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Review Article | Open Access | Asian J. Soc. Sci. Leg. Stud., 2021; 3(3), 41-48 | doi: 10.34104/ajssls.021.041048

Political Modernization in the Developing Countries: Challenges and Prospects

Nazmul Hasan* Mail Img Orcid Img


This paper is all about the political modernization of the developing world. The political party, Bureaucrats, Law enforcement forces have been a source of political modernization in the traditional as well as transitional democracies. But the primary duty of the political party serves as the main tool of running the state. Bureaucrats implemented the policy of government and Law enforcement force established the rule of law.  Political parties, Bureaucrats, and Law enforcement forces are closely involved in bringing political modernization. Unfortunately, it is impossible to ensure political modernization without any one agent.  The first part of this article is an attempt to discuss on meaning and conditions of political modernization. The second part of this study explained serious stumbling blocks in the implementation of political modernization in developing countries. The final part of the study highlights the prospects of political modernization based on different agencies like Political parties, Bureaucrats, and Law enforcement forces and makes a concluding remark on the overall concept. 


The concept of political modernization is one of the key notions in the nation-based state approach. Political modernization is timely demand. It is im-possible to keep pace with the modern and modern world through long-standing political culture and customs. Therefore, political leadership, political parties, civil society, and law enforcement forces should be modernized through political system reform. In this way, political modernization has started realizing the need. Going into modernization, it can be said that todays modern society is built in one day. Political modernization refers to structural trans-formation processes within the political domain of society. In that sense, political modernization is an ongoing process of structural conditioning.” It is a synonym for shifts in governance or a shift from the government to governance (Janicki, 1993; Van Kern-bergian and Van Warden, 2001). 

Political modernization is used as an analytical tool to understand the effects of structural processes on day-to-day policy-making by focusing on new relationships between state, civil society, and people (Van Tatenhove, 1999). The third world countries con-sidered changing of social, economic, and political as a part of the process of modernization. But there are many problems in changing or modernizing the social system of these countries. Tradition customs, ideas, values, superstition, etc. are very firmly entrenched in the state, and social systems of developing countries and have a profound effect on human life, which is one of the major obstacles to modernization. Political parties, civil society, and law enforcement forces have realized this need and started the journey of political modernization in developing countries. In a deep sense, it has to say that todays modern society has not been formed in a day. With the evolution of time, many ups and downs have been overcome in this state. After all, it is not possible to run a state without political parties, civil society, and law enforcement forces. Political parties, civil society, and law enforce-ment forces need to focus on modernizing the political system. 


Political Modernization is very interrelated with political development in developing countries. It makes positive changes in the developing countries and a way forward to political developments. The specific objectives of this study are:

a) The concept of political modernization and its conditions in developing countries. 

b) To identify different Challenges of political modernization in developing countries. 

c) Highlighting prospects and way forwards of political modernization in developing countries. 

Literature review

Political modernization may be a comparatively complicated construct. When warfare II, or perhaps since the amount of Enlightenment, several countries around the world have hunted for approaches to succeed in political modernization, and plenty of those movements is seen because of the method of demo-cracy to several degrees. In short, political modern-ization is thought to be the event of politics in several aspects. Meanwhile, some students have noted that political modernization is predicated on democratic establishments (Gould, 1990). As an example, Warren, (1996) explicit that thoughtful democracy may be a great way to handle authority and to form political choices. Eastlund, (2009) command to read that However, political choices area unit created is one in all the key indicators for evaluating the legitimacy of authority, stating: democracy may be a manner of giving each (adult) person an equal likelihood to influence the end result of the political call, despite the fact that democracy has no specific tendency to supply smart choices (Eastlund, 2009).

