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Review Article | Open Access | Asian J. Soc. Sci. Leg. Stud., 2023; 5(6), 224-229. | doi: 10.34104/ajssls.023.02240229

Family Violence Negatively Affects All Family Members Involved

Siniša Franjić* Mail Img


Family violence includes violence that occurs between family members- parents, intimate partners, siblings or family members of multiple generations, and grandparents. Witnessing family violence refers to situations in which a child witnesses frequent and prolonged verbal or physical violence between parents or other family members. Family violence is considered to be all threatening, coercive or controlling actions used by one family member towards another. Family violence may occur between two or several family members, but it inevitably affects all members of that family. Although child abuse and domestic violence are separated as forms of violence, it is important to point out that they are usually not mutually exclusive. Therefore, a child should be considered a victim, even if he is not the primary victim, when he hears or witnesses constant arguments or physical violence between parents or other family members. In these situations, it is considered that the child is experiencing mental or emotional abuse, which is why he has an increased risk of becoming violent himself. In addition, both the child and the adult may hold themselves responsible for the violent behavior, especially if the perpetrator of the violent behavior convinces them of this. Given that they are in a situation that requires the help of other people, and because of their own responsibility that they feel even though it does not exist, health and psychological difficulties or an anxiety disorder may appear that greatly disrupt the daily life of people who experience violence and thus prevent them from working what they would like. 


Social sciences points of view see victimization and execution from the focal point of the impacts of the societal structures (Amar et al., 2016). Social learning hypothesis could be a prevalent informative system. The hypothesis sets learning happens in a social setting and through the perception of others. Particularly, people learn information and behavior by observing others inside the setting of social intuitive. People learn violence through both the encounter of and presentation to violence. Violence is learned through the social encounters of the family. Seeing and encountering violence in ones family of the beginning can send the message that violence is an suitable strategy for settling strife which the solid can prey on the weak.

Family violence and sexual irritating are habitually, but not continuously, related (Hamilton et al., 2023). There are one of a kind contrasts as well as key ranges of cover: (i) family violence that does not include sexual offending, (ii) family violence that includes sexual offending, and (iii) sexual insulting that happens exterior of a family setting. Almost 30 - 40% of sexual attacks happen inside the setting of family and domestic violence, in spite of the fact that this rate is likely to be higher in case you incorporate hint accomplice sexual restraint. Victim - survivors of family savagery, as the term shows, are man-handled by the individuals they know - intimate accomplices, quick or expanded family individuals. Victim-survivors of sexual irritating are moreover ordinarily abused by individuals they know. Perpet-rators are regularly insinuate accomplices and family individuals but there are moreover broader connec-tions between the perpetrators and victim-survivors (e.g., companions, associates, colleagues) and in a few cases they may be complete strangers. The last mentioned cases ordinarily get the foremost con-sideration within the public arena.

Family Violence

Family violence is more unmistakable in lower-class homes than within the other social echelons of society (Brown et al., 2010). This does not cruel that such crimes are interesting to the lower classes, but as it were that family violence excessively plagues that social stratum. The stresses of destitution, wel-fare presence, destitute lodging and instruction, restricted openings, and comparative viewpoints of life on the foot rungs of the social stepping stool without a doubt contribute intensely to the family violence. Struggle hypothesis is valuable for trans-lating much family violence. The essential victims of such violence, women and children, as a rule have small control in connection to that of their agg-ressors. Classical hypothesis moreover has been utilized to clarify family violence; the nonattendance of serious dangers of discipline may be a calculate in a few cases. Maybe holding the foremost informative control are social learning hypotheses as proposed by the intergenerational character of much family violence. In whole, a wide assortment of specula-tions appear to hold guarantee for understanding violence coordinated against family individuals. At the same time, it appears essential to distinguish more clearly between the assorted shapes of elderly abuse some time recently looking for hypothetical understanding.

