In the Modern era, the concept of intellectual property is a matter of significance, and copyright (CR) is a great part of it. Copyright provides the author and the creator of the original works a negative right on literature, dramatics, musical art, cinematograph, and sound recording. By virtue of modern technology among intellectual property, CR is getting more important. Though there is The Copyright Act, 2000 (CA) in Bangladesh is going to be difficult to protect copyright for some defect in the act and the lack of necessary scheme and mechanisms of the government. It is proper time to protect the authors and the creators of copyright by preventing the infringement of copyright through various measures of the state. To protect copyright state should take steps to implement The Copyright Act, 2000 (CA) and it is needed to make some necessary amendments in the present act. Through this research, the researcher tries to highlight the current copyright status of Bangladesh, an overview of The Copyright Act, 2000 (CA), impediments, and solutions to remove the impediments.
Keywords: Copyright, Intellectual property, Sound recording, Assignment, Infringement, and Remedies.
Citation: Alam S, Al-Amin M, and Mukta SY. (2020). Sketch of the copyright act, 2000 in Bangladesh: enforcement, impediments, and solutions, Asian J. Soc. Sci. Leg. Stud., 2(6), 129-137.