Kasich and Marek, (2019) analysis highlights the content of Modernization processes within the fash-ionable world: methodology, evolution, tendencies. The article investigates the theoretical, method, and analytical aspects of developing the modernization processes. To conduct a comprehensive analysis of modernization processes, the author pro-poses the analysis methodology that needs the identification of the stages of study, systematization of the present ones and suggests new indicators. Supported the developed methodology, analytical studies of the options of modernization in several countries area units con-ducted within the context of its separate varieties. The complicated analysis leads to the grouping of states by the amount of the activity of modernization processes and therefore, the separation of the fundamental regularities. 

Helio Jaguaribe, a Spanish American author, Political Modernization of assemblage read has tried to develop an intensive theory of political modernization. He enhances political development as political modern-ization and political institutionalization. A scientist from totally different countries has additionally mentioned political modernization in South Asia. As an example, Wilco, in his analysis article on Political Modernization in South Asia mentioned an analysis of the political systems of Bharat and West Pakistan, from British colonial rule to the current. 

Reviewing higher than analysis articles, it seems that whereas theres some analysis work on political modernization in several countries of the globe how-ever its a substantial shortage of analysis on political modernization in developing countries. The content of this text is regarding the issues that are unit behind the political modernization of developing countries, and therefore, the role of political parties, bureaucrats, enforcement force in overcoming those issues. Thus, hopefully this analysis can contribute to filling the gap.


The study is mainly conducted using secondary data. Besides, the sources of data are from different books, journals, and daily newspapers, the reverent document from government and international organizations. Internet websites are used to conduct the study.

What is political modernization?

The political aspects of modernization confer with the ensemble of structural and cultural changes within the political system of modernizing societies. The political system includes all those activities, processes, esta-blishments, and beliefs involved with the creating and execution of authoritative policy, and therefore, the pursuit, and attainment of collective goals.S. P. Huntington: Political modernization involves the nationalization of authority the differentiation of structure, and therefore, the enlargement of political participation. Benjamin Schwartz: Political modern-ization is the systematic, sustained, and purposeful application of human energies to the rational management of mans physical and social setting for numerous human functions. Robert E. Ward: Political modernization is the existence of contemporary society, and its essential for the setting of a contemporary political system. 

S. N. Eizenstat mentioned four options of political modernization. 1). High-level subdivision of the political structure between specific political rules and establishments; 2). Ordered the enlargement of the scope of central legal, body, and political functions; 3). Accumulation of latent political power within the hands of larger sections of society; 4). The standard system of the legitimacy of the elite and rulers area unit weakened and a system is established to carry the upper class ideologically accountable to the indi-viduals. 

Political modernization is the incarnation of contemporary ideas rather than recent and super-annuated politics. Political modernization deals with the kind and structure of the form of government. That is, political modernization may be a method that ensures the correct use of obtainable resources. In short, the enlargement of the globe is termed modernization.

Conditions of political modernization 

Writers like Almond and Eisenstadt has given some plan of a number of the necessities that facilitate within the method. Almonds 5 conditions for political modernization are (1) sequence within the stages of development; (2) handiness of resources; (3) congruent development of the opposite social systems; (4) intrinsic sufficient capability of the political system; and (5) adequate response to challenges by the elite. Almond believes that the varied stages in political modernization ought to succeed each other and not overlap with one another. Its conjointly necessary, in line with Almond that society ought to have adequate resources for development. To him, the social group may be a sub-system of society and believes that one in all the mandatory conditions of prosperous political modernization is the development of the cultural, economic, and participation sub-systems. The social group ought to have sufficient intrinsic ability to satisfy the challenges as they are available up from time to time. Finally, the elite ought to be ready to react absolutely and constructively to the challenges that come back from society. 

Eisenstadt believes that the fulfillment of the essential conditions would contribute to the success of the political elites liable for the event of their several societies. These conditions can be para phased as follows: (1) associate degree adequate restructuring of communications to change the elites to mobilize the plenty for biological process effort; (2) associate degree adequate development of education within the country primary education, to start with, to produce sufficient enlightenment to the plenty- to be followed by the event of intermediate education, to bring the remainder of the society on an honest level of edu-cation; (3) The mobilization of a sufficiently sizable amount of individuals from lower and peripheral sectors and their incorporation into the new biological process activities; (4) continuing practicality of the elites within the sense that theyll offer the acceptable direction to society; and at last; (5) A firmness of style on the part of the elites, which means that they ought to not solely be ready to formulate their plans in clear terms. However, conjointly it is implementing effectively. 

