This research delves into the clandestine realm of flattery, known as Musahibi, penetrating deep into its secretive world to illuminate its extensive impact as a hindrance to institutional good governance through the lens of Islamic education. By deploying a multifaceted analysis, the study aims to dissect decision-making processes, unravel distorted paradigms, and challenge ethical values while fostering cultural enthusiasm within institutions. It meticulously examines the corrosive role of flattery in distorting power dynamics, undermining accountability and transparency, and diminishing the cultural enthusiasm within institutions. By integrating contemporary governance structures with Islamic legal principles, this study aims to untangle the complex internal dynamics of flattery, advocating for a transformative leadership rooted in sincerity, integrity, and moral rectitude. It supports a culture of authentic leadership through introspective research, moral stewardship, and the cultivation of shared responsibilities. Moreover, it accentuates the urgent need for robust leadership within institutional governance by providing effective strategies for ethical stewardship, fostering accountability, and promoting excellence. In conclusion, it issues a resolute call to action, urging Islamic governance structures to confront and transcend the shadows of flattery through unwavering determination and principled intervention.
Keywords: Flattery (Musahibi), Good governance, Behavior, Islam, Islamic perspective, and Institution.
Citation: Sharif MY. (2024). Flattery (Musahibi) is an unwanted behavior and barrier to institutional good governance: an Islamic perspective, Asian J. Soc. Sci. Leg. Stud., 6(3), 58-69. https://doi.org/10.34104/ajssls.024.058069