Modern slavery is currently the most talked about topic in the world. One of the most common forms of modern slavery is forced labor, which is very common in underdeveloped countries like the countries in South Asia. Forced labor means any work which is done by the worker without his willingness but the worker is bound to do the work due to the circumstances like poverty, the threat of life or property, etc. Therefore, mostly the countries which are fighting for survival like Bangladesh are mostly affected by this problem. However, in Bangladesh, forced labor is a punishable offense and also prohibited by the Constitution of the Peoples’ Republic of Bangladesh. Accordingly, Bangladesh has enacted an Act to prohibit forced labor. But due to the economic struggle, unstable political situation, and other issues the country is failing to prevent the offense. The only collective attempt may prevent forced labor from the country.
Keywords: Modern slavery, forced labor, compulsory labor, involuntary employment, and commercial gain.
Citation: Tropa IF. (2021). Forced labor and the legal issues: in the context of Bangladesh, Asian J. Soc. Sci. Leg. Stud., 3(3), 85-88. https://doi.org/10.34104/ajssls.021.085088