Challenges of political modernization in developing countries

Impact of bureaucrats - One of the obstacles in the way of political modernization of third world countries like Bangladesh is the unjust influence of bureaucrats (Ahamed et al., 2019). As bureaucrats have adminis-trative power, they exercise their power according to their own will. So, they keep a record of their day-to-day activities, which can be seen as a hindrance to development.

Impact of corrupted persons - Corruption is curr-ently hindering development in developing countries in the third world like Bangladesh. It would not be wrong to say that it is mixed with blood. The first requirement for the political modernization of a country is the establishment of political and administrative transp-arency. Therefore, the first requirement for political modernization is to take welfare measures of the government.

Apathetic of modernization - There are differences in the modernization process of developing countries. In some countries, the modernization process is done step by step and in some countries, it is done gradually. Traditional groups show indifference to these methods of modernization.

Lack of political skills - Lack of political skills of political leaders, lack of hypnotic power, and proper lack of political leadership have severely hampered the process of political modernization in developing countries. Here the political parties magnify their interest and internal quarrels. They do not think about the future development of the country and what will happen to the country and future, but they create political instability that makes hinders economic development and harms political modernization.

Lack of well education - One of the preconditions for enriching the political arena of a country is that political leaders and the common people of the country need to be educated about the political system. Then the general public will be able to easily understand the gaps in politics and will be vocal about political modernization. Because it is possible to take the country on the path of prosperity through political modernization. 

Impact of tradition mentality - Traditional thinking is a major problem for the political modernization of developing countries like Bangladesh. The political leaders of these countries are trying to free themselves from conventional control. But their work is not at all simple or concise. Its is very difficult and time-consuming to bring peoples attention back to the well-established social ideological values.

Lack of national obedience - Undoubtedly, the problem of national loyalty is one of the obstacles in the way of political modernization. Because different classes of people live inside a country. Political modernization is not possible if they easily show national loyalty to preserve the countrys sovereignty and the image of a foreign country and show such a mindset of expatriates in their own country.

Lack of communal obedience - One of the obstacles to political modernization in developing countries is the lack of communal allegiance. People of one tribe creates different kinds of commotion by harboring hatred towards other tribes.Political modernization of developing countries is not possible unless this path is freed.

Crises of nationalism - The precondition for political modernization is to end racial segregation. Because people of different religions and cultures can live within a country. However, there should be no ethnic conflict and no one should be humiliated. Everyone should be given the right to practice their religion and culture independently. But in countries that have gained independence from colonial rule, ethnic problems are evident and one of the obstacles for their political modernization. 

Legitimacy crisis - The crisis of legitimacy is responsible for the lack of political modernization. The reason for the lack of political modernization in the politics of developing countries is the crisis of legitimacy created by the militarys illegal occupation of political power.

Prospects ofpolitical modernization in developing countries

Role of political party in political modernization - Political party as an agent of political modernization. Political parties are the directors and the lifeblood of the state. Political parties run the state. Therefore, the political parties have to play a positive role in modern-izing the state in which the national interest is intact. Political parties turn into political modernization through political participation, National Integration Censure, Government Legality Censure, etc.

To make efficient and effective leadership - A political party can change the political system by political analytical power if they can develop the leadership into efficient leadership by training and avoiding the mentality of politicization for political interest. As a result, new modern politics was introduced outside conventional politics. This requires the joint initiative and goodwill of the political parties.

Ensure public participation - Ensuring the direct participation of the people in politics is an important responsibility of political parties. Because a detached political party can never ensure the welfare of the people. They dont get a chance to be aware of peoples problems. Therefore, political parties have to play a leading role in reaching out to the people and making them interested in politics.

