Jashore, a renowned district of Bangladesh whose has own ancient tradition and heritage which is surrounded by the various rivers, forests and various folk religious communities who lead their life like the heart of rivers. The Bhairav, the Chitra, the Begobati, the Kaputakhya, the Icchamati, the Mukteswaree, the Nabagonga, the Kumar, the Harihar, the Kobadak, the Mathabhanga, the Afra Khal, the Khatki, the Fatki, and the Bhadra are the ancient rivers of Jashore. The rivers have changed their own speed and path by the rules of eternal geonatural world and in these ways, watery, salty and sweet areas people follow the extraordinary style of religious beliefs which focus on the rivers and religious beliefs which focus on the rivers and religious paramount where the deities and entities of the people make up a resourceful religious culture. Like rivers and religions have changed their own facets and beliefs. The World religions are divided into two divisions. They are: (a) State recognized religions and (b) Folk religions. There is a good number of discrimination between state-recognized religions and Folk religions. The state-recognized religions are in two sections. They are: (a) Abrahamic religions and (b) Indian religions. Folk religions are community-based religions that may be national and international. Here will be shown about state-recognized were their women in what is how. The reviewer attempts to examine between state-recognized religions and folk religions where both of two, how to treat the women.
Jashore has many official and nonofficial religions. These are in two types. They are state recognized religions and state unrecognized folk religions. The state recognized religions are in two types. (a) One is Abrahamic religions. The Abrahamic religions are Jew, Christian, Hanif and Islam. (b) The Indian religions are Vedanto, Hindu, Ajibik, Buddhist, Shaivo, Shikh and Jain. Most of the official religions of Jashore are Hindu, Buddhist, Christian and Muslim. They dont practice and acknowledge the rights of the women. They think that women are mainly escorted and dominated by the male and the patriarchic domination. Besides they think that women cant bring any religion for the development for the world people. So, they believe that societys all parts are dominated by the patriarchy. The nonofficial religions mean folk religions. They are divided into three sections. They are: (a) Hindu based, (b) Christian based, (c) Muslim based, and (d) Interreligious mixed based. The Hindu based folk religions are Baishnava, Bhagabania, Kartabhaja, Nigamananda, Istopransatsanga and Matua.
The Muslim based folk religions are Bahai, Baaul and Various Pir based groups. They believe that all are in equal. Male what has been done and female what has been done like male. There are no differences between male and female. In this regard, the researcher tries to find out three folk religions where female get the same rights like male. They are Bhabania, Nigamanda and Bahai. On the three folk religions are to be defined and confined in bellow.
Aim and objectives of the Study
To identify the features of official religions and to explain about the folk religions which they lead their life style and to put up the women studies how far the female get their rights, prestige, dignity and honor. To introduce about the comparative women studies where they work from birth to death then male and their suffrage will study the world people.
Research problem
How do the women lead their life in official religions and folk religions? There are two types of religion. They are: (a) World religion and (b) Folk religion. The world religion has created or preached by the male but not the female. The male has composed their rules and regulations for their own benefits. All explainers of the world religions in the earth are male and they have made patriarchic rules. In this case, the female is deprived of their all kinds of rights and prestige. Folk religion tries to provide all kinds of rights, honors, positions, prestige and dignities for the female.
This is why folk religious thinkers think that all are equal. This paper examines how male and female according to the religion are activating away. This paper always tries to cover the rights of women of the world.
Review of Related Literature
The researcher tries how to lead the folk religious women and official religious women. In this case, he studies that the holy Quran, the holy Veda, the holy Bible and the holy Sreemad Bhagabad Gita how they treat to women. The author tries to discover the comparative study for the women. Here has been seen and introduced that this world is only for the male and the female who are mainly for their slavery article. The male has invented religion but the female cant discover religion like them and all preachers and preceptors of the official religions are men. So, he tries to refuse their demand and patriarchy. He thinks that there are female prophets in this world like male. He mentions the female prophets.
In this paper primary sources are used. These are various theological books, research articles and general books which are from Bengali and some books are from English. The secondary sources are used in this paper. Most of them are Google scholar, Internet Browsing and interviewing based items. In this papers all sources which are used here that are researchers own private library and all collected sources from outline based article and book. It varies to international research rules and regulations which may cover this hypothesis paper. Here tries to give up plagiarism. The researcher thinks that this process leads into a qualitative manner and etiquette.
