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Original Article | Open Access | | doi: 10.34104/ajssls.021.01650171

Farm Size, Tenancy and Productivity: An Overview

Lutfunneher Md. Nazrul Islam   


The present study intends to investigate the relationship between farm size and productivity. The objectives of the study are: to investigate the relationship between farm size and productivity, to suggest some policy implications. The study is based on secondary data. Data were collected from different published and unpublished documents. The main findings of the study are: the small farms have the higher productivity of land than the larger ones, there exists the inverse farm size productivity relationship, few studies showed that although there exists an inverse relationship between these two this inverse relationship got weakened or even disappeared in the regions adopting new technology, some cases there also exists the positive relationship between farm size and productivity, the output level of owner cultivator is likely to be higher than the share-cropper. Few researchers pointed out the higher productivity of sharecroppers than the owner cultivators. In view of the above findings, the following policy measures are suggested: emphasis should be given to farm-related research, the assistance of small farmers in order to form associations for enhancing production, absorbing credit, and adopting farm technologies. 

Keywords: Farm size, Tenancy, Overview, Investigate, Relationship, Policy implications, and Productivity.

Citation: Lutfunneher and Islam MN. (2021). Farm size, tenancy, and productivity: an overview, Asian J. Soc. Sci. Leg. Stud., 3(5), 165-171. https://doi.org/10.34104/ajssls.021.01650171


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September 3, 2021

Article DOI: 10.34104/ajssls.021.01650171

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