, and Hasan MR. (2022). The position of a child under hostile parental relation: a critique, Asian J. Soc. Sci. Leg. Stud., 4(6), 217-222. https://doi.org/10.34104/ajssls.022.02170222