Religious Comparative Study
In the state recognized religious women always have to satisfy to their males or men or Husbands but men dont have satisfied to their females or women or wives. Being willed against, women have to perform for the demand of husbands sexual point of views.
Without the permission of husband, women can never go out a-lonely. They never go to the worship house when the reproduce the period of menstrual discharge. They can never marry off their choices. They have no guardians. They can never marry to other and other religious male. The male must beat the female but the female must never beat the male. In haven, the male can get married a huge number of virgins but the female can never get married off royal princess. The males can commit polygamy in the world and after world life but the females commit one male in the world life and the after world life.
The females who are escaping, they are used as sexual intercourse but the males who are in escaping, they arent used as sexual intercourse by the females. The males can perform as sexual intercourse to the maid-servants but the female can never perform as sexual intercourse to the male servants.
The females always have to do sexual will. The male is only the ruler and God of the female. The female is the land of cultivating for the male as he reminds happy, he cultivates the land more. The females can never be benefited to lead the state power. The value of the female is the half of the male.
The official religions deny it. The female is worse than the male. The female is always under in the male. Growing to the period of menstrual discharge, the female is dishonest, contagious, and mendacious and sinners like the beast such as dog and ass. Most of the females are to be in the hell. The females and the Satan are in the same. The female means ungrateful, evil, weak, mendacious, un-pious and notorious sinner. The males make the idolaters of the women; they mind the females who are worse than the beasts. In this regard, folk religious sectors or community based religious sectors think women and men are in the equal for all the fields of the world life and the after world life. So, the south and south east region on the bank of the river side is full to brim of the folk religions and looks like a milestone where many religions and rivers have been died and changed their ways. Again, many rivers and religions have flourished away to teach humanity. In observing, the researcher reviews the intercultural studies or interculturology. This is a reason that religions make up of with fear, greedy, demanding rights, actions, faith, believing, behaving, miracle, magic, mantra, tantric views and revenges. From these types of religions, who are the marginal people that follow the inter-folk-cultures under the official religions which are the sparkling elements of the world called as folk religions and the interculturology? This is why as the marginal people do well, they cant get praised, they do badly, they demand their rights, they get disrespected, and they move revenge, they get disheartened; they get paid which is folk religion. They contribute in the socioeconomic religious beliefs. Here examines Bhagabania [1], Nigamanda [2], Bahai [3] and various Muslim sects.
They come from Hindu, Zoroaster, Jew, Christian and Islam. This comparative study can assure that folk religion is more humanism then world religions. The folk religions acknowledge the all rights of the female. They can perform all like the male. They can lead a nation and world. In the contrast of view, all religions in the earth, they accept the polygamy for the male but not for the female. The reviewer examines that he has found out a latest theory. , Jennifer Anne Cox says: “The women are able to exercise the gift of prophecy and able to be called prophets……. Some of these prophets are women.” They are Deborah, Hannah, Asaph, Judith, Elezabeth, Eukhabez, Hazera, Huldah, Noadiah, Sarah, Abigail, Esther, Anna, Priscilla, Jounian, Andronicus and Mariam. The author points out that the world religions show how for the female. In Hindu: “As even women has not been independent. Woman is the rectum in all parts of her body, she knows only sex but none takes anything.” The number of wife of the king Dashrath is 350, Sarojit is 4,000 and God Krishnan is 16,000. In Jews: “They worship to God in the morning- Thanks God; he does not create them as woman.”
The number of wife of David is 4,500. In Christian: “They think that every female is like Eve….. The female is the front get of Satan.” So, Augustine says in the sorrow- we have born from the dust or moles or discharge of human. In Zoroaster: “Childless female cannot enter in to the heaven.” They think that they can practice polygamy and polygyny. The number of wife of king Parvaj is 12,500. In Islam: Here has been practiced polygamy and polygyny. The number of wife of Mohammad (PUBH) is 15-27. The number of wife of Hazrat Abu Bakar is 4. The number of wife of Hazrat Umor is 9. The number of wife of Hazrat Usman is 9. The number of wife of Hazrat Ali is 10. In this way the world religions have fabricated against the female but folk religions have placed the female rights. In the hagiography has been examined that the rights of the female have been denied by the domination of the male. They never expect that the female would be prophet to lead, to teach and to prophecies for the development of the world.
