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Original Article | Open Access | Asian J. Soc. Sci. Leg. Stud., 2023; 5(3), 89-98. | doi: 10.34104/ajssls.023.089098

Childrens Daycare Services Facilities for Working Parents in the Job Sector in Bangladesh: An Empirical Study

Sheikh Marufa Nabila Mail Img ,
Seefat E Mannan Mail Img


Creating a supportive and welcoming working environment is crucial for organizations to ensure employee job satisfaction. The main objective of this study is to advocate for the state of daycare services in Bangladesh. In addition to this primary goal, the researcher will investigate factors influencing the daycare industry in Bangladesh and explore how daycare programs benefit working parents. This research adheres to systematic review standards by conducting a comprehensive search for relevant information, analyzing complete articles on knowledge management procedures, and presenting original findings. The researchers extensively examined most of the topics and aimed to identify any gaps in existing research. The study highlights the growing dependence on child care services in Bangladesh, which poses challenges for working parents due to the prevailing family structure. Furthermore, the current child care facilities do not meet parents expectations in terms of provided amenities. The outcomes of this research will provide valuable support to working parents, organizations, and the daycare sector as a whole. 


Organizations must ensure that their employees work in an environment that is supportive and welcoming, as the working environment plays a crucial role in the achieving job satisfaction (Raziq & Maulabakhsh, 2015). The job satisfaction of individuals is signi-ficantly influenced by the working conditions, which are contingent upon the institutional context (Díaz-Carrión et al., 2020). Employed parents may have an impact on their childrens opportunities in life, as they might have less ability to focus on their children com-pared to unemployed parents (Aldrich et al., 1998). Therefore, child care supports working parents by providing care and guidance to their children on the behalf of the guardians, ensuring the childrens safety throughout the entire day (Yamoaha et al., 2023). According to some researchers, there isnt sufficient evidence to conclude that formal early adolescent training of even the highest caliber is typically either the long-term beneficial or dangerous to the kids (Buckingham, 2007). However, after an in-depth study Lai & Gill, (2019) conclude that, child care centers offer potential advantages for both children with and without disabilities, but they can also the present difficulties or obstacles for these children. According to an increasing body of research, child care centers foster the development and long-term well-being of children (Sokal, 2020). There could be multiple argu-ments regarding the quality of child care centers (Pourcq et al., 2019; Li et al., 2023). Though, service quality may vary for different reasons (Dey et al., 2021; Dey et al., 2019). In recent times, daycare has become increasingly regarded as a means to create equal opportunities for children from diverse family backgrounds (Jessen et al., 2020).

In economically developed nations, there has been discussion about individuals facing a "time squeeze" in recent years, where the working hours of many full-time employees have either remained unchanged or risen (Veal, 2020). The unemployment rate in Bang-ladesh is declining due to the beneficial influence of various factors, such as technological advancements, economic changes, and social developments (Salam et al., 2021; Rahman et al., 2021). Consequently, there has been a rise in the number of employed women and parents in comparison to the preceding decade (Suppramaniam et al., 2019; Uddin, 2021). Therefore, there has been a notable growth in the demand for child care centers in Bangladesh over the past few years (Elsey et al., 2020). 

However, a significant amount of study has been done using child care facilities in Bangladesh. Therefore, the primary goal of this study is to defend the state of daycare services in Bangladesh. Along with the primary goal, the researcher will also look for factors influencing the daycare industry in Bangladesh and how daycare programs assist working parents. 

Theoretical Foundation

Daycare centers have become an integral component of the typical childhood environment, where children may encounter elements that could impact their respi-ratory well-being. An essential element of this expo-sure is that it commences at a very young age (Nafstad et al., 1999). A child care center is a place where parents can enroll their children for supervision while they attend work, and these establishments provide care for groups of children who are often grouped together based on their age in appropriate classroom settings (Martucci, 2023; Adama et al., 2022; Cam-bridge dictionary, 2023). Both fathers and mothers experienced disruptions in their employment, but mothers were disproportionately affected (Fuller & Qian, 2021). Child care is of utmost importance and has the potential to the provide advantages to a significantly larger number of working mothers and families (Clarke-Stewart & Allhusen, 2005). Child care holds significant importance for families who are engaged in the workforce (Inwood & Stengel, 2020). Enhancing the capacity to effectively manage both professional and familial responsibilities can contri-bute to nurturing parent-child dynamics within the workplace (Kim, 2020). Working women who are also housewives face considerable obstacles as they navi-gate the balancing act between their professional responsibilities and family life (Ahmad et al., 2011). When selecting childcare options, parents prioritize the educational impact as their foremost consideration (Hossain and Islam, 2022; Lee et al., 2022). 