Refection of public opinion - Although the entire population is not directly involved in politics, they are indirectly involved. Therefore, in the interest of political modernization, it should be implemented with importance to the various views of the people. Political parties should implement various suggestions of civil society and political fighters inside and outside the country. 

Political institution - The political institution should be built in the field of political modernization. Political modernization and stability are achieved through political institutions. For this, political parties need to emphasize political institutionalization, otherwise, a new full-fledged political modernization will not be possible.

Achieve national integration - People of different ethnic groups, religions, and castes live within a state. Therefore, in the interest of political modernization, the political parties need to pay close attention so that the law-and-order situation does not deteriorate by creating a gap between the majority and the minority by giving priority to the national interest.

Political communication - Political modernization is much easier through political communication. For this, the political parties have to build bridges of com-munication from the Grass root level to the Top-level. As a result, it is easier to communicate with lower-level leaders and activists, and political issues are resolved quickly through conversation.

Achieve political stability - Achieving political sta-bility is essential in the interest of political modern-ization. Political parties are the lifeblood of politics. Therefore, political parties have to maintain a stable situation by avoiding the path of mutual conflict. It improves the quality of political culture and leads to political modernization.

Developed political culture - Advanced political culture is helpful in political modernization. The main responsibility of the political parties is to introduce a more advanced political culture. For example, it is important to avoid the mutual animosity of political parties, the ability to prohibit military incursions into politics, recruit incapable persons with various political considerations.

Control mass media - Political parties run the state successively. Therefore, the countrys media should have the right to harshly criticize the mistakes of political parties. But it is seen that the government controls the media. Although the governments mistake is the subject of public criticism there is no scope for publicity. So, the government must play a positive role in deregulating the media in the interest of political modernization.

Political socialization - Political parties take to create political awareness. Each political party has its own set of norms and values that all its members follow. In this way members of political parties ensure political socialization and political modernization.

Role of bureaucracy in political modernization

If we look at developing countries, we see that the politicians are not so mature. Despite the lack of political experience, many politicians get the opportunity to come to power with the support of the party and money. But they are not able to play any role in the political modernization of the country. In this case, the bureaucracy act as a guide to their path.

Policy-making - The bureaucracy plays an important role in the policy-making of the government of Bangladesh. Because in this country bureaucrats are involved in policy-making of the National Assembly, Cabinet, Planning Commission, Education Com-mission, etc. They provide data to the political leaders to make the decision. Through these data, politicians perform government activities. As a result, the trend of country and political modernization flowed properly.

Adviser of ministers - Bureaucracy plays an impor-tant role in advising the ministers of a developing country. Because in this matter politicians are inexperienced. It is up to the bureaucrats to decide how much money should be spent in any sector of a country or whether the old sector should be scrapped and a new one should be created. So, the ministers follow the advice of the bureaucrats without hesitation. In this way, Bureaucrats play an actor role in political modernization.

Remove political conflict - In developing countries, the bureaucracy helps to resolve existing conflicts between political parties. They resolve the conflicting issue through correspondence. In this way, prevails the political stability in developing countries. The country finds a way to move towards political development and modernization.

Role of judgment - Bureaucrats in the developing countries have not stopped playing their role in law-making and enforcement, they also play an important role in the judiciary. For example, Registry of purchase and sale of land, Trademark, Provide License, etc. resolve various disputes according to the law.

Data collection - Bureaucrats play an important role in collection of information from different sectors of the country. Because the latest information about different sectors of the country is in the hands of bureaucrats. Even then they collect new information and send it to the ministry, which Politician, Parliament Member, Ministers try to present to the public. As a result, it ensures political transparency and accountability. Proper transparency and accountability establish political modernization.