Family savagery is additionally called the domestic violence, and inside the category of the domestic violence analysts allude to child abuse, maltreat-ment, neglect, sibling violence, and elderly abuse, to title but some terms (Bartol et al., 2017). Family violence alludes to any assault, terrorizing, battery, sexual assault, sexual battery, or any criminal offense coming about in individual injury or passing of one family or family part by another who is or was dwel-ling within the same single-dwelling unit. The term “battering” is regularly utilized in a marginally more particular design to portray physical violence in hint or family connections, either amid a dating relation-ship, marriage or organization, or separation and separate or within the care of children. Crimino-logists and treatment suppliers are not concerned as it were with the “violence” viewpoint, however. Many victims encounter mental harm, and in some cases, what happens in this zone isnt fundamentally physical harm - it may be as it were mental. Stalking may be a great outline; it may include no physical hurt, however, a few analysts incorporate it beneath the term “domestic violence”. To qualify as the criminal offense of stalking, most statutes require that the behavior advance fear within the victim. Be that as it may, investigate documents that people who stalk frequently dont expected to panic the victim. Rather, their objective is reunification. Another case of abuse thats not physical is progressing verbal abuse, which is rarely studied. In any case, psycho-logical abuse isnt disregarded in that literature. In this way, a few analysts characterize family violence as “an continuous, weakening encounter of physical, mental, and/or sexual abuse in the home, related with increased separation from the exterior world and constrained individual opportunity and openness to resources”. In any case, in any case it is charac-terized or anything phrasing is used, at the heart of the family violence is more often than not the perpetrators abuse of power, control, and authority.

Sexual Violence

Violence against women could be a unavoidable issue in society and reacting suitably to those who encounter such violence and those who execute it could be a consistent challenge for social work, health and related callings nowadays (Lombard et al., 2013). Mens violence against women takes numerous forms counting, but not confined to, the household abuse, assault and sexual violence, child abuse, sex work/prostitution and trafficking and so called ‘honour crimes. This violence influences adult women, youthful and adolescent women and children & does not segregate by ethnicity, sexuality or course. It is, in any case, the case that specific groups of women have specific needs in connection to the violence they encounter and this volume will depict the issues likely to be relevant to women as a entirety, and the issues that are particular to specific groups of women. Once a victim reports her encoun-ters to the police, it isnt programmed that her encounter will in reality be recorded and taken after up as a crime (Johnson et al., 2008). This prepare is impacted by a number of components other than a victims readiness to arraign. These components incorporate: how violent crime is characterized in enactment, whether person police officers consider the occurrence detailed to them to fit the criminal code definition of a crime, individual predispositions of person police officers and prosecutors as to what constitutes a “legitimate” victim of sexual violence or hint accomplice violence deserving of serious consideration, societal level predispositions against female victims, arrangements of nearby police and prosecutors, and recognitions of the probability of a effective arraignment. In spite of the fact that this prepare appears on the surface to be clear, i.e., either a crime has happened or not which is at that point recorded appropriately, cases including violence against women are not continuously managed with in a direct way.


Family violence contains a significant, long-lasting impact on its victims (Wallace et al., 2019). All victims report a sense of loss of self-esteem. Battered companions, abused children, and abused elders all feel disgrace and weakness as a result of the abuse. Numerous victims of abuse fault themselves, feeling that on the off chance that they had as it were satisfied the abuser, he or she would not have had to resort to violence. Low self-esteem is common for victims of physical and sexual child abuse. These children dont have the capacity to get it the elements of child abuse and so create a negative see of themselves. Numerous victims of sexual abuse not as it were fault themselves but too create a self-hatred that leads to expanded defenselessness and issues in altering as they develop. Victims of intimate partner abuse are commonly debased as unfit and unworthy by the abuser. Consistent feedback and the abused persons failure to break the intergenerational trans-mission of violence lead to a need of certainty in themselves and a feeling of mediocrity. The elderly are as of now distraught since of the aging process, & abuse as it were increments their loss of the selfconfidence.