The COVID-19 pandemic has profoundly complicated various aspects of everyday life across society (Salam et al., 2022) and the work life balance was much harder at that time. Working parents often require daycare services for their children due to their busy schedules. However, it is crucial to address concerns regarding the safety, security, and quality of care provided by the daycare center. This study aims to investigate these aspects from a Bangladesh-specific standpoint by conducting a comprehensive literature review.


Similar to other forms of writing, traditional reviews are susceptible to subjective biases as they rely on the authors intuition and personal experience. 

However, with the advancements in electronic data-bases, Systematic Literature Reviews (SLRs) can now be conducted with increased efficiency and trans-parency compared to previous methods (Kraus et al., 2020). Conducting a critical evaluation of published systematic reviews and meta-analyses can be benefi-cial to assess their strengths, weaknesses, and identify areas that necessitate further improvement (Moraschini et al., 2017). This work adheres to systematic review standards by conducting a comprehensive search for relevant information, analyzing complete articles on knowledge management procedures, and presenting original discoveries. Fig. 2 shows the systematic literature review process which is adopted from previous research (Talib et al., 2022). To demonstrate the search results and ensure the quality of the present literature review, a customized adaptation of the PRISMA flow chart was employed (Wells & Lang, 2016). Fig. 1 shows the PRISMA of the systemic literature, which was developed following the proper research guidelines (Page et al., 2021).

Fig. 1: PRISMA flow chart of the Systematic literature review. 

Fig. 2: Systematic literature review process. 

Search Strategy

Undertaking a comprehensive search for a systematic review entails a substantial endeavor to locate all pertinent evidence, which can be an extensive under-taking (Aromataris & Riitano, 2014). 

The search was conducted in July 2022, and the articles were identified through a literature search of the Web of Science and Scopus databases using the following keywords: childrens daycare, daycare centers, child care services, child care facilities in Bangladesh, child care center in Bangladesh, child care services in Bangladesh. For the proper representation of data, we have searched the Google Scholar database too. It confirms that most of the research has been included. 

Inclusion and Exclusion Criteria

To ascertain the validity, utility, accuracy, and reli-ability of the tools and evaluations mentioned, a meticulous examination of the literature is imperative (Falkmer et al., 2013; Roy et al., 2020). Our research encompassed a wide range of scholarly resources, comprising articles, books, conference papers, and editorials. Specifically, we focused on articles pub-lished in English between 2005 and 2020 that aligned with the relevant research objectives. 

Consequently, research conducted in languages other than English and lacking complete text availability was excluded from the research compilation. Additionally, we utilized Excel formulas to identify and eliminate any duplicated data entries.

Data Extraction and Synthesis

A web data extraction system typically interacts with a web source to establish a connection and retrieve data from it, and the gathered data is subsequently organ-ized in the most advantageous format and stored for future utilization (Ferrara et al., 2014). 

Utilizing synthetic data as an approach to safeguard privacy is effective because it does not contain information directly derived from the original dataset, resulting in a reduced loss of information (Hernandez et al., 2022). The research strategy comprised two phases, and these phases were adopted from the previous study (Attar et al., 2022). Initially, a com-prehensive compilation of literature related to daycare for children, daycare facilities, and child care services was undertaken. To ensure inclusivity across a wide range of academic articles, it was emphasized by (Preston et al., 2022) that multiple sources of scholarly research should be considered. 

In order to ensure a comprehensive review for the Systematic Literature Review (SLRs), multiple data-bases were utilized to verify that the majority of relevant literature had been examined. Furthermore, in order to enhance the comprehensiveness of the syste-matic study, the references of the selected citations were monitored to identify relevant articles. 

Analysis of Relevant Studies

Over the past few years, numerous studies have been conducted in this field, contributing diverse and multi-dimensional insights to the existing body of literature. Consequently, nearly all of the studies were incur-porated into multiple databases. Following a meti-culous screening process, only selected studies were included in the literature review. Table 1 provides a summary of the pertinent studies. The organization and articulation of research studies were determined according to their respective publication years. Nahar, (2011) has determined that the government childcare centers amenities and logistical assistance differ from center to center and Parvin, (2014) said that facilities differ from private to government. Afreen, (2011) discovered a decrease in the availability of various facilities, such as infrastructure, decor, and related amenities, and one of the main issues is finding child care facilities in convenient locations (Islam & Khan, 2015), and in the daycare center at the workplace has less amenities as well (Lenin & Yu, 2016). 