Relationship between government and mass people - Democracy is one of the elements of modern politics. Democracy is via political modernization. In a demo-cratic country, bureaucrats inform the public about the government activities and rights of the citizen. People also inform bureaucrats about their problems and people want the solution to these problems. Thus, bureaucrats play an important role as the agent between government and people. In this way, political modernization was ensured by bureaucrats.

Protection compactness in ruling work - In the modern state, the government is always changing. Today one-party exercise power and later another party come to power. Thus, the ruling party began to change. But in the ups and down bureaucrats continually protect the executive branch and establish political stability.

Role of law enforcement force in political modernization


Law enforcement force contributes to political modernization by discharging its responsibilities. The role of law enforcement force for ensuring political modernization is given below:

Maintaining peace and order - A fair and peaceful environment is a precondition for political moder-nization. The law enforcement force is always active in providing security to the people whenever there is any disturbance in the country. As a result, improved the political environment and ensure political modernization.

Increase public participation - Political modern-ization is not possible without the spontaneous parti-cipation of the people. A Member of the law enforce-ment force is always active in restructuring the poli-tical structure and maintaining peace and order. As a result, peoples participation is increased in politics. Political modernization ensured the participation of people in politics.

Political stability - Political development and political modernization are not possible without political stability. The political situation of developing count-ries is often heated on various issues. As a result, this situation creates the problem of ensuring political development and political modernization. In such a situation, law enforcement forces intact political sta-bility and acts as a faithful watchdog to ensure the security of life and property of the people. Political stability facilitates the path of development and development of accelerates modernity.

Development of political structure - Political moder-nization is difficult without restructuring the political structure. Law enforcement forces take initiatives to eradicate various irregularities, corruption, and nepo-tism in the political structure of developing countries. As a result, the political structure became a modern and up-to-date institution.

Prevention of corruption and nepotism - Corruption and nepotism are the main obstacles to political modernization in developing countries. Law enforce-ment forces play a leading role in curbing corruption, irregularities, and nepotism. As a result, accelerated the pace of political modernization and national development.


The most vital feature of modernization is its advanced reciprocally certificatory character: political modern-ization is not possible while not the event of politics and modernization of politics takes place completely attributable to the modernization of political structure and society because of the whole. Modernization involves not solely dramatic modifications however conjointly tiny transformations as a result of its not possible to keep up an equivalent pace of change throughout a protracted amount. There is little doubt that political parties, bureaucrats, and enforcement forces square measure the most tools of running the state. No state will run democratically and expedi-tiously while not an organization, bureaucrats, and enforcement force. Political modernization in deve-loping countries may be a terribly tough matter. Developing countries face several difficulties in implementing political modernization. These issues cannot be tackled by political parties alone. Therefore, its easier to traumatize the issues through the joint efforts of all. Political modernization is going to be easier for any country if the on top of problems will be resolved. Therefore, the political parties, bureaucrats, and enforcement forces need to play a number one role in implementing political modernization. During this method, political modernization, political development, and political socialization are feasible in developing countries.


I would like to express my special thanks of gratitude to my department of public administration and governance studies as well as my Chairman Aziziur Rahman who inspired me to do this wonderful research on the topic Political modernization in developing countries: challenges and prospects, which also helped me in doing a lot of Research and i came to know about so many.


There is no conflict of interest from the author end.

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Article Info:

Academic Editor

Dr. Antonio Russo, Professor, Dept. of  Moral Philosophy, Faculty of Humanities, University of Trieste, Friuli-Venezia Giulia, Italy.


March 21, 2021


April 29, 2021


May 7, 2021

Article DOI: 10.34104/ajssls.021.041048

Corresponding author

Nazmul Hasan*
Lecturer, Department of Public Administration and Governance Studies, Jatiya Kabi Kazi Nazrul Islam University, Trishal, Mymenshingh.

Cite this article

Hasan N. (2021). Political modernization in the developing countries: challenges and prospects, Asian J. Soc. Sci. Leg. Stud., 3(3), 41-48. https://doi.org/10.34104/ajssls.021.041048 

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