Victims of family violence have trouble trusting others. Thereis maybe no greater betrayal of believe than that experienced by children who are sexually abused by family individuals. Not as it were did a family member commit sexual acts with the child, but also other family individuals may have known approximately the abuse and failed to secure the child. Survivors of sexual abuse have inconvenience creating near connections as they develop. Victims may accept that by not trusting others, they can avoid being sold out or harmed once more. Numerous women who have endured hint accom-plice abuse during a marriage are actually reluctant to enter into another relationship. Victims of family violence who are also recent victims of sexual assault must be advertised an evidentiary exam-ination and the standard physical prove collection per state convention (Sachs et al., 2005). In ordinary cases of family violence, physical prove, when appropriate, ought to moreover be collected and turned over to police utilizing the format stipulated by sexual attack conventions. Suitable examples incorporate torn or grisly clothing, saliva from bite marks, and bullet, glass, or other weapon fragments. All prove ought to be set in paper (not plastic) packs to avoid bacterial excess and deterioration of the example. As with photos from sexual assaults, exchange of this fabric must be archived through a composed “chain of evidence.” Documentation of family violence within the restorative chart may be the as it were composed prove of abuse, and may play a pivotal part in helping the persistent. Fitting documentation by the doctor can be pivotal in ensuing legitimate procedures against the culprit or in child guardianship cases. Numerous district attorney workplaces record charges against perpetra-tors of family violence based exclusively on care-fully recorded therapeutic, defensive benefit, and police records, and dont require that the casualty press charges or affirm in court against the perpetrator. Clear physician documentation can make or break a case in these circumstances.


Working with parents and children when child abuse affirmations have been made post-separation and separate can be very difficult (Brown et al., 2007). The reasons are not secretive: all family individuals are the captives of the annihilation of parental division and separate, and of the outrage and instability that they create. The affirmations of abuse bring advance trouble and pressures. Numerous of the families have histories of other family violence, residential violence and sibling violence, and many family individuals have been rough to individuals exterior the family. A climate of violence encom-passes numerous of these families. Working with clients who are perpetrators of violence, a few of which is incurred on the experts, is exceptionally difficult - especially since theres small acknow-ledgement of this component within the work. The cloud clouding the violence in these families has crippled improvement of procedures for the working with them. 

In any case, there are techniques to utilize, starting with a acknowledgment of the existence of the violence in these families, amplifying to compre-hensive common avoidance arrangements within the work environment and counting instruction and back of the experts by their utilizing association. Other factors can compound the troubles of these families, counting the wide ethnic and racial differing qualities of parents within the community and the issues of mental incapacity, psychiatric illness and substance abuse.

Criminal Investigation

Victims of violent behavior within the family choose to report as it were in circumstances where their life and body are in coordinate threat, and they already endured violence due to disgrace and fear of the perpetrators revenge (Pavišić et al., 2012). Also, the more prominent portion of the disclosure of this criminal offense comes about from the criminal examination for the another criminal offense, for illustration the criminal offense of kill, genuine substantial damage, the risk or one of the criminal offenses committed against children. After the activities of the primary operation, the police officers collect the information and data fundamental to identify and demonstrate the criminal offense, and for this reason they conduct an meet with the victim and the perpetrator, conceivable witnesses, people who have information of the criminal offense (neighbors, relatives, doctor, social worker, school on the off chance that they are school-age children within the family, etc.), therapeutic documentation is collected, police records are checked in arrange to decide past criminal acts of rough behavior within the family or other criminal acts to the burden of family individuals. On the off chance that the perpetrator legally or the wrongfully possesses a weapon, itll be briefly reallocated, and in the event that it could be a address of lawful ownership of a weapon, the strategy for reallocation of the permit to keep or keep and carry a weapon is started. The culprit of savagery is brought to the police premises for detainment, and depending on the circumstances, after the criminal examination is completed, he is discharged or brought some time recently a judge. In cases where a minor has been harmed by domestic violence or was show at the commission of violence, criminal officers for adolescent misconduct take over the activity due to doubts that it may be a criminal act. After completing the criminal examination, they get ready a notice for social welfare care by which he is educated almost what has been attempted and set up, and for the purpose of conceivable encourage social-intervention methods and the taking of the measures from their competence. During the afore-mentioned procedure, police officers are obliged to advise the casualty around the advance course of the strategy, around his legal rights and forms of help.


Safety arranging could be a prepare thats educated by chance appraisal in which victims make plans to advance their safety which of their children, pets, and others in their care (Donnelly et al., 2021). Effectivesafety arranging ought to incorporate a thought of safety‐promoting procedures that address progressing security dangers in the event that a survivor is choosing to stay with an abusive partner, and particular dangers which will emerge within the setting of relationship end. Investigate has reliably appeared that a survivors chance of extreme and possibly deadly savagery is raised amid the period of relationship end, so basic care must be given to tending to increased hazard which will emerge when a survivor is within the dynamic prepare of clearing out his or her accomplice.