Malaika et al. (2011) denoted that, parents who have older children tend to hold more favorable attitudes towards the daycare center. Furthermore, parents expressed their contentment with the daycare centers programs and services aimed at promoting early childhood development, encompassing areas such as preparedness for school, physical well-being, social interactions, emotional development, & cognitive advancement (Islam et al., 2016).

Table 1: Summary of the pertinent studies.

Fig. 3: Keywords group of the relevant.  

The impact of urban environments on child care includes extended work hours, limited social connec-tions, and apprehensions regarding childrens safety (Elsey et al., 2020). According to the (Ethina, 2020) mothers concurred that childcare facilities are advan-tageous for childrens growth and education. Similarly, the survey revealed that nearly all respondents exp-ressed satisfaction with the services provided by privately-run childcare establishments. As a result, working parents who utilize these facilities can carry on with their work and employment without concerns or anxieties (Tonmoy & Islam, 2021). Also, the crea-tion of the Daycare Act is vital (Afzal, 2021). Rural families expressed their support for the daycare center and stated that it provided a safe environment that protected children from accidents such as drowning and other injuries (Ashraf et al., 2022). Extensive research has been conducted by the researchers, encompassing a diverse range of topics. The resear-chers thoroughly examined most of these subjects and also aimed to identify any existing research gaps. As a result, the relevant studies have been collected for further analysis. The gathered results are being thoroughly examined to draw valuable conclusions.

Fig. 4: Keywords networks base on previous literature. 


Daycare facilities provide significant advantages for parents who work. The concept and scope of daycare centers have undergone revisions, underscoring the importance of regular updates to child care services. Esteemed scholars from different countries have conducted extensive research on various factors and aspects influencing childcare. This study aims to comprehensively analyze previous research on child care related issues. To gain insights into the present condition of child care centers in Bangladesh, parti-cularly for working parents, a systematic literature review approach was employed. The findings of previous studies were sequentially incorporated, utilizing assessment methods derived from scientific-cally scrutinized research. Based on the research findings, it is evident that there is an increasing reliance on child care services in Bangladesh. Due to the prevailing family structure, a significant number of working parents encounter difficulties in adapting to these services for their children. Furthermore, the existing childcare facilities do not meet parents expectations in terms of amenities provided. Concerns are also raised regarding childrens development, encompassing aspects of trust, safety, and overall mental and physical well-being. Certain sources aim to capture the contextual factors of this area. Fig. 3 illustrates the keywords extracted from previous liter-ature and the corresponding keyword networks, pro-viding valuable insights into the latest research on the subject.


In this article, we present a thorough assessment of the literature by incorporating the data synthesis findings from fifteen research studies conducted on indexed entities spanning the period from 2005 to 2022. In greater detail, the studies were categorized according to the research focus employed by the authors. Additionally, they were classified based on their source and publication time frame. Enhancing pro-ductivity within this emerging sector is increasingly vital. In Bangladesh, the accessibility of child care support remains a significant challenge for women in the workforce. The findings of this research will provide valuable assistance to working parents, various organizations, and the daycare sector as a whole. It is important to acknowledge the limitations of this study. Conducting a meta-analysis requires a substantial number of publications. Furthermore, conducting quantitative research is feasible only when all relevant aspects are thoroughly considered.


We would like to express our heartfelt appreciation to the Almighty Allah for granting us the opportunity to conduct this research. Furthermore, we extend our gratitude to all those involved in this particular aspect of the research study, whose contributions were the instrumental in its successful completion. 


All authors of this research declare no conflicts of interest.

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Article Info:

Academic Editor

Dr. Antonio Russo, Professor, Dept. of  Moral Philosophy, Faculty of Humanities, University of Trieste, Friuli-Venezia Giulia, Italy.


April 27, 2023


June 2, 2023


June 9, 2023

Article DOI: 10.34104/ajssls.023.089098

Corresponding author

Sheikh Marufa Nabila

Department of Social Work, Noakhali Science and Technology University (NSTU), Noakhali-3814, Bangladesh.

Cite this article

Nabila SM., and Mannan SE. (2023). Childrens daycare services facilities for working parents in the job sector in Bangladesh: an empirical study, Asian J. Soc. Sci. Leg. Stud., 5(3), 89-98. https://doi.org/10.34104/ajssls.023.089098 

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