Bhagabania - Fakir Thakur Aaul Chand establishes Bhagabania sect who believes that every male is Krishnan [4] and the every female is Radhian [5]. They worship living male and female who has descended into Guru [6] or Guruma [7]. The male who has gained females Vag [8] or vaginal parts or biogenetic parts only but he or she is the supreme Guru or Guruma or god or Goddess. They spell of Aaul Chand: “Guru or Guruma survives for your peace. Guru or Guruma tells what you make his or her tell. Guru or Guruma eats what you make his or her eat. Guru or Guruma has no small fractions of anything exception, preceptor is true; danger is false; swearing great God Aaul. They have to maintain true speech, true law and true religion.”
Nigamananda - Nigamananda is founded by Sree Thakur Nigamananda which is a Hindu folk religious cult who leads monk and nun life. They think that life is divided into three sections. They are: a. One is 25 years body making, b. 25 to 50 years marriage life, and c. Other 50 to 75 years ecstasy life. They believe Guru or Guruma is the omnipresent God or Goddess. There is no God or Goddess without Guru or Guruma. Its mission is to propagate Sanatana Dharma, the spiritual foundation to spend the right kind of education among people, to publish spiritual literature with emphasis on character building and to provide service to all created beings with the attitude of serving in dwelling God or Goddess.
In order to realize, these objectives, he or she enjoys his or her devotees to lead an ideal family life, to combine the power of spiritual associations and to share or exchange spiritual feelings among the disciples. They believe spiritual chant: “Joy Guru or Joy Guruma.” Their Guru or Guruma is the highest. “Dream becomes reality.
Temptation- power almost succeeds. Not the outer form, but the inner essence. Bodys beauty fails; souls beauty sails. Divine love consoles human loss. Attachment-cry verses oneness sky.” They have no divisions among women and men. They think and lead that male and female are all in equal. All are the main God Guru- Guruma or Satima.
Bahai - Bahai is a very interesting phenomenon which comes from “Baha-Ullah” [9] that means glory of God or Goddess. They think global society is bound to flourish through universal education, elimination of all forms of prejudice, world peace, equality of men and women, harmony of science and religion, and think praying daily. They keep fasting nineteen days in a year wherever every 1000 years, one male prophet or one female prophet comes to the earth who tries to enlighten the path for the people. Their religious philosophy is made up with Zoroaster, Jew, Christian, Khoda-puja, Hindu and Islam. They think that the male and the female are in the same condition but both of them lead the nation and the world nations. Here is no different between male and female. They think more that all sex, race, color, tribe, clan, clay, taboo, group, religions and all are in equal in empowering. The male who has done but the female has done in the same.
In this paper has been drawn a comparative study about the condition of the official religious women and nonofficial religious women. In this bellowing chapter has been showed a great misery scenario which is the Islamist slavery where female is used for the festival products. As the male needs, he wants to eat and drink. All these happen for various types of religions in the world. They are six thousands kinds of religions in this world. These are in two kinds. They are: (a) State recognized religions and (b) Folk religions. The folk religions are in many and undetermined number in this world. These folk religions are made up with the official religions and national beliefs. The state recognized religions are mixed with national beliefs. There create a new concept which is called folk religion. In that most cases, the reviewer finds out a thousand numbers of folk religions. Every nation has many folk religions and it is made by marginal people and official religion and its own language accent.
In particular, the researcher thinks that the marginal people, literature, language, beliefs, action, world religious orthodox actions, revenge, movement, rebirth, fear, magic, cruel and rebel for the rights have made folk religions. All can remember the world folk religions. They are: Hoodoo, Voodoo, Chinese folk religions, Greek folk religions, and Arab folk religions, Egyptian folk religions, Roman Mythology, Indian Mythology, Pagan Mythology and Bangladeshi folk religions. Bangladesh has many folk religions. They are divided into five cults. They are: (a) Buddhist folk religions, (b) Hindu folk religions, (c) Christian folk religions, (d) Muslim folk religions and (e) World nationalized mixed folk religions. This paper explores the various folk religious communities of Jashore in Bangladesh. The state recognized religions dont acknowledge the all kinds of rights of the female but in this case folk religious communities confess, profess and acknowledge all rights of the female. This paper tries about the male domination where the male thinks that there are no rights for the female domination.