Safety arranging is most compelling when utilized in conjunction with hazard evaluation to tailor security-techniques to the particular risks most important to a survivor in his or her person circumstances. It is critical to keep in mind that survivors may contrast not as it were within the particular dangers postured by their abusers, but moreover within the assets accessible to the survivors to address those dangers. The particular frame a safety arrange takes must also be guided by the special circumstance of the sur-vivor. For example, having a composed safety arrange may be unsafe for a victim who does not have get to to a secure area to store the arrange absent from the abuser. In such a case, security arranging may be most successful by centering on a littler number of spaces in which the survivor sees the most noteworthy hazard and committing those perspectives to memory. Safety plans may take distinctive shapes depending on the one of a kind instructive needs of survivors.

In the event that the survivor does not desire to promptly take off the circumstance, safety planning ought to include a thought of safety within the physical environment (e.g., is there some place within the house that the survivor can go to safely partitioned from the abuser, what is the physical format of the domestic and what are conceivable elude courses in case the survivor has to promptly take off, does the survivor have get to to a car or other transportation, are there neighbors that the survivor trusts sufficient to the enroll in security endeavors). Safety planning may too incorporate an appraisal of the individuals within the survivors support arrange and the supports they are able to supply (e.g., emotional support, monetary support, tangible support such as child care or transportation).


Jurisdiction refers to the authority given by law to a court to undertake cases and run the show on lawful things inside a specific geographic zone and/or over certain sorts of legitimate cases (Ross, 2018). State gracious courts by and large have ward over things inside that state. For case, prevalent courts (more-over called locale or province courts in a few states) for the most part have sole control of claims for bigger entireties of the cash, household relations (divorces), probate of bequests of expired people, guardianships, conservatorships and the trials of felonies. In a few states probate and certain other things are inside the purview of so-called surrogate courts. Metropolitan courts (or other local courts) have purview over cases including lesser sums of cash, misdemeanors (crimes not punishable by state jail), activity things, and preparatory hearings on crime charges to decide on the off chance that theres adequate prove to warrant a trial by the superior court. A few states have police courts to the handle misdemeanors.

Whereas the jurisdiction and structure of each court contrasts, the subject matter that falls beneath family violence and insinuate partner violence regularly overlaps. In other words, theres variety within the way certain states select to handle certain sorts of family violence. For example, family courts listen generally cases including child abuse, neglect, and elder abuse as these drop beneath the broader umbrella of ‘family matters. In a few states, in any case, a suspected case of child abuse seem conceiv-ably end up in the either a criminal court or the adolescent equity framework depending on the charges and quality of the evidence. In an exertion to assist characterize and clarify qualifications among cases including family violence and hint accomplice violence, the numerous purviews have actualized domestic violence courts. 

These changes have enabled the legal framework to basically criminalize particular acts of the family violence instead of concede purview to gracious and family courts where the potential sanctions vary essentially and are treated as civil violations. For purposes of this area, more noteworthy consideration is committed to cases inside residential violence courts (whose roots can be followed to problem-solving courts) where cases are criminally charged.


Family violence negatively affects all the family members involved. Thus, children who witness violence are often victims of violence themselves. Exposure of children to violence in the family often results in learning violent behavior as a way to solve problems, and therefore an increased risk for the developing violent behavior in adulthood. Also, women who witnessed or were victims of the family violence during childhood are at an increased risk of becoming victims of partner violence in adulthood.


The authors would like to extend their heartfelt thanks and gratitude to the editorial team of the Asian Journal of Social Sciences and Legal Studies and anonymous reviewers for cooperating in the publication process of the present paper.


The authors declare no conflicting interest in the paper. 

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Article Info:

Academic Editor

Dr. Sonjoy Bishwas, Executive, Universe Publishing Group (UniversePG), California, USA.


October 9, 2023


November 16, 2023


November 23, 2023

Article DOI: 10.34104/ajssls.023.02240229

Corresponding author

Siniša Franjić*

Independent Researcher, Croatia

Cite this article

Franjić S. (2023). Family violence negatively affects all family members involved, Asian J. Soc. Sci. Leg. Stud., 5(6), 224-229. https://doi.org/10.34104/ajssls.023.02240229 

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