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Original Article | Open Access | | doi: 10.34104/ajssls.020.041046

Bhagabania, Nigamananda and Baha’i of Jashore in Bangladesh: A Study of Women

Md. Kohinoor Hossain   


Jashore, a renowned district of Bangladesh whose has own ancient tradition and heritage which is surrounded by the various rivers, forests and various folk religious communities who lead their life like the heart of rivers. The Bhairav, the Chitra, the Begobati, the Kaputakhya, the Icchamati, the Mukteswaree, the Nabagonga, the Kumar, the Harihar, the Kobadak, the Mathabhanga, the Afra Khal, the Khatki, the Fatki, and the Bhadra are the ancient rivers of Jashore. The rivers have changed their own speed and path by the rules of eternal geonatural world and in these ways, watery, salty and sweet areas people follow the extraordinary style of religious beliefs which focus on the rivers and religious beliefs which focus on the rivers and religious paramount where the deities and entities of the people make up a resourceful religious culture. Like rivers and religions have changed their own facets and beliefs. The World religions are divided into two divisions. They are: (a) State recognized religions and (b) Folk religions. There is a good number of discrimination between state-recognized religions and Folk religions. The state-recognized religions are in two sections. They are: (a) Abrahamic religions and (b) Indian religions. Folk religions are community-based religions that may be national and international. Here will be shown about state-recognized were their women in what is how. The reviewer attempts to examine between state-recognized religions and folk religions where both of two, how to treat the women. 

Keywords: Comparative study, Bhagabania, Nigamananda Baha’i, Study of women, and Folk religions.

Citation: Hossain MK. (2020). Bhagabania, Nigamananda and Baha’i of Jashore in Bangladesh: A Study of Women, Asian J. Soc. Sci. Leg. Stud., 2(2), 41-46. https://doi.org/10.34104/ajssls.020.041046


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April 30, 2020

Article DOI: 10.34104/ajssls.020.041046

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