In fine, there is no Thana or Upazila in Jashore and even as all Bangladesh where there is not Muslim Pir[10] or Guru or Guruma or Saii[11] or Shadhak[12] or Shadhika[13] or Satima or Sad-Guru[14] or Sad-Guruma[15] or Thakur[16] or Thakurma[17] or Premik-Guru[18] or Premika-Guruma[19] or Tantric-Guru[20] or Tantric-Guruma[21] or Mantra-Guru[22] or Mantra-Guruma[23]. Here has been depicted the contradictory version which all have to justify in the way of rationale. These folk religions lead a peaceful life. Here has not inhumanity but all worship to the living male and female. Female and male are the main Guru or Guruma. This paper helps to study for the advanced researchers about the world folk religions, national folk religions, continental folk religions and regional folk religions where they find out a latest finding which may help to remake a new policy for the peaceful development. In folk religions, female is a divine leader and an image of God or Guruma where they get a mystic ecstasy. In future, there will make up a peaceful loving bondage bridge. The researcher seeks out a great socioeconomic and inters religio-cultural outstanding achievement that will lead a peaceful loving nation for the eternal way. These beliefs of the people make up a great philosophical mystical and sociocultural development for the people of the greater district Jashore where it is refigured into a critical approach, where there has created an intercultural studies that claims to research for making as a new socioeconomic value for Bangladesh.
All praise to the Supreme Creator, Allah who has created me as a male. I try to invent the novel path for the field of research museum. I am indebted to my pious mother Mouree Begum and late Md. Noab Ali who had also fostered and educated me. All are to be stored if I dont acknowledge my sweet wife has to tolerate my gap and my best life focused partner Shapla Khatun who always helps to hit upon a new plan for discovering and in particular, has inspired to attend to the academic research studies and at last, I cant deny her vigorous inspiration that is my life partner Shapla and precedes my paper to open a new life to lead a scholarly life.
The author declared no prospective conflicts of the interest with respect to the research work.
1) Tantric-Guru who knows spell bound and it is a Bengali word and in male.
2) Tantric-Guruma who knows spell bound and it is a Bengali word and in female.
3) Mantra-Guru is a Bengali word that means speller male.
4) Mantra-Guru is a Bengali word that means speller female.
5) Bhagabania is a kind of religious community that is called as folk religion.
6) Nigamananda is a kind of religious community which is called as folk religion that comes from Hindu caste.
7) Bahai is a kind of religious community which is called as folk religion.
8) Krishnan is a name of God in the term of Hindu. All made are Krishnan.
9) Radhian is a name of Goddess in term of Hindu. All female are Radhian.
10) Guruma is a female saint in term of folk religion.
11) Satima means Honest Mother.
12) Vag means the biogenetic parts of the female.
13) Baha-Ullah is mixed with Arabic and Persian world that means glory of God or Goddess.
14) Pir means the seller of cannabis but it use in Bangladesh and sub-continent of India as a Muslim saint.
15) Saii means who shows the truth path and truth path is of supreme creator.
16) Shadhak is a Bengali word that means male saint.
17) Shadhika is a Bengali word that means female saint.
18) Sad-Guru is a Bengali word that means honest male teacher.
19) Sad-Guruma is a Bengali word that means honest female teacher.
20) Thakur is a Bengali word that is to be Tagore who is a high caste Hindu and a religious male teacher. Thakurma is a Bengali word that is a high caste and a religious female teacher.
21) Premik-Guru is a Bengali word that means love teacher who has no selfness and in male.
22) Premika-Guru is a Bengali word that means love teacher who has no selfness and in female
Academic Editor
Dr. Antonio Russo, Professor, Dept. of Moral Philosophy, Faculty of Humanities, University of Trieste, Friuli-Venezia Giulia, Italy.
Department of Islamic History & Culture, Dargahpur Fazil Degree Madrasha, Bagherpara, Jashore, Bangladesh
Hossain MK. (2020). Bhagabania, Nigamananda and Bahai of Jashore in Bangladesh: A Study of Women, Asian J. Soc. Sci. Leg. Stud., 2(2), 41-46. https://doi.org/10.34104/ajssls.020.041046