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Original Article | Open Access | | doi: 10.34104/ajssls.023.02530265

Problems of the Public Personnel Administration in Bangladesh: A Qualitative Study

Shajada Ahsan Habib Shefat-E-Rubby   


The basic function of any government is to provide various types of services and facilities to its citizens. The quality of services and facilities greatly depends on how satisfied government employees are, which mainly depends on varies factor i.e., the way they are paid and allocated, how quickly they are promoted, how well they are trained, etc. Well payments and better facilities for the govt. employers inspire them to provide better service delivery for citizens. The findings of this study demonstrate that there are various types of problems and challenges in Bangladesh's public sector personnel administration. The civil service recruitment system is criticized because of its lengthy process, too much politicization in recruitment and police verification, etc. Promotional system is criticized as practice of biasness, partisanship, manipulation in ACR, etc. The training systems of govt. Personnel administration is found dissatisfactory as these training isn’t up to the mark, also   the training content don't appear to bring advancement in the service. Additionally, training programs are don’t meet international standards due to the content and master trainer involvement, also there are lack of facilities to receive international training. Promotion or career advancement in the public sector rests more on seniority and interventions from peers and canvassers than it does on continued skill improvement and qualification attainment. By completing the recruitment process in a timely manner, rationalizing the pay structure, pro-moting on merit, and updating training, we can achieve modern, improved, qualified personnel administration in the public sector in Bangladesh that is capable of providing people with fast, efficient, effective, and better public service delivery. 

Keywords: Problems, Challenges, Promotion, Personnel administration, Public sector, and Bangladesh.

Citation: Habib SA., and Shefat-E-Rubby, (2023). Problems of the public personnel administration in Bangla-desh: a qualitative study, Asian J. Soc. Sci. Leg. Stud., 5(6), 253-265. https://doi.org/10.34104/ajssls.023.02530265


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December 13, 2023

Article DOI: 10.34104/ajssls.023.02530265

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